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What's new in CLZ Movies for iOS?

CLZ Movies (Android)

v7.4 New “Card View”

May 11th, 2022

Another big update for your CLZ Movies app, in which we introduce a new view for your movie collection. But there’s more:

  • New “Card View”
  • Selecting movies now also possible in Card View and Images View
  • Floating “Add Movies” button (the big blue “+”) now auto-hides

New “Card View”

The main new feature of today’s update, a new “Card View” for the main screen of your app, next to the existing List View and Images View. The Card View shows big cover images (3 per row on most devices), with only the main movie info (just Title, Year and IMDb Rating).

Switch between the 3 views using the 2nd button from the right on the toolbar right above the movie list. Of course, the Card View is available in both Dark and Light Mode:

Selecting movies now also possible in Card View and Images View

Previously, selecting movies (e.g. for editing, updating, etc…) was only possible in List View, often causing confusion. So we fixed that: you can now select movies in all views, List View, Images View and even the new Card View.

To enter selection mode, either tap the checkbox button at the top, or just tap and hold on a movie entry, then tap more movies to select them. Then use the Action button at the bottom to Edit, Update, Remove, etc…

Floating “Add Movies” button (the big blue “+”) now auto-hides

We recently learned that some users are annoyed about the big blue floating “+” button at the bottom left, because it can obscure some details of the bottom entry in your movie list. So let’s fix that, right here, right now.
The blue “+” button now automatically disappears when you scroll down. To make it appear again, just scroll up a tiny bit.

Recent changes

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