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Related topics are listed below.

CovrPrice Values

CovrPrice Values

CLZ / COVRPRICE – WHAT’S IT ALL ABOUT? CLZ and CovrPrice are working together, which will give you comic values from CovrPrice (for both raw and graded comics), right there in your favorite CLZ comic cataloging tool (CLZ Comics, Comic Connect, or Comic…

Update CovrPrice values

CovrPrice Values » Update CovrPrice values

After you linked your CovrPrice to your CLZ account. You have to update your comics to get a current value. The Update from CovrPrice feature lets you update the comics values in your local database with the new values from CovrPrice. How to update your CovrPrice…

Re-assign index values

Managing Your Database » Maintenance » Re-assign index values

How Index numbers work Comic Connect automatically assigns and increments index numbers. The Index value is assigned when you add an comic to the database. The next comic you add to your collection will have an index number that is incremented by 1. Each Index number…

Re-link Core variant

The Core » Re-link Core variant

It could be that the specific variant you own was NOT in Core yet when added to your database, but is listed NOW. In that case, you of course want to change your Core link to the correct variant, so that: When you use Update from Core, you will get the data for the…

View modes

Getting Started » View modes

CLZ Connect has a couple of view modes for your comics. For different purposes, you might want to use different view modes. This will get you faster and easier to your goal. Example: If you’re looking for one particular cover you might only want to view the…

View modes

Browsing / customising » View modes

CLZ Comics has a couple of view modes for your comics. For different purposes, you might want to use different view modes. This will get you faster and easier to your goal. Example: If you’re looking for one particular cover you might only want to view the cover…

Link to your CovrPrice account

CovrPrice Values » Link to your CovrPrice account

As a COVRPRICE Unlimited member you have the ability to view CovrPrice sales values for your comics in the CLZ Comic app. How to link your account: Step 1: Sign up for an Unlimited Membership at CovrPrice or login to your CovrPrice and use your current…

CovrPrice questions

FAQ » CovrPrice questions

Now that we’re live with the CLZ / CovrPrice integration, here’s an updated version of the FAQ, with the most common post-launch questions: Q: I am not getting values for some of my comics, why? A: To get value for a comic, this is what needs to…

Comic Connect

Comic Connect

Welcome to Comic Connect! Thanks for using our comic connect web app! We hope you’ll enjoy using this app to catalog and manage your comic book collection. What is Comic Connect? Comic Connect is a great tool to help you keep track of your collection. Want to…


Browsing / customising » Tools » Statistics

The statistics page is great if you want to view information about your entire collection. This page gathers all the information you have in a collection. Example: you want to see which of the comics of your comics is worth the most, or want to see the numbers of…

My series

Adding Comics » Adding by pull list » My series

“My series” tab: view releases for your existing series The “My Series” tab is a way to browse releases for your favorite series without adding them to your Pull List first. This tab automatically shows releases for the series that are already in your…

Getting Started

Getting Started

Comic Connect is a great tool to help you keep track of your collection. Want to check if you already have a comic book in your collection? or just want to view your collection in different folders en display modes? We’ve got you covered! Example: You are buying…

Plot and links tab

Managing Your Database » Editing comics » Plot and links tab

Plot tab Almost all comics in the database have the plot text included, but Comic Connect also gives you the ability to add your plot. Link tab It is also possible to fill in different links that you associate with the comic. Just click “New link” to…

Editing comics

Managing Your Database » Editing comics

After adding some comics to your database, it’s time to start editing your entries to add personal information (like purchase details, your ratings, notes, etc…) or to edit the automatically downloaded data to your preferences. This is done in the app’s Edit…


Managing Your Database » Maintenance

In the maintenance tab, you can organise your database even more. Connect offers a few options to do this. Re-assign index values Backup / restore

The Core

The Core

Core is our central online comic database, the database that is searched when you add comics by Series, by Issue, or by Barcode in the Add Comics screen. In general, the quality of our Core database is quite high, with 2 content managers moderating the data and all…

Editing multiple comics

Managing Your Database » Editing multiple comics

You can edit multiple comics in one go by using the Edit Multiple screen. This way you don’t have to edit every single comic with the same goal. Example: you might want to edit multiple comics to the same owner or storage box. !Edit Multiple is the only feature…

Export to XML and CovrPrice

Import / Export » Export to XML and CovrPrice

On Comic Connect you can easily export your database to an XML file. Click the menu icon in the top left . Then click on “Export to XML”. Click on Export. Now you can download the file from Comic Connect. It is also possible to export your data to…

My pull list

Adding Comics » Adding by pull list » My pull list

View releases per week Easily find out which comics and variants will be released in a specific week. E.g. for Last Week, This Week, or Next Week. Example: You want to view the issues you selected that are released in the upcoming weeks. How to view your pull…

Sorting your comics

Browsing / customising » Sorting your comics

With your comics stored digitally on your mobile device, you can sort your comics in a few different ways. With the sort order list, you can view by name, date, value, and much more! This feature is perfect if you want information over an entire series. Example: If…

Sharing Online

Import / Export » Sharing Online

Privacy You can change your CLZ Cloud data visibility in the settings screen there to hide your collection partially or completely from the outside world if you want. To do this, click the menu icon top left and select “CLZ Cloud Sharing” (Located under…

Grouping into folder

Browsing / customising » Grouping into folder

When you have a lot of comics in your collection, it can be useful to group them. You group them by Key comics, Storage box, grade, creators, artists, slabbed vs raw, and much more! For example, you may want to group your collection on Publishers so you can view all…

Choosing columns

Browsing / customising » View modes » Choosing columns

While in list view (with rows of comics), you also see columns. You can choose which columns you wish to see, based on which information you find most important per comic. Example: Maybe you want to make sure you always have your Location column in view: in that case,…

Value tab

Managing Your Database » Editing comics » Value tab

On the value page, you can edit values and everything impacting the value. This is the screen where you can enter the grade, key information, slab information, and much more! This screen includes: Grade Value key comic, key reason, and key category Grading…

Multiple collections

Managing Your Database » Multiple collections

Comic Connect allows multiple sub-collections within your database. The collections will appear at the bottom of the screen, so you can easily switch between collections. Why create multiple collections: Normally you would have one collection where you keep track of…

pre-fill settings

Adding Comics » pre-fill settings

Pre-fill add popup screen A pre-fill screen will be shown when adding a comic. Here you can already set some information you wish to fill out before entering the comic into your database. Example: You want to fill out the storage box number before entering the comic…

Adding by pull list

Adding Comics » Adding by pull list

What is a pull list? Most comic collectors have a pull list. This is the list of comics they know they’ll buy every month. Some stores offer pull list programs where they’ll set aside the comics for you each month to ensure you never miss any issues. The pull…

Browsing / customising

Browsing / customising

After you filled in your first few comics, you can start browsing your database. Connect offers a few ways to browse your database. This can be a great feature if you’re looking for issues or information within a series. Example: If you’re looking for the most…

Loan manager

Browsing / customising » Tools » Loan manager

Do you loan out comics to friends and family? If so, you can use Comic Connect to keep track of those loans! Loaning a comic To loan a comic, find and click it in your list, then click the “dots” button at the top of the page. Now you can click on loan and you…


Browsing / customising » Tools

If you want to browse your database with a more specific goal. Then you can use one of the other tools that CLZ Comics offers. These tools include: Missing comics (Search for missing comics in your series) Find duplicates (Find comics that are duplicates in your…

Discover new comics

Adding Comics » Adding by pull list » Discover new comics

“Discover” tab: browse all recent and upcoming releases Wanna find out about new series or comics, that were not even on your radar yet? That’s what the new “Discover” tab is for. It shows ALL releases that our Core knows about! This way you can see all the…

Subscribing to Comic Connect

Getting Started » Subscribing to Comic Connect

Comic Connect is a subscription web app. You need an active subscription to use Comic Connect and its online services. By subscribing to Comic Connect you will get access to all the features displayed over the topics on the left. 7-day trial You can start a 7-day…

Missing comics

Browsing / customising » Tools » Missing comics

With the missing comics tool, you can see what comics you are missing per series. You can also open them in add comics to view their details and add them to your collection. The missing comics tool is perfect if you want a list of all the missing issues of a series,…

Making a wish list

Getting Started » Making a wish list

The collection status helps you keep track of what is in your collection, on your wish list, or on order. Example: You want an issue that is missing from your collection. You can easily fill it in your wish list to keep track of the comics you are on the lookout for.…

Key information

Managing Your Database » Key information

A key issue comic book is an issue that is important in a series. Key information is fun to know, but can also have an impact on the value of the comic book. Key information is automatically filled in when adding a comic. A minor key comic can be recognized by the…