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What's new in CLZ Movies? (page 5)

CLZ Movies (iOS)

v5.0.7: Fix build

October 11th, 2019


  • Add by barcode: Swipe to remove a single barcode wasn’t working. To remove a single barcode now, just press and hold on it!


  • When changing a cover, the list and images view wasn’t updated correctly
  • Date pickers weren’t showing correctly
  • Some colours were wrong (tabs/switches)

CLZ Movies (iOS)

v5.0.6: Several user interface improvements

October 9th, 2019

Instead of working on new features, we decided to take a few weeks to look at existing screens and functionality and see where things could be improved, of course all based on your feedback.

Today’s update brings you new iOS 13 style “sheet” screens and a batch of user interface improvements we implemented (more coming up!):

Read more

CLZ Movies (Android)

v5.0.5: Several user interface improvements

October 1st, 2019

Instead of working on new features, we decided to take a few weeks to look at existing screens and functionality and see where things could be improved, of course all based on your feedback.

Today’s update brings you the first user interface improvements we implemented (more coming up!):

New “Update IMDb ratings/votes” menu option to update all movies in 1 go

Easier to find Edit and Remove buttons on movie details screen (phone only)

Easier editing of pick list fields, especially multi-value fields

  • Selected/checked values are now always at the top
  • For multi-value fields (like Genre, Studio), check/uncheck multiple values in one go!
  • Easier to find big button at the top for adding NEW values..

Complete Re-design of Manage Pick List screen

  • Easier to find big button at the top for adding NEW values.
  • Remove Unused and Merge action have now been moved to action (…) button top right.
  • Easier to use Merge mode.

Add by barcode: New Clear Queue button and new “Scanning tips” popup


  • Edit screen: the “Seen it” checkbox wouldn’t always work
  • Re-introduced a “sync changes pending” icon to the “Sync with CLZ Cloud” menu item

CLZ Movies (iOS)

v5.0.5: Crash fix

September 3rd, 2019


  • Fix for a crash that some iPhone users experienced after adding/editing entries

Several small tweaks for your CLZ Movies app today:

  • iPhone: details page now has clearer Edit and Remove buttons at the bottom
  • New “Update All IMDb Rating & Votes” option in menu.
  • “Sync with CLZ Cloud” menu now indicates whether there are sync changes pending.
CLZ Movies (Android)

v5.0.4: Fixed data language issue

August 6th, 2019


  • Preferred data language setting was not working meaning plots, titles, genres etc. would always be downloaded in English instead of your preferred language.

CLZ Movies (Android)

v5.0.3: Improved error handling

July 26th, 2019


  • Issue where users could not sign up for a new CLZ account.
  • Improved error handling in the Add-screen.

CLZ Movies (iOS)

v5.0.3: Move to other collection option was missing

July 24th, 2019


  • ‘Add manually’ button was missing in the add screen
  • ‘Move to other collection’-option was missing from the pop-up menu
  • When adding a movie by barcode that was “already in collection”, the barcode wasn’t cleared from the barcode queue

CLZ Movies (iOS)

Improved way to send support e-mails and more

July 16th, 2019

This post is about CLZ Books iOS v5.0.5, CLZ Music iOS v5.0.5 and CLZ Movies iOS v5.0.2.


  • When trying to send a support e-mail, instead of showing an error message, redirect to a web based contact form if there is no e-mail address set in the E-mail app.


  • Re-added the ability to save a cover to the photo’s app in the edit screen. (Long-press the cover)
  • Small text fixes

CLZ Movies (Android)

v5.0.2: Tiny update with some fixes

July 5th, 2019

What’s new:

  • Several small fixes and text changes.

It’s finally here: CLZ Movies 5.0, for both iOS and Android!

New in v5:

  • Now supports and syncs multiple collections
  • Automatic cloud-syncing of your own “custom” images
  • Get IMDb Number of Votes from Core (Premium)
  • Batch Update IMDb Ratings & Votes from Core (Premium)
  • Add Movies by IMDb Number/URL (Premium)
  • Re-designed top-bar and main menu

On top of that:

CLZ Movies is now a subscription app

To allow us to keep delivering our CLZ online services (CLZ Cloud and CLZ Core) and our continuous updates to the app, the app has now become a subscription app. For new users, this subscription is necessary for access to the CLZ online services:

  • CLZ Core: for adding movies by title or barcode
  • CLZ Cloud: for online backups and syncing between devices
  • Adding by IMDb Number/URL
  • Getting and updating IMDb Ratings and Votes from Core

What if you already purchased the app earlier?

Of course, since you have purchased the app earlier, you have automatically received a “Basic”-level app unlock. Which means:

  • You keep ALL functionality that you had before. In particular, you keep full access to your existing Core and Cloud functionality. You do not lose anything.
  • You can still update your app to v5 and enjoy the new “non-premium” improvements.
  • You can keep updating your app and keep geting our app improvements.
  • You do not need to pay for a subscription.

If, for any reason, the app does not unlock to the Basic level for you, please CONTACT US here and we’ll get it resolved ASAP.

Optional “Premium” Services that do require a subscription

So… you will get everything you had before (and more), without paying again.

However, with v5 we are offering several new, optional Premium online services, that do require a subscription:

  • Get IMDb Number of Votes from Core
  • Batch Update IMDb Ratings & Votes from Core
  • Add Movies by IMDb Number/URL

What’s new in CLZ Movies 5.0 ?

Now supports and syncs multiple collections !

It is now possible to manage multiple “collections” within your app. The collections you create will be listed in the main menu, so you can easily switch between them.
Use the menu to add new collections, edit their names, change the order, etc…

Multiple collections now also sync through the CLZ Cloud, e.g. to/from the Movie Connect cloud-based software or the Movie Collector desktop software. So if you have created multiple collections on the desktop side, these will now finally be separated on the mobile app too!

Already have multiple collections in the CLZ Cloud?

If you already have multiple collections in the CLZ Cloud, here’s what to do to get your existing entries split up into multiple collections on your mobile app too:

1. Tap the menu top left
2. Tap “Sync with CLZ Cloud” and make sure you’re in sync.
3. Tap the menu top left again and tap “Maintenance”
4. Tap “Update all from CLZ Cloud”
5. Now use “Sync with CLZ Cloud” from the menu again.

Automatic cloud-syncing of your own “custom” images

Before v5, if you replaced the automatic Core front cover with your own image (e.g. from Camera Roll), it would not automatically sync to the CLZ Cloud. You had to “force” the upload by using Upload to CLZ Cloud in the Edit screen.

For version 5 we made this more automatic. We introduced a new toggle “Custom Image” in the Edit screen. This toggle will be automatically set when you replace the Core image. Once the Custom Image toggle is set, that cover will automatically sync to and from the CLZ Cloud.

IMDb Votes (requires subscription)

Adding new movies will now give you the amount of votes from IMDb, refreshed every day.
You can also sort by number of IMDb votes to see which movie has the most votes on IMDb.

Update your IMDb Ratings and Votes in one go (requires subscription)

The new IMDb content license gives us fresh daily updates of the IMDb Ratings and Votes, so let’s make use of that daily fresh data now!

– Tap and hold on a movie, then tap Select All
– Tap the blue button bottom right
– Tap Update IMDb ratings/votes from CLZ Core

This will connect to our Core and retrieve fresh IMDb Ratings and Votes for all selected movies. Don’t worry, this won’t take long. We have implemented a super efficient system that can update ratings/votes in chunks of 100 movies in one go.

When done, it will report the number of movies it has updated the Ratings and Votes for.

Add Movies by IMDb Number or URL (requires subscription)

Can’t find a movie in our Core? But it is on IMDb?

Then use the new “IMDb” tab in the Add Movies screen, for finding and adding movies straight from their IMDb Nr or URL.

The movie entry will then be retrieved from IMDb automatically AND added to our Core, so that you can then immediately Add it to your database!

Re-designed top-bar and main menu

  • The menu icon now includes the “CLZ Movies” mark (bigger tap area)
  • The “Collection Status” filter button has been moved to the right
  • The menu now clearly shows your Account and App Status at the top. Tap either of those to manage them.
  • New “Maintenance” screen that now contains:
    • the “Clear Database” option
    • the “old Import from Movie Collector” option
    • the new “Update from CLZ Cloud” option (only use when instructed by support staff)

How to update your CLZ Movies app to version 5:

  • On your device, open the Play Store app.
  • Tap the menu button on the top left, then tap “My apps & games”.
  • Find the CLZ Movies entry and tap “UPDATE” on the right.

It’s finally here: CLZ Movies 5.0, for both iOS and Android!

New in v5:

  • Now supports and syncs multiple collections
  • Automatic cloud-syncing of your own “custom” images
  • Get IMDb Number of Votes from Core (Premium)
  • Batch Update IMDb Ratings & Votes from Core (Premium)
  • Add Movies by IMDb Number/URL (Premium)
  • Re-designed top-bar and main menu

On top of that:

CLZ Movies is now a subscription app

To allow us to keep delivering our CLZ online services (CLZ Cloud and CLZ Core) and our continuous updates to the app, the app has now become a subscription app. For new users, this subscription is necessary for access to the CLZ online services:

  • CLZ Core: for adding movies by title or barcode
  • CLZ Cloud: for online backups and syncing between devices
  • Adding by IMDb Number/URL
  • Getting and updating IMDb Ratings and Votes from Core

What if you already purchased the app earlier?

Of course, since you have purchased the app earlier, you have automatically received a “Basic”-level app unlock. Which means:

  • You keep ALL functionality that you had before. In particular, you keep full access to your existing Core and Cloud functionality. You do not lose anything.
  • You can still update your app to v5 and enjoy the new “non-premium” improvements.
  • You can keep updating your app and keep geting our app improvements.
  • You do not need to pay for a subscription.

If, for any reason, the app does not unlock to the Basic level for you, please CONTACT US here and we’ll get it resolved ASAP.

Optional “Premium” Services that do require a subscription

So… you will get everything you had before (and more), without paying again.

However, with v5 we are offering several new, optional Premium online services, that do require a subscription:

  • Get IMDb Number of Votes from Core
  • Batch Update IMDb Ratings & Votes from Core
  • Add Movies by IMDb Number/URL

What’s new in CLZ Movies 5.0 ?

Now supports and syncs multiple collections !

It is now possible to manage multiple “collections” within your app. The collections you create will be listed in the main menu, so you can easily switch between them.
Use the menu to add new collections, edit their names, change the order, etc…

Multiple collections now also sync through the CLZ Cloud, e.g. to/from the Movie Connect cloud-based software or the Movie Collector desktop software. So if you have created multiple collections on the desktop side, these will now finally be separated on the mobile app too!

Already have multiple collections in the CLZ Cloud?

If you already have multiple collections in the CLZ Cloud, here’s what to do to get your existing entries split up into multiple collections on your mobile app too:

1. Tap the menu top left
2. Tap “Sync with CLZ Cloud” and make sure you’re in sync.
3. Tap the menu top left again and tap “Maintenance”
4. Tap “Update all from CLZ Cloud”
5. Now use “Sync with CLZ Cloud” from the menu again.

Automatic cloud-syncing of your own “custom” images

Before v5, if you replaced the automatic Core front cover with your own image (e.g. from Camera Roll), it would not automatically sync to the CLZ Cloud. You had to “force” the upload by using Upload to CLZ Cloud in the Edit screen.

For version 5 we made this more automatic. We introduced a new toggle “Custom Image” in the Edit screen. This toggle will be automatically set when you replace the Core image. Once the Custom Image toggle is set, that cover will automatically sync to and from the CLZ Cloud.

IMDb Votes (requires subscription)

Adding new movies will now give you the amount of votes from IMDb, refreshed every day.
You can also sort by number of IMDb votes to see which movie has the most votes on IMDb.

Update your IMDb Ratings and Votes in one go (requires subscription)

The new IMDb content license gives us fresh daily updates of the IMDb Ratings and Votes, so let’s make use of that daily fresh data now!

– Tap and hold on a movie, then tap Select All
– Tap the blue button bottom right
– Tap Update IMDb ratings/votes from CLZ Core

This will connect to our Core and retrieve fresh IMDb Ratings and Votes for all selected movies. Don’t worry, this won’t take long. We have implemented a super efficient system that can update ratings/votes in chunks of 100 movies in one go.

When done, it will report the number of movies it has updated the Ratings and Votes for.

Add Movies by IMDb Number or URL (requires subscription)

Can’t find a movie in our Core? But it is on IMDb?

Then use the new “IMDb” tab in the Add Movies screen, for finding and adding movies straight from their IMDb Nr or URL.

The movie entry will then be retrieved from IMDb automatically AND added to our Core, so that you can then immediately Add it to your database!

Re-designed top-bar and main menu

  • The menu icon now includes the “CLZ Movies” mark (bigger tap area)
  • The “Collection Status” filter button has been moved to the right
  • The menu now clearly shows your Account and App Status at the top. Tap either of those to manage them.
  • New “Maintenance” screen that now contains:
    • the “Clear Database” option
    • the “old Import from Movie Collector” option
    • the new “Update from CLZ Cloud” option (only use when instructed by support staff)

How to update your CLZ Movies app to version 5:

  • On your device, open the App Store app.
  • On the bottom, switch to the Updates tab.
  • Find the CLZ Movies entry and tap “UPDATE” on the right.

    TIP: if you don’t see the CLZ Movies update yet, pull down to refresh!

CLZ Movies (iOS)

v4.14.5: New: 4K UHD format icon

March 21st, 2019

We’ve updated 2 formats with new names, and we’ve changed the icon for 4K Ultra HD:

  • Renamed format “Blu-ray Disc” to “Blu-ray”
  • Renamed format “Ultra HD Blu-ray” to “4K UHD”
  • Updated the format icon for 4K UHD

CLZ Movies (Android)

v4.14.6: New: 4K UHD format icon

March 21st, 2019

We’ve updated 2 formats with new names, and we’ve changed the icon for 4K Ultra HD:

  • Renamed format “Blu-ray Disc” to “Blu-ray”
  • Renamed format “Ultra HD Blu-ray” to “4K UHD”
  • Updated the format icon for 4K UHD

CLZ Movies (iOS)

v4.14.4 IMDb features are back!

January 30th, 2019

Great news! We now have a new and more comprehensive content licensing agreement with IMDb, which means the IMDb features are back in your CLZ Movies app!

  • When adding new movies, it automatically downloads IMDb Ratings and Links again.
  • The IMDb Number field has been replaced with an IMDb URL field. Of course, your existing IMDb numbers have automagically been turned into IMDb URLs.
  • In your movie list, the IMDb Ratings are shown in “IMDb yellow” again 🙂

Because the new IMDb content license is more comprehensive, more IMDb related data and features are coming soon, including:

  • Official cast and crew listings, straight from IMDb.
  • A tool for updating all your IMDb Ratings with fresh ratings from IMDb.

Also new in this version:

  • Fixed: The ‘region’ field was missing in the folder list

IMDb, IMDb.COM, and the IMDb logo are trademarks of IMDb.com, Inc. or its affiliates.

CLZ Movies (Android)

v4.14.4 IMDb features are back!

January 28th, 2019

Great news! We now have a new and more comprehensive content licensing agreement with IMDb, which means the IMDb features are back in your CLZ Movies app!

  • When adding new movies, it automatically downloads IMDb Ratings and Links again.
  • The IMDb Number field has been replaced with an IMDb URL field. Of course, your existing IMDb numbers have automagically been turned into IMDb URLs.
  • In your movie list, the IMDb Ratings are shown in “IMDb yellow” again 🙂

Because the new IMDb content license is more comprehensive, more IMDb related data and features are coming soon, including:

  • Official cast and crew listings, straight from IMDb.
  • A tool for updating all your IMDb Ratings with fresh ratings from IMDb.

Also new in this version:

  • On some devices, Youtube trailers would not open full-screen, now they do!
  • Fixed: Field Defaults were not properly set for the Country field.

IMDb, IMDb.COM, and the IMDb logo are trademarks of IMDb.com, Inc. or its affiliates.

CLZ Movies (iOS)

v4.14.3: No more IMDb Ratings and IMDb links

January 2nd, 2019

Pending our discussion with IMDb, it was necessary to update the CLZ Movies app with the following changes:

  • The app does not download/update IMDb Ratings or IMDb links anymore.
  • All occurrences of the “IMDb” name and logo have been removed.

We hope to reach an agreement with IMDb soon, so that we can re-enable the above features.
Our apologies for the inconvenience.

CLZ Movies (Android)

v4.14.3: No more IMDb Ratings and IMDb links

December 30th, 2018

Pending our discussion with IMDb, it was necessary to update the CLZ Movies app with the following changes:

  • The app does not download/update IMDb Ratings or IMDb links anymore.
  • All occurrences of the “IMDb” name and logo have been removed.

We hope to reach an agreement with IMDb soon, so that we can re-enable the above features.
Our apologies for the inconvenience.

CLZ Movies (iOS)

v4.14.2: New design for resizable panels in Add Screen

December 17th, 2018


  • The resizable panels in the add screen now have the same design as the ones in the main screen.


  • iPad: Wrong initial panel layout in the main screen when the app is started in landscape mode.

CLZ Movies (Android)

v4.14.2: Fixed an issue in the Add Screen

December 12th, 2018


  • Add Screen: previews of results could sometimes not be loaded.
CLZ Movies (iOS)

v4.14.1: New for iPad layout: Resizable panels

December 7th, 2018

A useful update of your app today, that is, if you are using the app on an iPad:

All panels in the main screen (folders, list and details) are now resizable using draggable separators between the panels, so that you can customize the layout to your own liking.

CLZ Movies (Android)

v4.14.1: New for tablets: Resizable panels

December 5th, 2018

  • All panels in the main screen (folders, list and details) are now resizable using draggable separators between the panels, so that you can customize the layout to your own liking.
  • The resizable panels in the Add screen have been updated to use the nicer look of the draggable separators.


  • The subtitles could make the details screen scroll horizontally.


  • Added the following fields to the Manage Pick Lists screen: audience rating, region, studio, distributor.


  • Unlinked movies caused error message during downsync.
  • Original title was not set when adding/updating a movie.
CLZ Movies (Android)

v4.13.2: Picking cover image wasn’t working

November 7th, 2018

Fixed a crash when picking a cover image from the camera.

CLZ Movies (Android)

v4.13.1: Redesigned app icon

November 6th, 2018

New: Redesigned app icon

We designed new icons that give new users a better indication of what the app actually does (as opposed to just a different color CLZ logo), but still obviously belong together, when shown together.

And if you have Android 8.0 or higher, we’re also including an “adaptive app icon” as of today which are in line with all your other app icons!

Recent changes

v9.3.6: Fixed a crop-bug in the Edit screen September 3rd, 2024 v9.3.3: Better indication of “Subscription Expired” August 14th, 2024 v9.3.4: Better indication of “Subscription Expired” and some fixes August 12th, 2024 v9.3.2 New “search for…” suggestions when adding movies by title August 7th, 2024 v9.3: “Free 7-day trial” is back July 26th, 2024 v9.2.9: Better workflow after adding a movie July 18th, 2024 v9.2.10: Better workflow after adding a movie July 17th, 2024 v9.2.8: Free Mode is now called Free Trial July 16th, 2024 v9.2.9: Free Mode is now called Free Trial July 15th, 2024 v9.2.7: More collection status colors in add screen and a fix July 2nd, 2024 v9.2.8: Free Mode button fixed for older devices June 28th, 2024 v9.2.6: A couple of fixes for subscription status issues June 28th, 2024 v9.2.7: A couple of fixes for subscription status issues June 27th, 2024 v9.2.5: Now supports “Sign up with Google” June 26th, 2024 v9.2.4: Now supports “Sign up with Apple” June 23rd, 2024 v9.2.6: Now supports “Sign up with Google” June 21st, 2024 v9.2.5: Back button/Swiping to go back wasn’t working in Add screen June 19th, 2024 v9.2.4: Fixed a crash in Add screen June 18th, 2024 v9.2.3: A couple of onboarding tweaks for new users June 17th, 2024 v9.2.2: New big blue buy button June 10th, 2024 v9.1.2: New big blue buy button June 5th, 2024 v9.2: CLZ Movies is now free to use up to 100 movies May 31st, 2024 v9.1.2: Fixed a couple of crashes May 1st, 2024 v9.1 Add cover images for “unrecognized barcodes” / Update cover images from Core April 14th, 2024 v9.0.4: Bug fix build February 22nd, 2024