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What's new in CLZ Movies for iOS? (page 4)


  • Added the following fields to the Manage Pick Lists screen: audience rating, region, studio, distributor.


  • Unlinked movies caused error message during downsync.
  • Original title was not set when adding/updating a movie.
CLZ Movies (iOS)

v4.13.1: Redesigned app icon and new way to add box sets

November 1st, 2018

New: Redesigned app icon

We designed new icons that give new users a better indication of what the app actually does (as opposed to just a different color CLZ logo), but still obviously belong together, when shown together.

New: Add box sets as single entries instead of multiple movies

In July this year, we introduced the new Box Set adding feature in the Add Movies screen, where it automatically “knows” which movies are in the box, then creates separate entries in your database for all the movies contained, then “links” them using the Box Set field:

Most users love this new way of adding Box Sets. However, since the introduction we have learned that some users would like to add box sets as single entries.

So as of today, the “multiple movie entries” behaviour is now optional.

When adding a box set, found by title or barcode, you can now choose between:

  • Add box as 1 entry
  • Add box as [x] movies

Change your preferred way using the box set option button in the add screen:

Add box as 1 entry:

Add box as 3 movies:

CLZ Movies (iOS)

v4.12.3: Moved some buttons to more logical places

August 26th, 2018

Some changes in 4.12.3 for you:

  • The buttons to switch folders, sorting and view options have been moved to more logical places to make them more accessible.
  • The skins and templates options have been moved to the settings screen.
  • The selection mode button has been removed, just tap and hold on an item to start selecting items.


  • Field default setting for the “Seen it” field did not work.


  • Movies added through a box set that were supposed to get a format set sometimes didn’t.
  • It was possible for movies added through a box set got the box set cover instead of their own movie cover.
  • The ‘Unrecognized Barcode’ popup would crash the app on iPad.

CLZ Movies (iOS)

v4.12.1: New: Automatically add multi-movie box-sets

July 19th, 2018

During 2017, our content managers worked for months to enhance our Core online movie database with movie list information for thousands of multi-movie box sets.

As of today, CLZ Movies can use this new Core data: Just use the enhanced Add Movies screen to find a box set, either by title or by barcode, and our Core “knows” which movies are in the box.

See it in action:

Find and add box sets by barcode

Scan a box-set barcode and Core will show you which movies it contains. Click Add to Collection at the bottom right and all contained movies will be added to your database, automatically linked by a box set entry.

Find and add box sets by title

Alternatively, use the Title tab and enable the new Box Set search to find box sets by their title.

Note: the new Movies, TV Series and Box Sets switches now let you search each of these three Core section separately OR combined.
AND: The switches also operate on the Search-As-You-Type suggestions, for even quicker searching and adding!

New box set panel on movie details page, with movie list!

A nice new box set panel at the top of the movie details for each of the contained movies. Now showing the list of the contained movies, in the correct order, AND with clickable links to go straight to the other movies in the set!

Change the order of movies in a box set

At the bottom of the list of movies you will find a link to “change order of movies…” to modify the order in which the movies are displayed in the details page.

CLZ Movies (iOS)

v4.11.2: Fix for the ‘loaner’ folder

June 19th, 2018


  • Crash when the ‘loaner’ folder was selected.

CLZ Movies (iOS)

v4.11: More editable fields!

June 14th, 2018

By popular demand, we have added 10 more editable fields to CLZ Movies. Two completely new fields (Is TV Series and Box Set) and 8 fields that were already available as automatic Core fields but are now fully editable:

Completely New Fields:

  • Is TV Series (Yes/No). For your entries, indicate whether these are movies or TV series. Use Is TV Series folders to split them in the main list. This is a new field. Default values for your entries have been set using our Core central database, but you may want to run though your list to check and correct as needed.
  • Box Set. Enter a box set title in your movies to make them part of a box set. You can see the box set information at the top of the details panel for each of the movies inside that box set. Also available as a folder option.

Fields that are now fully editable:

  • Release Date. Previous only available as Release Year, this is now a full date field.
  • Runtime. Previously set automatically, now fully editable.
  • IMDb Number. Previously set automatically, now fully editable.
  • IMDb Rating. Previously set automatically, now fully editable.
  • Audience Rating. Previously set automatically, now fully editable. Also available as a folder option.
  • Region. Previously set automatically, now fully editable. Allows multiple values. Also available as a folder option.
  • Studio. Previously set automatically, now fully editable. Allows multiple values. Also available as a folder option.
  • Distributor. Previously set automatically, now fully editable. Also available as a folder option.

But wait, that’s not all: All the above fields now also sync to and from the CLZ Cloud!

Secure HTTPS connections, for your security and privacy

As indicated in our recent GDPR email, we are updating our software and services, to be more secure and to better protect your privacy.

Starting with version 4.11 CLZ Movies now uses secure HTTPS connections for all communications with our servers:

  • for logging in with your username and password
  • for syncing your data with CLZ Cloud
  • for sending your searches to Core.

To make this possible, we have created new secure “entry points” on our servers, that are only allowing secure HTTPS connections. The new CLZ Movies app only communicates with those secure entry points.

For your privacy and security, we strongly recommend updating your app to v4.11.


  • Last update made some settings disappear in the settings screen. They are back now.
  • Added bottom margin to the add auto screen on iPhone X to make the add button more reachable
  • The sync screen wasn’t logging local deletes.

CLZ Movies (iOS)

v4.10.2: Bigger and easier to spot Add button!

May 9th, 2018

New for the Add Movies screen:

  • Add button is now bigger and easier to spot (some new users missed the little round “+”).
  • Add button now “remembers” your collection vs. wish list selection. No need to pick from the Collection/Wish List popup menu every time you add anymore.


  • Details view: In-template editing of seen-it status was broken.
  • Adding a movie would clear the collection status filter in the main screen.
  • The sorting option screen would sometimes not fully show the chosen sort option when opened.
  • iPad: Main screen: the details view did not refresh after changing the details template.
  • iPad: Main screen: the ‘edit my rating’ pop up was rotated when in landscape mode.

We’ve added new fields to sort on to change the order in which your movies are displayed in your list. Your movie list will adapt to sort and show the field you’re sorting on. On top of that we’ve redesigned the Select Sort Order screen to make it more clear what you’re choosing.

Open the Select Sort Order screen by tapping the menu top right, then tap “Sort order”.

All available sort fields:

  • Title
  • Release Date
  • Format, then Title (New!)
  • Runtime
  • IMDb Rating
  • Order of Entry (New!)
  • Viewing Date (New!)
  • My Rating (New!)
  • Purchase Date (New!)
  • Purchase Price (New!)
  • Current Value (New!)
  • Quantity (New!)
  • Index
  • Storage Device (New!)

All fields can be sorted either ascending or descending. Tap the field you wish to sort on, then tap “Apply” to confirm.

CLZ Movies (iOS)

v4.9.2: Fixed a crash with the search

February 27th, 2018

We had several reports from users about a crash when searching for an item in the collection. This crash has been reproduced and now fixed in the latest build!

This version also has some code change to load the details of a movie a bit faster.


  • Faster loading of movie detail screen


  • Crash during a search in the device’s database.
CLZ Movies (iOS)

v4.9: Improved search features

February 21st, 2018

Quick Search: Search-As-You-Type suggestions

Instantly find and select a particular movie :

  • In the Quick Search box, just start typing the first few letters of the movie title you are looking for.
  • While typing, a drop-down list will appear, showing the first five matching movies.
    (for most movies, it only takes 2 or 3 letters before it shows up.)
  • Once you see the movie you were looking for, tap it to bring up its detail page
  • TIP: Tap the search button on the keyboard or tap “View All Results” to perform the normal search.

Quick Search now searches more fields

Now also searches in:

  • Plot
  • Episode Titles for TV series
  • Notes
  • Tags
  • Series

Full list of fields that are now searched:

  • Title
  • Title Extension
  • Original Title
  • Barcode
  • Actors
  • Directors
  • Writers
  • Producers
  • Plot
  • Episode Titles for TV series
  • Notes
  • Tags
  • Series


  • Crash within a few seconds of opening the app.
  • Crash when pressing ‘Change account info’ in the sync screen.

CLZ Movies (iOS)

v4.8.1: Automatic CLZ Cloud syncing!

January 8th, 2018

A new v4.8.1 update for your app is available now, with:

Automatic CLZ Cloud syncing

Add or edit movies and your changes will auto-upload to the CLZ Cloud instantly.
Made changes on the desktop or Connect side? Just start the app and changes will download automatically.

Note: Auto-Syncing is switched OFF by default. Switch it ON in the “Sync with CLZ Cloud” screen.

The CLZ Cloud syncing will let you:

  1. Sync your data between devices, e.g. between your phone and your tablet. Or from your old phone to your new phone.
  2. View your database online using the free CLZ Cloud viewer website.
  3. Make an online backup of your data. Better safe than sorry!


  • Search cleared when the X button was pushed in the search bar of the main screen.
  • Update from Core didn’t update the episode list correctly.

CLZ Movies (iOS)

v4.5.13: Further improvements to the Add Movies screen

November 10th, 2017

In today’s update for the CLZ Movies app, we have made further tweaks to the Add screen, to make it clearer and (hopefully) more stable than previous versions:

  • Slightly smaller font for the movie title, so that longer titles fit better.
  • Color high-lighting: Movies already ‘on wish list’ now have an orange title, movies already “in collection” show up with a blue title.
  • Improved scroll behaviour.

Fixes in this update:

  • Full screen cover scroller on iPhone/iPod devices was not properly updating its title bar

CLZ Movies (iOS)

v4.5.12: Optimized layout for iPad Pro

October 20th, 2017


  • Optimized layout of main screen on 10.5 and 12.9 inch iPads
  • Optimized the performance of the main screen thumbnail view
  • Fresh placeholder cover images


  • Black bars showing on 10.5 and 12.9 inch iPads
  • Disappearing floating add button when switching from list to thumbnail view

  • CLZ Movies (iOS)

    v4.5.11: Fixed a crash in iOS10 and lower

    October 16th, 2017


    • Crash in add screen on devices running iOS10 or lower
    CLZ Movies (iOS)

    v4.5.10: Redesigned Selection Mode

    October 15th, 2017


    • Redesigned Selection Mode
      • Tap and hold on a movie to select it, select as many movies as you like (or select all, using the “Select All” top right).
      • Then use the blue action button to perform an action on the selected movies (Remove / Update from CLZ Core).


    • Crash when saving a cover image to the camera roll
    • Odd scrolling behavior when expanding/collapsing a movie title search result in the Add Automatically screen
    • Odd scrolling behavior when scanning movie barcodes in the barcode scanning screen
    • Stuck keyboard after searching in main list
    • Autocorrect was enabled for the main list search bar

    CLZ Movies (iOS)

    v4.5.9: Added app icon for 12.9 inch iPad

    September 27th, 2017


    • Missing app icons for 12.9 inch iPad
    CLZ Movies (iOS)

    v4.5.8: Fixed a keyboard problem for iOS 11

    September 24th, 2017


    • Autocorrect/complete was disabled on the plot and note fields in the edit/add manually screens
    • The on-screen keyboard was covering the lower input fields in the edit/add manually screens


    • Crashing add by barcode screen when scanning movies of certain formats


    • Added a new “All Movies” folder with a back button to go back to your folders


    • Crash in Add from CLZ Core by title screen when displaying movie results with a VideoCD icon.
    • Barcode queue was lost when a crash occurred in the Add from CLZ Core screen.
    • The “move to wish list” functionality in the Add from CLZ Core screen was not working.


    • When adding a movie by barcode, the app sometimes gave a false “Already in collection” warning.
    • iPhone: After editing a movie, the “Add button” became an “Edit button”.
    • iPhone: After editing a movie, the app went back to the list view instead of the details view.


    • Add Movies from CLZ Core: New skinned preview templates.
    • After adding/editing a movie, the app will now always find and show your last added movie in your main screen.
    • If you log in to your CLZ Account on a new or empty device, the app will now ask you if you wish to download your movies from CLZ Cloud.
    • Added skinning to Sign up/Log in/In App Purchase screens.


    • After each CLZ Cloud sync the “Quick Search” and “Collection Status Filter” was cleared.
    • When a custom cover was downloaded via CLZ Cloud syncing, the thumbnail in the list wasn’t immediately updated.
    • When a movie was removed, the list would scroll back to the top.
    • Various skinning, layout and color fixes.


    • On restart the navigation state and view settings are restored


    • Old Import from Movie Collector has been moved to Settings screen


    • Crash in search-as-you-type box
    • Added new review popup
    CLZ Movies (iOS)

    v4.5.2: New “Clear” templates added

    April 26th, 2017

    New in 4.5.2:

    • New Details View templates which are easier on the eye:
      • Clear Light template
      • Clear Dark template


    • Covers were not updated in the main list after editing a movie.
    • Main Screen: Unknown Formats now have a text label in the cell.
    • Login now does a receipt check.
    • “Change Template” button moved to right sidebar in the main screen.
    • Better thumbnail layout in Landscape Mode.
    • After closing the add movies automatically screen, it now selects the latest added movie.
    • Improved “tap” area of hamburger menu so you can back out of a folder more easily.

    CLZ Movies (iOS)

    v4.5: A completely new look!

    April 16th, 2017

    A huge v4.5 update for the CLZ Movies app is now available.

    And prepare to be shocked 🙂 (in a good way, don’t worry):
    The app looks completely different now, with a cleaner brighter look and an improved user interface.

    What’s new in CLZ Movies 4.5 for iOS?

    • A completely new look, that is cleaner and brighter.
    • The choice between two skins/themes: Light & Dark.
    • No bottom toolbar means more screen space for your movie collection.
    • Big floating blue ‘+’ button on bottom right for adding new movies.
    • Access all other features and tools from ‘hamburger’ menu top left.
    • Access all view settings from menu on top right.
    • Quickly switch between All / In Collection / Wish List at the top.

    How to update your CLZ Movies app to version 4.5:

    • On your device, open the App Store app.
    • On the bottom, switch to the Updates tab.
    • Find the CLZ Movies entry and tap “UPDATE” on the right.

    Do you like the new look?
    Then please let the world know by posting a nice review in the App Store!

    Recent changes

    v9.3.3: Better indication of “Subscription Expired” August 14th, 2024 v9.3.2 New “search for…” suggestions when adding movies by title August 7th, 2024 v9.3: “Free 7-day trial” is back July 26th, 2024 v9.2.9: Better workflow after adding a movie July 18th, 2024 v9.2.8: Free Mode is now called Free Trial July 16th, 2024 v9.2.7: More collection status colors in add screen and a fix July 2nd, 2024 v9.2.6: A couple of fixes for subscription status issues June 28th, 2024 v9.2.5: Now supports “Sign up with Google” June 26th, 2024 v9.2.4: Now supports “Sign up with Apple” June 23rd, 2024 v9.2.3: A couple of onboarding tweaks for new users June 17th, 2024 v9.2.2: New big blue buy button June 10th, 2024 v9.2: CLZ Movies is now free to use up to 100 movies May 31st, 2024 v9.1.2: Fixed a couple of crashes May 1st, 2024 v9.1 Add cover images for “unrecognized barcodes” / Update cover images from Core April 14th, 2024 v9.0.4: Bug fix build February 22nd, 2024 CLZ Movies 9 Feature Hilite: new format icons / tap actor name to find all his movies February 16th, 2024 CLZ Movies 9 Feature Hilite: better screens for reporting “unrecognized barcodes” February 15th, 2024 CLZ Movies 9 Feature Hilite: the new collections tab-bar February 9th, 2024 v9.0.3: Bugfix: Tapping an actor could crash the app February 8th, 2024 v9.0.2: Various bugfixes February 8th, 2024 CLZ Movies 9 Feature Hilite: Improved Adding Movies by Title February 8th, 2024 v9.0: Improved Add by Title screen, Collection tabs and much more! February 2nd, 2024 Sneak Preview: CLZ Movies v9.0! January 12th, 2024 v8.5.5: Small improvement to the Add Movies screen January 3rd, 2024 v8.5.4: Added a new “Remove all unused pick list entries” option November 22nd, 2023