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What's new in Game Connect?

The Game Connect software has allowed you to add your gaming hardware (consoles, controllers, etc…) to your database for quite a while. However, that has always been manual entry. Not surprisingly, one of the top feature requests for our game database solution has been the ability to add hardware automatically by searching an online database.

So… that is exactly what we created for you!

  • First, we set up a separate database in our Core for gaming hardware, with all the right fields.
  • Then, we created a in-house CMS tool for actually filling that hardware database.
  • At that point, the big project started for our content managers: finding console and accessory information online and manually filling the database with as many consoles, controllers, light guns, etc.. they could find. All with descriptions, box images, device images, backdrop images, sometimes even YouTube promo videos.
  • After many months work, our hardware database now lists 1500 console editions and just over 500 controllers.
  • So it is finally time to release our new “Add Hardware from Core” feature!

Add Hardware

Find the new Add Hardware screen by opening the menu and click “Add Hardware”

Add Hardware by title

This screen should be familiar to you as it works the same as the Add Games screen. Start typing the title of your hardware item, and pick it from the Search-as-you-type” suggestions.

Or refine your search by setting the type of hardware and picking a platform:

Add Hardware by barcode

You can also find hardware by scanning barcodes via the “Barcode” tab. Scan a bunch of hardware items and add them!

TIP: Use CLZ Barry to quickly scan a bunch of barcodes here!

Find Device and Box Image

Use the “Find Device image” and “Find Box image” buttons if you want to find a different image!

Add Hardware Manually

If you can’t find your hardware item, you can click the “Add Manually” button top right and fill in all details of the hardware item yourself.

Hardware in your collection

Hardware has been a part of our programs and Game Connect for a while. You can edit hardware the same as you can edit game, and you can now add two images (device and box image) to them.

TIP: To quickly group on hardware, click the folder button and go to Main > Type.

And the result:

New: Add your own back covers

With this big update for Game Connect we have another surprise for you: Back Covers! That’s right, a brand new back cover field you can modify yourself!

Use the “Find Back cover” button to find one, or upload one yourself:

New: Edit the Audience Rating field

Audience Rating is now a field you can edit yourself. So for all your games, you can edit and modify the Audience Rating field now, to anything you like.

We’ll be adding the audience rating and back cover fields to the sync of all other Collectorz.com game products in the next couple of weeks. Back covers (editing and syncing) will also be added to the Collectorz.com Movie, Book, Comic and Music products.

Recent changes

New “search for…” suggestions when adding games by title August 1st, 2024 Re-design of the “Unrecognized Barcode” screen July 31st, 2024 New platform picker in Add Games screen July 16th, 2024 Improved search behaviour May 24th, 2024 Improved managing and editing of pick list fields April 8th, 2024 Connect is now available in Swedish! February 21st, 2024 Connect is now available in Danish! January 30th, 2024 Improvements to the Collections and Edit Multiple features November 20th, 2023 Complete re-design of Edit Multiple feature October 30th, 2023 Pre-fill screen: Orange highlights and a Clear button October 30th, 2023 Improved search results in the Link with Core screen October 12th, 2023 Connect is now available in French, Spanish and Hungarian! September 29th, 2023 Improved Import from CSV/TXT screen August 16th, 2023 Printing / Exporting a selection is now much easier August 10th, 2023 Connect is now available in German! July 4th, 2023 Re-designed collection tab-bar May 4th, 2023 Connect is now available in Dutch! April 27th, 2023 View Last “Update Values” Report November 2nd, 2022 More value data from PriceCharting (Graded, Box only, Manual only) July 21st, 2022 New collection view : Vertical Cards! July 7th, 2022 Lots of new features and tweaks in one go! June 29th, 2022 Improved Pre-fill screen: choose your own fields! March 4th, 2022 New “Add from Core” settings: select which fields you want to download from Core November 25th, 2021 New: Progress bars for slower actions November 24th, 2021 Search by Barry / Cloud Visibility per Collection September 21st, 2021
