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Music Connect

Merge multi-disc albums

April 8th, 2020

In the Add Albums from Core screen, it was already possible to select multiple 1-disc search results and add them together as one multi-disc albums. But, as of today, you can also merge existing albums in your database into a multi-disc album.

Just select them in your list with the checkboxes, then select Merge Albums from the blue Action bar.

See this feature in action here:

Music Connect

Choose all Collection Status options when adding

April 6th, 2020

Previously, the “Add to …” button in the Add screen let you choose between “Add to Collection” or “Add to Wishlist”. But as of today, you can now choose from ALL possible Collection Status option directly. For instance, this lets you add an item as “On Order” straight from the Add screen!

Now, the possible choices are:

  • In Collection
  • For Sale
  • Wish List
  • On Order
  • Not In Collection

Music Collector (Windows)

v20.2.2: Fixed “no results” issue when scanning CDID

March 30th, 2020


  • Scanning CDID would give the “no results” entry before the actual result

Music Connect

Many new customization settings

March 26th, 2020

A big update for Music Connect again, in which we introduce many new settings for further customizing your software to your own liking.
And while we were at it, we updated the Settings screen with clearer grouping and naming of settings.

Here’s what’s new:

Auto Capitalization

This is a completely new feature, for automatically capitalizing your album titles.
Auto capping can be done:

  • when adding albums from Core. This is OFF by default as our Core delivers nicely capped album titles in general.
  • as you type titles in the Edit and Add Manually screens, very useful when adding albums manually
  • by clicking the AutoCap (aA) button above the Title box in the Edit screen

The Settings screen lets you choose between 4 Auto Cap methods:

  • First Letter of Each Word with Exceptions
  • First letter only with exceptions
  • lower case

The Auto Cap Exceptions list comes pre-filled with a sensible list of common exceptions, but is completely user configurable.

Date Format

Choose how date formats are displayed throughout Connect.


Choose your own timezone and all Date Added and Date Modified fields will be displayed according to that timezone. (previously these all showed in UTC time)

BTW: also new today: new column options Date/Time Added and Date/Time Modified, for showing the full added and modified timestamps.


Four new options that control the sorting and how names and titles are displayed.

  • When sorting, ignore sort titles: check this if you prefer to ignore all sort title when sorting and just have the software sort on the regular Title field.
  • When sorting, ignore sort names for Artists, Composers and Conductors: check this if you prefer to ignore all sort names when sorting and just have the software sort on the display name field.
  • When displaying, show sort title: when sorting by title, showing the actual sort titles that it sorts on can make your list a bit “easier on the eye”.
  • When displaying, show sort names Artists, Composers and Conductors: showing the actual sort names for persons can make your list a bit “easier on the eye”.

Music Collector (Windows)

v20.2 Faster CLZ Cloud syncing!

March 25th, 2020

Faster CLZ Cloud syncing!

We have made several structural changes to the CLZ Cloud syncing, making it much much faster than before, especially when syncing large amounts of entries up to the CLZ Cloud or down from the CLZ Cloud.

To enjoy the faster syncing, you need to use the actual Sync with CLZ Cloud screen.
(The Auto-Syncing in the background is also slightly faster now, but if you need to sync many entries up or down, please use the Sync with CLZ Cloud screen.)

Improved stability when using Auto-Syncing

At the same time, we have resolved several issues with the Auto-Syncing in the background, problems that could cause Access Violations in some situation. So this 20.2 version should provide a more stable experience too.

Music Connect

New Shelves View

March 19th, 2020

A very nice cosmetic update for your Connect software today: a new “Shelves View”!

Shelves View is a fourth view for your album list, similar to Cover View, but with your cover images standing on a nice shelves background. You can even choose between 6 different shelf styles using the Shelf Style selector:

  • Wood Light
  • Wood Dark
  • Glass
  • Metal
  • Carbon
  • White

Also new, for both Shelves View and Images View, as “Size Slider” to control the size of the images.

Toolbar tweaks

Because of the introduction of the new view, the Shelf Style selector and the Size Slider, we have also made several changes to the various Connect toolbars:

  • A new “View” toolbar right above the list, with 4 buttons for switching between the 4 views (List, Card, Cover and Shelves), the Size Slider and the Style Selector (for Shelves) and finally the Sort Order button (on the far right).
  • The new “View” toolbar replaces the “Filter” toolbar that was in that spot.
  • The “Filter” toolbar now only appears when a filter is actually active, and now has a pale yellow background to make it super-clear that you are looking at a filtered list.
  • The number of albums indicator has been moved (back) to the center of the top toolbar.

CLZ Music (iOS)

v5.4 Faster CLZ Cloud syncing!

March 18th, 2020

Faster CLZ Cloud syncing!

We have made several structural changes to the CLZ Cloud syncing, making it much much faster than before, especially when syncing large amounts of entries up to the CLZ Cloud or down from the CLZ Cloud.

To enjoy the faster syncing, you need to use the actual Sync with CLZ Cloud screen.

(The Auto-Syncing in the background is also slightly faster now, but if you need to sync many entries up or down, please use the Sync with CLZ Cloud screen.)

New design for Sync with CLZ Cloud screen

While we were at it, we decided to do a quick make-over for the Sync screen, with a new look and layout and a direct link to your CLZ Cloud page online.


  • Manually added albums could get an empty RPM

CLZ Music (Android)

v5.4 Faster CLZ Cloud syncing!

March 18th, 2020

Faster CLZ Cloud syncing!

We have made several structural changes to the CLZ Cloud syncing, making it much much faster than before, especially when syncing large amounts of entries up to the CLZ Cloud or down from the CLZ Cloud.

To enjoy the faster syncing, you need to use the actual Sync with CLZ Cloud screen.

(The Auto-Syncing in the background is also slightly faster now, but if you need to sync many entries up or down, please use the Sync with CLZ Cloud screen.)

New design for Sync with CLZ Cloud screen

While we were at it, we decided to do a quick make-over for the Sync screen, with a new look and layout and a direct link to your CLZ Cloud page online.


  • Made the touch area for scrollbars a bit bigger (useful for quick scrolling)

It’s been a bit quiet with Connect updates in the past 2 months, as we have been preparing a *huge* update. BUT it is live now!

All settings are now saved server-side, in your CLZ Cloud

We have taken the advantage of the Connect web-based software to the next level, by storing all your settings on the server side, your CLZ Cloud (instead of in local browser cookies).
So any computer or device you log in to will automatically have the same folder option selected, the same columns selected for the list view, the same sort order, the same layout, etc..

Connect now even stores your Add screen’s barcode queue on the server side, so you scan barcode into the queue on one computer and process the queue later, from any other device.

All your existing settings will be automatically transfered to the server, the first time you login.

BTW: this change finally resolves the problem of losing all settings for users who have their browser configured to remove all cookies on exit.

Create your own Favorites for Columns and Sort Orders

While we were working on the settings, we figured this was a good time to add some more customizability to the Columns and Sort Order features. You can now create and save your own Column and Sort Order settings as Favorites, then easily switch between them.

To create and manage your Favorites, click the Column or Sort Order button and choose Manage Favorites:

Manage Column Favorites:

Manage Sorting Favorites:

Music Collector (Windows)

v20.1.3: New checkbox to enable/disable smart album grouping

March 3rd, 2020

The new 20.1 version introduced smarter automatic album grouping when scanning a folder of music files. For some users this could introduce bad album grouping (for instance if you have your multi disc albums as loose folders together with other loose albums of the same artist).

This version introduces a checkbox at the top of the Add/Link Music Files screen to disable smart album grouping and tries to focus on your album tags only. Keep in mind that your file tags should be correct to make this work.


  • Checkbox to enable/disable smart album grouping based on folder structure.

Music Collector (Windows)

v20.1.2: Some improvements and a fix for adding files

February 27th, 2020


  • Add/Link Music Files defines loose albums even better now.


  • Edit Screen: adding files on the tracks tab wasn’t working correctly

Music Collector (Windows)

v20.1 Improved music file cataloging

February 26th, 2020

This one is for the music file catalogers among you! In this version 20.1, we have enhanced the music file cataloging features of Music Collector and added support for more file formats.

What’s new?

  • Better reading/writing of file tags:
    • Support for FLAC file tags (READ/WRITE) + covers and disc indexes.
    • Support for DSF file tags (READ ONLY).
    • Support for AIF file tags (READ ONLY).
    • Support for ID3v2 tags (READING) (ID3v3 was already supported).
    • If the tags for number of discs for your music files is off, the program will recognise the issue, and won’t create empty discs.
  • Better parsing of folders and file structure:
    • Improved album parsing based on folder structure (also looks at disc indexes or disc numbers in folder titles).
    • The program now tries to look for CD1/CD2 or Disc 1/Disc 2 folders and use that information accordingly.
    • New Parse Settings button that takes you to the Options screen to add “parse formats”.
    • Creating a new parse format: You can now click a parse item to add it.
  • Edit Screen: you can now browse and select multiple files in one go to add to the file links tab of an album.

Now recognises multiple file tags better and groups multi-disc albums better:

Now finds the cover inside FLAC files:


  • Submitting an album to Core could generate a wrong error.

Music Connect

New: Re-assign index values

February 20th, 2020

An old feature from the Windows and macOS editions, that somehow never made it to Connect: Re-Assigning Index Values. But now it’s available in Connect too!

What are index values?

Connect automatically assigns and increments index numbers to items that you add to your collection. The Index value is assigned when you add an item to the database. The next item you add to your collection will have an index number that is incremented by 1.

Index numbers are only used once. When an item is deleted, the next added item will still increment on the highest index number present in your collection.

New: Re-Assign Index Values:

With the new “Re-Assign Index Values” tool, you can automatically assign new and consecutive index values to all your items, according to a sort order you select, e.g. by Title, Release Year or your own Purchase Date.

To begin, click the menu top left and select “Re-Assign Index Values”. Now choose your desired Sort Order.

Please note that this action can not be undone!

CLZ Music (Android)

v5.3.2: Filter search results on format

February 20th, 2020

A small update for your CLZ Music app today: When adding albums by Artist/Title, you can now filter the search results to only show a specific format.

After searching for artist/title, tap the new “All Formats” button at the top right and switch it to “Vinyl” to see vinyl results only, or set to “CD” to list CDs only.

In this update we introduce a new quick-search for your folders, sorting your folders by the counters, and more stable cloud syncing through our brand-new dedicated Sync-server.

Quick-search your folders

Grouping in folders is a powerful way to browse and filter your collection. Just group by Artist, or Label, etc… tap a folder and the list will give you all albums for the selected Artist or Label.

However, if your collection spans thousands of albums, that “tap a folder” part is sometimes easier said than done. It may require lots of scrolling in the folder list.

But not anymore! This version introduces a new search box right above the folder list, that lets you instantly search/filter the folder list as you type! Just typing a few letters is often enough to bring the folder you are looking for into view:

Sort folders by count

By default, the folders are sorted alphabetically. But as of today, there is another option: sort your folders by the counter, that is by the number of albums contained.

Sorting by the counters is a nice way to find the most popular Artists, Labels, Genres, etc..

Switch between the Alphabetical and By Count sorting using the sort toggle at the top:

Improved barcode scanning

We have improved the scan engine and gave it a larger “scan area”. This should help scan barcodes faster and easier.

Now uses our brand-new CLZ Cloud Sync-server

Previously one big server was handling the Connect website, the CLZ Cloud website AND the CLZ Cloud syncing from the desktop programs and the mobile apps.
But this week we have set up a brand-new dedicated Sync-server to handle just the CLZ Cloud syncing.

In today’s update, CLZ Music has been updated to sync through this new server, which should result in faster syncing and a more stable syncing experience during high load times (weekends).

In this update we introduce a new quick-search for your folders, sorting your folders by the counters, and more stable cloud syncing through our brand-new dedicated Sync-server.

Quick-search your folders

Grouping in folders is a powerful way to browse and filter your collection. Just group by Artist, or Label, etc… tap a folder and the list will give you all albums for the selected Artist or Label.

However, if your collection spans thousands of albums, that “tap a folder” part is sometimes easier said than done. It may require lots of scrolling in the folder list.

But not anymore! This version introduces a new search box right above the folder list, that lets you instantly search/filter the folder list as you type! Just typing a few letters is often enough to bring the folder you are looking for into view:

Sort folders by count

By default, the folders are sorted alphabetically. But as of today, there is another option: sort your folders by the counter, that is by the number of albums contained.

Sorting by the counters is a nice way to find the most popular Artists, Labels, Genres, etc..

Switch between the Alphabetical and By Count sorting using the sort toggle at the top:

Filter search results on format

When searching by Artist/Title you can now filter the results to only show a specific format. After searching for artist/title, tap the new “All Formats” button to switch the results to “Vinyl” to see all vinyl results!

Improved barcode scanning

We have improved the scan engine and gave it a larger “scan area”. This should help scan barcodes faster and easier.

Now uses our brand-new CLZ Cloud Sync-server

Previously one big server was handling the Connect website, the CLZ Cloud website AND the CLZ Cloud syncing from the desktop programs and the mobile apps.
But this week we have set up a brand-new dedicated Sync-server to handle just the CLZ Cloud syncing.

In today’s update, CLZ Music has been updated to sync through this new server, which should result in faster syncing and a more stable syncing experience during high load times (weekends).


  • Field Defaults: It wasn’t possible to set the rating field back to zero.
  • Manage Pick Lists: Merging list items caused too many sync changes.

Music Collector (Windows)

v20.0.3: Fixed a DPI issue in Statistics screen

February 6th, 2020


  • Some statistics weren’t shown correctly on screens with higher DPI settings.

Music Collector (Windows)

v20.0.2 Better Tag editing / Faster syncing

February 5th, 2020

In this update a re-design of the Tag editing interface and faster and more stable cloud syncing through our brand-new dedicated Sync-server.

Edit Album: improved interface for adding/editing Tags

In version 20, we changed the user interface for adding/editing Tags to a checkbox list. Of course, we did so thinking we were improving this, making it easier for you all. Instead of having to type in the box, just checkbox from your existing tag list, quick and easy 🙂

Boy, were we wrong here. After the v20 release, we received complaint after complaint about this change. Most users were very upset about not being able to copy/paste tags in anymore, others criticized having to scroll through long tag lists to find the ones they want, yet others, found it way too difficult to add new tags (some even missing the possibility) and finally some even reported it as a serious database corruption that they now suddenly saw all tags in all their albums (which was of course not the case).

Anyway, to cut a long story short, we made a big boo-boo there :-).
Our sincerest apologies!

So in today’s v20.0.2, we have again re-designed the tag adding/editing interface, to take away all complaints, to resolve all problems. We are convinced that with the new design, we are giving you the best of both worlds:

  • Clear overview of which tags are currently set.
  • Easy adding of existing tags, using the Add Tags popup screen, which lets you:
    • Find existing tags using a search box,
    • Checkbox tags to add them.
    • Even lets you checkbox multiple tags in one go.
  • The big “paste-box” is back for easily adding multiple tags by copy/pasting.

Now uses our brand-new CLZ Cloud Sync-server

Previously one big server was handling the Connect website, the CLZ Cloud website AND the CLZ Cloud syncing from the desktop programs and the mobile apps.
But this week we have set up a brand-new dedicated Sync-server to handle just the CLZ Cloud syncing.

In today’s update, Music Collector has been updated to sync through this new server, which should result in faster syncing and a more stable syncing experience during high load times (weekends).


  • Solved several different “Access Violation” errors.
  • Statistics:
    • Added runtime to albums in the various top lists.
    • Added number of discs to the top.
    • Changed colors of statistics screen for Light Skin.

Music Collector (macOS)

v20.0.5 Now syncs through our brand-new CLZ Cloud Sync-server

February 4th, 2020

Now uses our brand-new CLZ Cloud Sync-server

Previously one big server was handling the Connect website, the CLZ Cloud website AND the CLZ Cloud syncing from the desktop programs and the mobile apps.
But this week we have set up a brand-new dedicated Sync-server to handle just the CLZ Cloud syncing.

In today’s update, Music Collector has been updated to sync through this new server, which should result in faster syncing and a more stable syncing experience during high load times (weekends).


  • For some users, the database conversion of version 20.0.3 caused the loss of data in their User Defined Fields. This problem has been resolved now.

    If you lost UDF data, please contact us so that we can help you get the data back.

  • Add screen results: you couldn’t filter on a format (such as vinyl/cd etc.)

Music Connect

Improvements to Edit and Add screens

January 17th, 2020

Multiple small tweaks to your Connect software today, improving both the Edit Comic screen and the Add Comics screen.

Editing pick list fields: checkbox multiple values in one go

The Edit screen is where many users are spending most of their time, so we’re always trying to make your editing life faster and easier.
Today, we improved all multi-value pick lists fields (e.g. Artists, Genres, Studios) by letting you add multiple values in one go. In the Select Value screen we have introduced checkboxes now, that let you checkbox multiple values and add them instantly.

This is now available for the following fields:

  • Artist
  • Composer
  • Genres
  • Studios
  • Extras
  • Conductor
  • Orchestras
  • Tags

Adding Albums by Barcode: instant adding to queue

Previously, when you searched by barcode (either by typing or scanning), the barcode instantly disappeared from the search box, but only appeared in the queue when the search was complete. Also with no “loading” indicator showing in the meantime. Not a problem when searches are instant, but it could lead to confusion in situations where it took a bit longer for the search to complete.

So we got to work and made it better: after hitting search, the barcode now instantly appears in your queue, showing a “Searching” indicator. This gives you instant feedback the barcode was accepted and is searching. Then, when the search has completed, the queue entry is filled in with the album details and cover image.

The above tweak also applies to the opening of the screen while you still had some barcodes in the queue. This saved queue list will now populate faster.

Music Collector (Windows)

v20: Folder panel improvements + new Statistics screen

January 13th, 2020

We are 2 weeks into 2020, so it’s time for Music Collector 20! Today in v20, we’re bringing you 2 super useful and time-saving improvements for the folder panel, plus a brand new Statistics screen.

Read more

Music Collector (macOS)

v20.0.4: Fixed issue with creating a new database

January 10th, 2020


  • Creating a new database wasn’t possible anymore.
Music Collector (macOS)

v20.0.3: Custom cover sync problem fixed and more

January 9th, 2020

This update fixes an issue with the sync where it would always re-upload the custom front/back covers if such an album had any change at all. This resulted in many unneeded re-uploads of custom front/back covers.

Important: After updating to this version:

  • the program will run a process to index your custom covers
  • all albums with custom front/back covers will re-upload

Both processes might take a while!


  • Custom front/back covers were re-uploaded too often
  • After merging albums the disc index number would not update correctly
  • Quick Search: using arrow buttons and clicking results wasn’t working correctly

CLZ Music (iOS)

v5.2.1: New Statistics screen

January 7th, 2020

A big update for the CLZ Music app, introducing a new Statistics screen, a cool “infographic” style screen, showing totals and statistics about your music collection.
To open it, just choose “Statistics” from the menu.

In this new screen, you can find:

  • The number of albums in your collection, and how many artists.
  • How many tracks, and the total runtime.
  • A top 5 list of your most recent additions.
  • A nice pie chart showing the distribution of your albums over formats (CD, Vinyl, etc.)
  • A bar chart of your albums by artist.
  • A bar chart of your albums by genre.

CLZ Music (Android)

v5.2.1: New Statistics screen

January 6th, 2020

A big update for the CLZ Music app, introducing a new Statistics screen, a cool “infographic” style screen, showing totals and statistics about your music collection.
To open it, just choose “Statistics” from the menu.

In this new screen, you can find:

  • The number of albums in your collection, and how many artists.
  • How many tracks, and the total runtime.
  • A top 5 list of your most recent additions.
  • A nice pie chart showing the distribution of your albums over formats (CD, Vinyl, etc.)
  • A bar chart of your albums by artist.
  • A bar chart of your albums by genre.

Recent changes

v9.2.5: Fixed a crop-bug in the Edit screen September 3rd, 2024 v9.2.2: Better indication of “Subscription Expired” August 14th, 2024 v9.2.3: Better indication of “Subscription Expired” and some fixes August 12th, 2024 v9.2: “Free 7-day trial” is back July 26th, 2024 v9.1.8: Better workflow after adding an album July 18th, 2024 v9.1.8: Better workflow after adding an album July 17th, 2024 v9.1.7: Free Mode is now called Free Trial July 16th, 2024 v9.1.6: Free Mode is now called Free Trial July 15th, 2024 v9.1.6: A couple of fixes for subscription status issues June 28th, 2024 v9.1.5: Now supports “Sign up with Google” June 26th, 2024 v9.1.4: Now supports “Sign up with Apple” June 23rd, 2024 v9.1.5: Now supports “Sign up with Google” June 21st, 2024 v9.1.4: Back button/Swiping to go back wasn’t working in Add screen June 19th, 2024 v9.1.3: A couple of onboarding tweaks for new users June 17th, 2024 v9.1.2: New big blue buy button June 5th, 2024 v9.1: CLZ Music is now free to use up to 100 albums May 31st, 2024 Improved search behaviour May 24th, 2024 CLZ Music 9 Feature Hilite: improvements to the Add Albums screen May 11th, 2024 CLZ Music 9 Feature Hilite: the new collections tab-bar May 10th, 2024 v9.0: Collection tabs, better Add Albums screen, easy people filtering May 3rd, 2024 Improved managing and editing of pick list fields April 8th, 2024 Connect is now available in Swedish! February 21st, 2024 Connect is now available in Danish! January 30th, 2024 Connect is now available in Portuguese, Serbian and Slovak January 18th, 2024 v8.4.5: New “Delete CLZ Account” option December 6th, 2023