The Manage Collections option in the menu of the app lets you create multiple sub-sections in your database, called “collections”.

Why create multiple collections:

Many users use this feature, for all kinds of purposes:

  • to keep separate collections for different people, e.g. your own and your wife’s / husband’s collection.
  • to separate their physical CDs and vinyl from their digital music
  • to keep track of CDs and vinyl records they have for sale or have already sold
  • etc.. etc.. the possibilities are endless

You are free to use collections for any sub-sets of your database, but keep in mind: collections are completely separate parts of your database! This means:

  • Totals and Statistics are per collection. There are no “overall” stats.
  • Searches are “within” the collection you are in. There is no “overall” search.
  • The same holds for folders and sorting, all happens “within” the current collection.

As soon as you feel the need for totals or searches across all collections, that is a good sign you would be better off using ONE collection, then maybe use Tags to separate the sub-sections (see grouping into folders).

Create and manage collections

Open the menu top left and tap “Manage Collections” to create a new collection, rename existing collections, remove/merge a collection or change their order (Tap, hold and drag).

Moving album(s) to another collection

You can freely move one or multiple albums between collections in your database.

  1. Tap and hold on an album entry (or tap multiple to select multiple albums)
  2. Click on the “Action” button
  3. Tap Move to other collection
  4. Select the collection you wish to move to

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Don’t hesitate to contact us here.

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