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Game Collector (Windows)

v17.2.1: A completely new Add Games screen!

June 14th, 2017

Big changes today! The Add Games Automatically screen has been completely re-designed, to make it both easier-to-use and easier-on-the-eye (and it’s now called “Add Games from CLZ Core”):

  • A simple two-panel design: Search Results on the left, Preview on the right.
  • The Search Results now show cover images for every game.
  • Automatic Preview of selected result (no more double clicking).

See it in action:

Here’s the full list of improvements:

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  • When adding a game by barcode, the app sometimes gave a false “Already in collection” warning.
  • iPhone: After editing a game, the “Add button” became an “Edit button”.
  • iPhone: After editing a game, the app went back to the list view instead of the details view.
Game Connect

Private Cloud Sharing

June 13th, 2017

This is a new way to show your collection list to specific people, without making it Public. Just set your Cloud Visibility to Private, hiding it from public view, then generate a secret Private Cloud Sharing link. Send this link to your friends and only they will be able to see your collection. Best of both worlds!

To change our Cloud Visibility, go to your cloud page, login at the top right, then choose Settings from the “wrench” icon menu.

Game Connect

Improved searching in Connect and Cloud

June 13th, 2017

Previously, the search feature in the cloud viewer took you to a separate page showing the search results.

Now, the search is fully integrated into the regular collection viewer. Which means that you can now search, then further drill down using folders and/or the alphabet bar. Super handy, especially for large collections.


  • Add Games from CLZ Core: New skinned preview templates.
  • After adding/editing a game, the app will now always find and show your last added game in your main screen.
  • If you log in to your CLZ Account on a new or empty device, the app will now ask you if you wish to download your games from CLZ Cloud.
  • Added skinning to Sign up/Log in/In App Purchase screens.


  • After each CLZ Cloud sync the “Quick Search” and “Collection Status Filter” was cleared.
  • When tapping the “Platform” button in the ‘Unrecognised Barcode’ screen the app could crash.
  • When a custom cover was downloaded via CLZ Cloud syncing, the thumbnail in the list wasn’t immediately updated.
  • When a game was removed, the list would scroll back to the top
  • Various skinning, layout and color fixes.

Another productive week here for our Connect pages! Our web developer Joe has finished work on 2 improvements for your Connect page:

New layouts in Edit Screen

We recently took a look at our Edit Screen and figured it was time to change some fields around as we thought they weren’t all logically placed. So for all 5 Connect titles we’ve now changed the layout and placements of your fields in the Edit Screen. We also consolidated all “Cover” tabs in the edit screens so they work the same in all 5 Connect titles.

New: Duplicate feature

You can now duplicate an item in your database. To do this, click on an item in your database to view its details, then at the top click on “Duplicate”.
The new duplicated item will be an exact duplicate of the previous item, but it will be unlinked. You can Link the duplicated item with the “Link” button at the top of the details page.

We’d love to see more users enjoy the fun and ease of adding items to their database by scanning barcodes with their phone or tablet. So we also decided a couple of weeks ago to make our CLZ Barry app FREE (previously US $10).

New: Directly connect to CLZ Barry from Connect

Previously you needed a special program to connect and send barcodes to your computer, but today we added a direct connection to CLZ Barry on all “Add by Barcode” pages on Connect, which means you can directly connect to any mobile device running the barcode scanning app “CLZ Barry” and scan barcodes straight into your Add by Barcode page on Connect!

Reminder: What is CLZ Barry ?

CLZ Barry is the Collectorz.com barcode scanner app. It lets you:

  • Scan barcodes with your mobile device’s camera.
  • Instantly send the barcodes (the 12 or 13-digit numbers) to the Add page on Connect.

How to get started with CLZ Barry

  1. Open the App Store or Play Store on your device,
    then search for “CLZ BARRY” and download the app.

  2. Follow the Getting Started Guide to set up and start scanning.
    Getting Started for iOS / Getting Started for Android

CLZ Games (Android)

v4.5.2: Improvements to the barcode scanner

May 30th, 2017


  • Made some improvements to the barcode scanner


  • Manual focus for barcode scanning
  • Crash in the add auto screen when adding a mix of new games and games on wish list by barcode
  • Crash in the pick cover option in the edit screen

Improvements to “Selection Mode”

You can now enter selection mode and use the “Select All” button top left to select all items in a list, or use “Shift clicking” to select a bunch of items in one go (hold the Shift button on your keyboard and click a couple of items to select/deselect them).

Use these selection mode improvements to select a subset of your database and quickly export them to PDF for instance!

New “None” folder added

We added a new “None” folder to your folder group view. The “None” folder will display when the field you’re folder grouping on is empty for that item.

Example: if you folder on “Genres” but you have one item where the Genre is not filled in, that specific item will appear in your “None” folder!

Print to PDF: Field Names on every page

We added a new checkbox in the settings for Print to PDF to include the field names column header on every single page.

New statistics added

We added some more collection statistics to the statistic screen. In your Connect page, click the “wrench” icon top right and then “Statistics” to check them out!


  • On restart the navigation state and view settings are restored


  • Old Import from Game Collector has been moved to Settings screen


  • App not showing number of hardware in the top bar in the main screen
  • Crash in search-as-you-type box
  • Added new review popup

At the moment our entire web-team, 3 developers, is working full-time on our Connect editions. And it shows: lot of improvements and small tweaks are being released in rapid succession.

An overview of last week’s updates, now live in your Connect account:

Faster editing

This is a big one, as it makes editing your entries in Connect a lot quicker (and less annoying!).
Previously, after editing an entry, the entire list refreshed which A. was slow and B. caused you to lose your place in the list.

Now, the list does not refresh anymore. After an edit action, the edited item is simply updated with the new field values. Which is super quick and leaves you right where you were before you opened the Edit screen.

NOTE: this change has one implication: If your edit action would cause the item to be sorted in a different place in the list, or even to be moved to a different folder, that will not happen immediately. A simple manual refresh is all it takes in that case.

Updated Statistics screen

We re-wrote the Statistics screen using different charting tools, which makes them look and animate nicer AND solves several browser-specific problems.

Print to PDF enhancements

The new Print to PDF feature can now be used on a selection of items. So just go to Select mode, select some items, then choose Print to PDF in the toolbar top right.

Also, we have added a Margin setting, that lets you control the width of the margins of the generated PDF output.

More column and sort fields

We are regularly receiving requests for more fields to be available as column and sort fields. If technically feasible, we are adding these as we go. Some recent additions:

  • Comics: Release Date and Cover Price are now available as column fields.
  • Comics: Read It is now available in the Field Defaults settings.
  • Movies: Director and Format are now sortable fields.
  • Movies: Title Sort is now available as an Export field.
  • Games: Genre is now available as a sort field.

CLZ Games (Android)

v4.5.1: Improved Add Games screen

May 9th, 2017

This update to the CLZ Games app for Android brings user interface improvements to the Add Games screen:

  • All panels are now resizable (list, details, camera)
  • When adding a game that is already on your wish list, the app now lets you change its status to “In Collection”.
  • Adding By Barcode:
    • Camera scanner is now integrated in Add screen, not a separate screen
    • Tap the keyboard icon in the camera panel to enter a barcode manually
    • Barcode queue is now remembered between sessions
    • Press and hold to delete a barcode from the queue
  • Adding By Title:
    • Expand game edition list using “V” icons on the right
    • Game not found? Easy add it manually using the special entry in the results list

Game Connect

New: Print your list to a PDF file

May 1st, 2017

New in the CLZ Cloud viewer and Game Connect: a Print to PDF feature!
Generate a PDF file from your game list, ideal for printing.

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Game Collector (Windows)

v17.0.7: Fixed the “Update” button in the Edit Screen

April 26th, 2017


  • Edit Screen: clicking “Update” would cause an Access Violation
CLZ Games (iOS)

v4.5.2: New “Clear” templates added

April 26th, 2017

New in 4.5.2:

  • New Details View templates which are easier on the eye:
    • Clear Light template
    • Clear Dark template


  • After closing the add games automatically screen, it now selects the latest added game
  • Improved “tap” area of hamburger menu so you can back out of a folder more easily.

Game Collector (Windows)

v17.0.6: Fixed a “Cannot focus window” error.

April 25th, 2017


  • Edit Screen: switching tabs could throw a “Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window” error when the screen was still loading.
  • Edit Screen: clicking “Update” could throw a “hotkey not registered” error.
CLZ Games (iOS)

v4.5: A completely new look!

April 20th, 2017

A huge v4.5 update for the CLZ Games app is now available.

And prepare to be shocked 🙂 (in a good way, don’t worry):
The app looks completely different now, with a cleaner brighter look and an improved user interface.

What’s new in CLZ Games 4.5 for iOS?

  • A completely new look, that is cleaner and brighter.
  • The choice between two skins/themes: Light & Dark.
  • No bottom toolbar means more screen space for your game collection.
  • Big floating blue ‘+’ button on bottom right for adding new games.
  • Access all other features and tools from ‘hamburger’ menu top left.
  • Access all view settings from menu top right.
  • Quickly switch between All / In Collection / Wish List at the top.

How to update your CLZ Games app to version 4.5:

  • On your device, open the App Store app.
  • On the bottom, switch to the Updates tab.
  • Find the CLZ Games entry and tap “UPDATE” on the right.

Do you like the new look?
Then please let the world know by posting a nice review in the App Store!


  • Links to renew your update plan will now automatically log you into your account on the website.
  • Check for Updates: now has a link to the “What’s New” blog on our website.
  • My CLZ Account popup: now has a link to the “What’s New” blog on our website.


  • Edit Game: using ALT+N or ALT+P to navigate to Next or Previous Game could throw a “Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window” error.
  • “Completed” field didn’t properly sync down from CLZ Cloud.
  • Updating games or Pricecharting values will clear them for unlinked games.
Game Collector (Windows)

v17.1 Loose/CIB/New field plus enhanced cloud syncing

April 10th, 2017

For Game Collector, the v17.1 update has turned out to be a bigger update then the v16 to v17 update 🙂
Because for v17.1 we have added several game-specific fields and features, especially targeted at the serious video game collector:

New “Completeness” field: Loose vs CIB vs New

This is for the real video game collectors, especially those that are into collecting retro games:

  • Added: a new “Completeness” field, to indicate how complete your copy of a game is. Choose from:
    • Loose, meaning “cartridge or disc only”.
    • CIB, meaning “Complete In Box”, everything included.
    • New, meaning CIB and also still sealed.
  • Two extra checkbox fields “Manual” and “Box”.

    To further specify the “Loose” status. You know, for those cartridges with just a manual, no box. Or in a box, but with the manual missing.

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This update is for the real video game collectors, especially those that are into collecting retro games:

New “Completeness” field: Loose vs CIB vs New

This update is for the real video game collectors, especially those that are into collecting retro games:

  • Added: a new “Completeness” field, to indicate how complete your copy of a game is. Choose from:
    • Loose, meaning “cartridge or disc only”.
    • CIB, meaning “Complete In Box”, everything included.
    • New, meaning CIB and also still sealed.
  • Two extra checkbox fields “Manual” and “Box”.

    To further specify the “Loose” status. You know, for those cartridges with just a manual, no box. Or in a box, but with the manual missing.

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CLZ Games (iOS)

v4.3.4: Final iOS7 compatible version

April 5th, 2017

Important: this is the FINAL iOS 7 compatible version.
Support for iOS 7 will be dropped for future versions.


  • iOS 7: Crash in Add screen when opening the Add by Barcode tab.

Coming up: Fresh look and layout

Please look forward to the next build coming up in a couple weeks with a complete new fresh look and layout!

Game Connect

New: Back up / Restore your database

March 27th, 2017

Whilst we make daily backups for you on our own servers, you can now create your own backup of your Connect database and download it to your computer!

If you ever make a big mistake and lose valuable data, you can upload a previously downloaded backup file and restore it to your current database.

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Game Collector (Windows)

v17.0.3: Added search-as-you-type to pick list fields

March 16th, 2017

Search-As-You-Type for pick list fields

We’ve expanded the quick search box to now also allow “search-as-you-type” with suggestions for pick list fields.

How does it work?

In the quick search box top right of your screen you should see a “dropdown” button. Use this to select which field you wish to perform a search on. If “search-as-you-type” is available for that field, it will instantly work once you start typing in the box.


You can now select the field “Edition” in the quick search box, start typing some edition information like “special”, and instantly see suggestions (based on what you typed) of editions you have in your database. Click on an edition entry to see all games you have in that edition.

Fixes in this version

We also fixed some issues with the program in this version:

  • Images Popup:
    • “size window to picture” showed image slightly smaller
    • .tiff images were not showing

Game Connect

New: Flexible import from Text/CSV files

March 14th, 2017

Import from TXT or CSV

Import any Text or .CSV file into your collection

You can now import any text file (.txt) or comma separated value file (.csv) into your collection on Connect using the new import page in your Connect account.

With this new import tool you are able to quickly import a list of games from for instance an existing collection you may have in a spreadsheet or different software. All you have to do is export those games from your other software to a text or CSV file and follow the steps on the new Import page in your Connect account.

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This update introduces an easier way to deal with “Unrecognized Barcodes”.
A new screen that not only helps you to add the game to your app anyway, but also helps your fellow CLZ Games users by instantly adding the missing barcode to the CLZ Core online game database.

CLZ Games missing barcodes

What’s new in CLZ Games 4.3.3 for iOS?

Easily add games that come up as “Unrecognized Barcode”

  • In the Add Games screen when a barcode is not recognized, a new “Unrecognized Barcode” screen will appear.
  • In this screen:
    1. Just find your game by title (Search-As-You-Type is also active here!)
    2. Then click Add Game.
  • This will:
    1. Add the game to YOUR database with full game details and your barcode.
    2. Instantly add the barcode to OUR Core online game database, connected to the game you selected. Which means that the next user who searches for the same barcode, will instantly get a result 🙂

How to update your CLZ Games app to version 4.3.3:

  • On your device, open the App Store app.
  • On the bottom, switch to the Updates tab.
  • Find the CLZ Games entry and tap “UPDATE” on the right.


Recent changes

v9.2.6: Fixed a crop-bug in the Edit screen September 3rd, 2024 NCBD week 35: 579 new variants for a total of 258 new issues August 28th, 2024 v9.2.3: Better indication of “Subscription Expired” August 14th, 2024 v9.2.4: Better indication of “Subscription Expired” and some fixes August 12th, 2024 v9.2.2 New “search for…” suggestions when adding games by title August 7th, 2024 New “search for…” suggestions when adding games by title August 1st, 2024 Re-design of the “Unrecognized Barcode” screen July 31st, 2024 v9.2: “Free 7-day trial” is back July 26th, 2024 v9.1.8: Better workflow after adding a game July 18th, 2024 v9.1.10: Better workflow after adding a game July 17th, 2024 New platform picker in Add Games screen July 16th, 2024 v9.1.7: Free Mode is now called Free Trial July 16th, 2024 v9.1.9: Free Mode is now called Free Trial July 15th, 2024 v9.1.8: Free Mode button fixed for older devices June 28th, 2024 v9.1.6: A couple of fixes for subscription status issues June 28th, 2024 v9.1.7: A couple of fixes for subscription status issues June 27th, 2024 v9.1.5: Now supports “Sign up with Google” June 26th, 2024 v9.1.4: Now supports “Sign up with Apple” June 23rd, 2024 v9.1.6: Now supports “Sign up with Google” June 21st, 2024 v9.1.5: Back button/Swiping to go back wasn’t working in Add screen June 19th, 2024 v9.1.3: A couple of onboarding tweaks for new users June 19th, 2024 v9.1.4: A couple of onboarding tweaks for new users June 17th, 2024 v9.1.3: New big blue buy button June 5th, 2024 v9.1.2: New big blue buy button June 5th, 2024 v9.1.2: Fix for Free Mode June 3rd, 2024