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What's new in CLZ Games?

Today, a smart tweak to the “Title” tab of the Add Games screen that will save you a lot of typing.

As you know, when you start typing in the Title box, the app always shows you a dropdown with 5 suggestions for the most popular matching games. Tap one of these to instantly select that game.

In this update, we added a new “Search for …” entry at the top of that dropdown, with a smart search suggestion. Basically it tries to “auto complete” what you are typing.
Tap that box to do a Title search on those words.

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CLZ Games (Android)

v9.1: CLZ Games is now free to use up to 100 games

May 31st, 2024

CLZ Games is now free to use up to 100 games, for as long as you like.
This “Free Mode” includes access to all functionality, including CLZ Cloud syncing (for online backups and transferring data between devices).
Got more than 100 games? Then subscribe (US $20 per year) and add as many games as you need. Of course, feel free to try the app with 100 games first!

CLZ Games (Android)

v9.0.5 Game values are back in the Add Games screen

April 17th, 2024

A small update for your CLZ Games app today, in which we rectify a big mistake we make in version 9.0 (two mistakes in fact). Also, we improved the camera barcode scanner and introduced a new setting for customizing your app.

Summary of today’s changes:

  • Game values are back in the Add Games screen
  • Check Values screen now accessible for “grandfathered” users too
  • Faster camera barcode scanner for adding games by barcode
  • New setting in Settings screen “Show Completed”

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Version 9 is here, a huge update for your CLZ Games app. In fact, it may even be the biggest update we ever did for CLZ Games, with many new features and several big improvements.
On top of that, our content team has been working for months to check and correct game cover images, to make sure the cover image exactly matches the barcode (regular editions vs collector’s editions, US vs EU vs JP vs AU covers, etc…).

  • Improved Adding Games by Title: big cover images for the various game editions (regional, collector’s editions, etc..), filter releases by Region (US, EU, JP, AU, etc.. )
  • New collections tab-bar: switch between collections using tabs at the bottom
  • New Check Value screen: quickly look up the value of a game, by scanning its barcode or searching by title (requires subscription!)
  • Improved Update from Core: now lets you replace cover images with better ones from Core
  • Better screens for dealing with “unrecognized barcodes”
  • More platforms icons: more platforms now come with their own icons

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CLZ Games (Android)

v8.4: Easier access to Manage Pick Lists tool

October 25th, 2023

A lot of the questions we get about CLZ Games can usually be answered with:

“Just use Manage Pick Lists”

Renaming Locations, Merging duplicate genres, fixing platform sort problems, fixing typos in formats, etc… it is all done in the Manage Pick Lists screen. An important and powerful screen, but… not so easy to find if you don’t know where to look or don’t even know what to look for.

With this update, we are trying to fix all that. We have made the screen much more accessible / discoverable AND we have made several improvements to the MPL screen itself.

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CLZ Games (Android)

v8.3: Pre-fill screen: Orange highlights and a Clear button

October 16th, 2023

This update is all about the Pre-fill screen, you know, the screen that appears when adding items and lets you pre-fill fields while adding, like Completeness, Location, Owner, Purchase Date/Store/Price, etc…

This Pre-fill screen was introduced in Jan 2021, with a fixed set of fields. Then a year later, in Jan 2022, it was made completely user configurable, so that *you* could choose which fields appeared on the screen.

This screen turned out to be a popular tool, but we’ve seen one problem with it:
Sometimes, users pre-fill a field for a specific game (e.g. Purchase Price or Quantity), then forget to CLEAR it for the next games they add. Causing lots of games to be added with that same field set incorrectly.

So today, we are making another tweak to the Pre-fill screen:

  • The Pre-fill screen now highlights filled fields in orange, so that they stand out more.
  • Also, we added a “Clear” button, to quickly clear all Pre-fill fields.


  • iOS: iPad: Year folders: the wrong year folder could be selected.
  • Android: Values weren’t downloaded for games sometimes.

CLZ Games (Android)

v8.2.1: New in-app getting started tips

September 13th, 2023


  • Added in-app getting started tips for new users (tap “dismiss” to dismiss)

CLZ Games (Android)

v8.1: New Sync button on main screen

September 6th, 2023

In this update, we try to tackle a problem that we often see in our support system:

Users changing phones without updating their CLZ Cloud first. Or even worse, without even having a CLZ Account yet.
Which of course cause data loss (and a lot of sadness).

So in this version, we are trying to create more awareness of:

  1. The importance of creating a CLZ Account, so that you can Sync with CLZ Cloud.
  2. The importance of keeping your CLZ Cloud up-to-date by actually Syncing with CLZ Cloud.

New Sync button in main screen

When not in sync with CLZ Cloud, a new Sync button will appear on the main screen, above the Add button. This way you will always know if there are still items to sync up to CLZ Cloud or down from CLZ Cloud (even when you use auto-sync).

(Don’t like this button? In the Settings screen, switch OFF the setting that says “Show on-screen sync button”)

New “Sync with Cloud!” bar when not logged in

When using the app while not logged in to a CLZ Account, a new bar will appear at the bottom of the main screen that says “Sync to CLZ Cloud for an online backup”.
Hopefully that will help prevent future data loss.

(Don’t like this bar? In the Settings screen, switch OFF the setting that says “Show backup suggestion bar”)

New 5-game “Demo Mode” for new users

For new users who just downloaded the app, we introduced a new “Demo Mode” that lets you add 5 games before committing to the actual 7-day free trial subscription.

Fixed on Android:

  • Edit Comic: When you’ve edited something, and you tapped “Next”, it would skip an item.

CLZ Games (Android)

v8.0: Use multiple folder levels

May 17th, 2023

A huge update for your CLZ Games mobile app today, which introduces a powerful feature for browsing and filtering your game collection: using multiple levels of folders.

Previously, it was only possible to use one level, so either Platform folders OR Genre folders OR Completeness folders OR Location folders, etc… But starting with this version, you can use nested folders, so for instance, use Platform folders, then within each platform folder have Genre folders.

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CLZ Games (Android)

Youtuber Mystic shows how he is using CLZ Games

April 19th, 2023

Yesterday, Youtuber Mystic (over 700 thousand subscribers) featured our CLZ Games app in a video where he is cataloging his games and checking their values.

BBy popular request, we have enhanced our support for getting values from PriceCharting.com! And there’s more…

Here’s what’s new in today’s CLZ Games 7.5 update:

  • Support for the separate Box Only and Manual Only values
  • Support for the Graded values

    (“Graded” is now an extra Completeness option)
  • More hardware related stats and charts in the Statistics screen
  • You can now also set Tags for Hardware items

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CLZ Games (Android)

v7.4 New “Card View”

May 12th, 2022

Another big update for your CLZ Games app, in which we introduce a new view for your game collection. But there’s more:

  • New “Card View”
  • Selecting games now also possible in Card View and Images View
  • Floating “Add Games” button (the big blue “+”) now auto-hides

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CLZ Games (Android)

v7.3: Back Cover images!

March 29th, 2022

Initially, when we created the mobile apps, we deliberately decided to leave out the back cover images, for performance, storage and bandwidth reasons. But with today’s fast internet speeds and fast devices with large storage.. it is time to change our minds!
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CLZ Games (Android)

v7.2: Progress Bars and Cancel buttons!

March 16th, 2022

In this update, no new features, just a nice improvement that makes existing functionality a bit better.

All actions in the app that can take a bit longer are now showing a nice progress bar!
This gives you some idea how long the action will take.
Also, the new Cancel button lets you stop actions, e.g. if you see it will take too long to do at this time.

The new progress bars are now shown when:

  • Adding multiple games
  • Editing multiple games
  • Removing multiple games
  • Updating from Core
  • Updating PriceCharting Values

CLZ Games (Android)

v7.1: Improved Pre-fill screen: choose your own fields!

February 4th, 2022

One of the most popular features we added to the CLZ Games app in the past few years is the Pre-fill screen. You know, the screen that pops up when adding new games from Core and lets you “pre-fill” some fields for the new additions, right there and then. Without having to go back and edit the entries afterwards. A big time-saver for most users.

The set of fields that is available on the Pre-fill screen has always been fixed, limited to Completeness, Location, Owner, Purchase Date/Store/Price, Quantity and Tags.

However, after the release of this feature, we instantly started getting requests for more fields to be added to the Pre-fill screen. Which makes sense, I mean, if you always fill in a field that is not on the Pre-fill screen, you would have to “edit after adding” anyway, rendering the entire Pre-fill screen useless…

So today we are taking the Pre-fill feature to the next level by making the screen completely user-configurable. That is, to allow you to choose your own Pre-fill fields!

And while we were at it, we made some other related improvements. Here’s what’s new in version 7.1:

  • User-configurable Pre-fill screen: choose your own fields
  • Pre-fill: new for personal Date fields: Use “Today”
  • The Pre-fill screen is now also used to set field defaults

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CLZ Games (Android)

v7.0: New features and lots of improvements

December 2nd, 2021

A huge 7.0 update for your CLZ Games app is now available, with new features and lots of improvements to existing functionality. All in one go and all based on your feedback!

New in version 7 today:

  • Use barcode scanner to search your own database
  • New Collection Status: Sold
  • New Collection Status icons and colors
  • Improved Add Games screen: enlarge thumbs, new beeps, num pad for barcode entry
  • New: after Updating Values and closing the report, you can now re-open the report
  • New Favorites section in Manage Pick List screen
  • New setting to enable/disable showing trailers in the game details
  • The quantity field now shows in the list entries (when not “1”)

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CLZ Games (Android)

v6.6.2: Main screen lists now fully support system font sizes

September 28th, 2021


Main screen lists now fully support system font sizes, that is, the list rows now automatically become bigger/higher if you have set your device to a larger font size. (previously, some information would be cropped)
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CLZ Games (Android)

v6.6 Submit to Core / New Select Mode and action menu

September 27th, 2021

Now available in the Play Store, version 6.6 for CLZ Games. In this update, we finally bring the Submit to Core feature to the mobile app, so that you can help improve the Core online game database, by submitting your corrections.
Also new in this update: Select Mode is now easier to activate and the Action menu has a new look.


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CLZ Games (iOS)

v6.6 Submit to Core / New Select Mode and action menu

September 27th, 2021

Now available in the App Store, version 6.6 for CLZ Games. In this update, we finally bring the Submit to Core feature to the mobile app, so that you can help improve the Core online game database, by submitting your corrections.
Also new in this update: Select Mode is now easier to activate and the Action menu has a new look.


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CLZ Games (Android)

v6.5: Duplicate / Clear Cloud / Shake to Shuffle / Web-links

September 8th, 2021

It’s been a while since the last CLZ Games update, as our entire mobile team has been working on a big update of our CLZ Music app (the one for CDs and vinyl records).

But we’re back at it for the other CLZ mobile apps, with 4 new features in one go!

  • a new “Duplicate Game” tool, for making a full copy an existing game in your database.
  • a new “Clear Cloud” button in the Sync screen, for resetting your CLZ Cloud
  • a new “Shake to Shuffle” feature, for selecting a random game
  • a new Links tab in the Edit Game screen, for adding web-links to your game entries

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It’s been a while since the last CLZ Games update, as our entire mobile team has been working on a big update of our CLZ Music app (the one for CDs and vinyl records).

But we’re back at it for the other CLZ mobile apps, with 4 new features in one go!

  • a new “Duplicate Game” tool, for making a full copy an existing game in your database.
  • a new “Clear Cloud” button in the Sync screen, for resetting your CLZ Cloud
  • a new “Shake to Shuffle” feature, for selecting a random game
  • a new Links tab in the Edit Game screen, for adding web-links to your game entries

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CLZ Games (Android)

v6.4 New look for game list, cover view & game details

July 2nd, 2021

Instead of adding more new features, we decided to take a few weeks to work on the look and feel of the app.
In this 6.4 update, we improved the look and layout of the game list and of the game details pages, in both the main screen and the Add screen preview.
On top of that, we finally acted upon a common request from our users: you can now change the size of the thumbnails in the Images View.

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Instead of adding more new features, we decided to take a few weeks to work on the look and feel of the app.
In this 6.4 update, we improved the look and layout of the game list and of the game details pages, in both the main screen and the Add screen preview.
On top of that, we finally acted upon a common request from our users: you can now change the size of the thumbnails in the Images View.

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CLZ Games (Android)

v6.3: Various improvements

February 22nd, 2021

A big update for your CLZ app today. Instead of bringing one big new feature, we decided to work on multiple areas that could be improved, all of them based on the feedback we received from you all. Thanks for that!

Collection Status filter

The 2nd button from the top right (next to the search button) is the Collection Status filter. Previously, it allowed you to filter by All, Collection or Wish List, but with this update, we added all collection status option there as filters, including On order and For Sale.

Also, the button will now be highlighted in yellow when a filter is active, that is, when it is set to anything other than “All”.

Re-designed toolbars at the top

The toolbars at the top have been re-designed, mainly to make the interactive elements stand out more as actual “buttons”.

(Especially the folder icon on the left was something that was often overlooked as something you could tap on. Hopefully this re-design will help to let more users find the most powerful feature of the app 🙂 )

New sort and display options in Settings

  • Ignore Sort Titles when sorting by Title
  • Show Sort Titles instead of Titles

Improved Statistics screen

The Statistics screen has been updated with:

  • More database totals at the top (purchase price, current value)
  • More charts (by Year, by Genre, by Completeness, by Completed, Value by Completeness)
  • A new: “tap to show all” option to enlarge charts and see ALL entries

CLZ Games (iOS)

v6.3: Various improvements

February 22nd, 2021

A big update for your CLZ app today. Instead of bringing one big new feature, we decided to work on multiple areas that could be improved, all of them based on the feedback we received from you all. Thanks for that!

Collection Status filter

The 2nd button from the top right (next to the search button) is the Collection Status filter. Previously, it allowed you to filter by All, Collection or Wish List, but with this update, we added all collection status option there as filters, including On order and For Sale.

Also, the button will now be highlighted in yellow when a filter is active, that is, when it is set to anything other than “All”.

Re-designed toolbars at the top

The toolbars at the top have been re-designed, mainly to make the interactive elements stand out more as actual “buttons”.

(Especially the folder icon on the left was something that was often overlooked as something you could tap on. Hopefully this re-design will help to let more users find the most powerful feature of the app 🙂 )

New sort and display options in Settings

  • Ignore Sort Titles when sorting by Title
  • Show Sort Titles instead of Titles

Improved Statistics screen

The Statistics screen has been updated with:

  • More database totals at the top (purchase price, current value)
  • More charts (by Year, by Genre, by Completeness, by Completed, Value by Completeness)
  • A new: “tap to show all” option to enlarge charts and see ALL entries

Recent changes

v9.2.2 New “search for…” suggestions when adding games by title August 7th, 2024 v9.1: CLZ Games is now free to use up to 100 games May 31st, 2024 v9.0.5 Game values are back in the Add Games screen April 17th, 2024 v9.0: Improved Add by Title screen, Collection tabs, Check Value screen and more! March 12th, 2024 v8.4: Easier access to Manage Pick Lists tool October 25th, 2023 v8.3: Pre-fill screen: Orange highlights and a Clear button October 16th, 2023 v8.2.1: New in-app getting started tips September 13th, 2023 v8.1: New Sync button on main screen September 6th, 2023 v8.0: Use multiple folder levels May 17th, 2023 Youtuber Mystic shows how he is using CLZ Games April 19th, 2023 v7.5: More value data from PriceCharting (Graded, Box only, Manual only) July 25th, 2022 v7.4 New “Card View” May 12th, 2022 v7.3: Back Cover images! March 29th, 2022 v7.2: Progress Bars and Cancel buttons! March 16th, 2022 v7.1: Improved Pre-fill screen: choose your own fields! February 4th, 2022 v7.0: New features and lots of improvements December 2nd, 2021 v6.6.2: Main screen lists now fully support system font sizes September 28th, 2021 v6.6 Submit to Core / New Select Mode and action menu September 27th, 2021 v6.6 Submit to Core / New Select Mode and action menu September 27th, 2021 v6.5: Duplicate / Clear Cloud / Shake to Shuffle / Web-links September 8th, 2021 v6.5: Duplicate / Clear Cloud / Shake to Shuffle / Web-links September 8th, 2021 v6.4 New look for game list, cover view & game details July 2nd, 2021 v6.4 New look for game list, cover view & game details July 2nd, 2021 v6.3: Various improvements February 22nd, 2021 v6.3: Various improvements February 22nd, 2021