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Another big update for your CLZ Comics app, in which we introduce a new view for your comic collection. But there’s more:

  • Main screen:
    • New “Card View”
    • Selecting comics now also possible in Card View and Images View
    • Floating “Add Comics” button (the big blue “+”) now auto-hides
  • Add Comics screen:
    • List View is back!
    • “Add Manually” is back!

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CLZ Comics (iOS)

v7.6.2: Bug fixes for the Add Screen and template

April 26th, 2022

Today, two fixes for the new Add Comics screen and small fix for the details panel on iPad:

  • Slow opening of issue list for a series
    Opening a series to go to its issue list could cause the app to “freeze” for a while, depending on the number of issues in the series AND the number of comics in your database.

    Please note that this was not related to the loading of the large images. Instead, it was just a stupid bug that was introduced during the rewrite of this screen, related to the “in collection highlighting”.

    You will find that all series now open instantly, even with the large images 🙂

  • Pull List showed all issues of a series
    When opening a series on the pull list, it incorrectly showed all issues for the series, where as it should of course show recent and future issues only.

  • Comic details on iPad: visibility of backdrop
    A small fix/tweak for the comic details panel on iPad, to make the backdrop more visible

CLZ Comics (Android)

v7.6 Bigger cover images in Add Comics screen

April 17th, 2022

For this update, the main goal was to make the cover images in the Add Comics screen bigger, to make it easier to find the issue or variant that you own.

However, while working on that, we ran into many other things that could be improved, so we figured why not? So in the end, it turned out be a serious overhaul of the Add Comics screen 🙂

Here’s an overview of all the improvements:

  • Bigger cover images in the Issue List
  • The Issue List for a series now opens in a separate page
  • Preview Page now also shows a bigger cover image
  • New look or series search results and series search “suggestions box”
  • Close the Add Comics screen with “X” top left, no more “double back button” confusion

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Comic Collector (Windows)

v22.2.5: Bug fixes

April 11th, 2022


  • Various “Access Violation” errors fixed in the Link Comics screen
  • Edit Screen: File paths for missing cover images weren’t showing
  • Main Screen: filtering on Collection Status “Sold” didn’t show correct filter text in the bottom of the screen

CLZ Comics (Android)

v7.5.3: Bug fix for crash in Add screen

April 5th, 2022


  • Crash when adding a comic while the Purchase Price field was active in the Pre-Fill screen

CLZ Comics (Android)

v7.5.2: Various bugfixes

April 4th, 2022


  • Templates: Tapping the cover to zoom in on it often caused the cover to flip to the back cover
  • Adding an item to a different collection status caused Pre-fill fields to clear in the existing entry
  • Sorting: When sorting by cover price, comics without a cover price would show “Cover: null” in the list

We are working several improvements for the Add Comics screen of the CLZ Comics mobile app.

The main change will be in the issue list, which will now show as a 3-column grid, with BIG cover images. But still with all the info you had before: Issue Nr, Variant, Variant Description, Release Date and a Key icon.

The main goal here is to make it easier to find your cover, your variant, without having to tap each cover to see the full size version.

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CLZ Comics (Android)

v7.5: Back Cover images!

March 29th, 2022

Initially, when we created the mobile apps, we deliberately decided to leave out the back cover images, for performance, storage and bandwidth reasons. But with today’s fast internet speeds and fast devices with large storage.. it is time to change our minds!
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Comic Collector (Windows)

v22.2.4: Various bug fixes

March 21st, 2022


  • Various “Access Violation” errors fixed in the Link Comics screen
  • User Defined Fields: default values weren’t used when adding comics
  • Pre-fill: User Defined Fields weren’t remembered between sessions
  • Light Skin: Rating stars weren’t visible

CLZ Comics (Android)

v7.4: Progress Bars and Cancel buttons!

March 16th, 2022

In this update, no new features, just a nice improvement that makes existing functionality a bit better.

All actions in the app that can take a bit longer are now showing a nice progress bar!
This gives you some idea how long the action will take.
Also, the new Cancel button lets you stop actions, e.g. if you see it will take too long to do at this time.

The new progress bars are now shown when:

  • Adding multiple comics
  • Editing multiple comics
  • Removing multiple comics
  • Updating from Core
  • Updating key comic information

Fixed for Android:

  • App could crash when tapping the Add button in the main screen

Comic Collector (Windows)

v22.2.3: Various bug fixes

March 14th, 2022


  • Edit screen: Pick list popups for certain fields didn’t remember their sort order
  • Pre-fill screen: It wasn’t possible to clear out certain fields (such as Tags)
  • Pre-fill wasn’t working after the “move to other collection status” popup
  • Print/Export of “Sold Date” field wasn’t working

One of the most popular features we added to the Comic Connect in the past few years is the Pre-fill screen. You know, the screen that pops up when adding new comics from Core and lets you “pre-fill” some fields for the new additions, right there and then. Without having to go back and edit the entries afterwards. A big time-saver for most users.

The set of fields that is available on the Pre-fill screen has always been fixed, limited to Storage Box, Owner, Purchase Date/Store/Price, Quantity, Grade, Grading Company, Raw/Slabbed and Tags.

However, after the release of this feature, we instantly started getting requests for more fields to be added to the Pre-fill screen. Which makes sense, I mean, if you always fill in a field that is not on the Pre-fill screen, you would have to “edit after adding” anyway, rendering the entire Pre-fill screen useless…

So today we are taking the Pre-fill feature to the next level by making the screen completely user-configurable. That is, to allow you to choose your own Pre-fill fields!

And while we were at it, we made some other related improvements. Here’s what’s new today:

  • User-configurable Pre-fill screen: choose your own fields
  • Pre-fill: new for personal Date fields: Fill with “Today”
  • Pre-fill: new for Purchase Price: Use “Cover Price” minus your discount percentage.
  • The Pre-fill screen is now also used to set field defaults

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Comic Collector (Windows)

v22.2.2: Bug fixes

March 3rd, 2022


  • The add/update settings screen didn’t fit on smaller screens
  • Fields in the Pre-fill screen could look bad on screens with high DPI

Another big update for your Comic Collector software already. Today, version 22.2 brings you 4 cool new features:

  • User-configurable Pre-fill screen: choose your own fields
  • More configuration settings for Add / Update from Core
  • An easier and quicker way of marking Series as Completed
  • Support for WebP images

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CLZ Comics (Android)

v7.3: Mark Multiple Series as Completed in one go!

February 17th, 2022

We’re on a roll! Today marks the release of CLZ Comics 7.3, with an easier and quicker way of marking Series as Completed.

We introduced the “Completed” toggle back in November 2021. It is used to indicate that a Series is “completed”. Until now, the toggle could only be set one series at a time, using the Edit Series screen.

Today, by popular request, we’re introducing a way to mark multiple Series as Completed in one go! Just select multiple series in the Series list, then choose “Mark as Completed” from the Action button menu.

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CLZ Comics (Android)

v7.2.2: Two bugs squashed

February 3rd, 2022


  • Crash when adding comics with the Pre-fill screen DISABLED
  • When using “Fill with Cover Price minus Discount” to set the Purchase Price, the discounted price was not calculated correctly

CLZ Comics (Android)

v7.2: Improved Pre-fill screen: choose your own fields!

February 2nd, 2022

One of the most popular features we added to the CLZ Comics app in the past few years is the Pre-fill screen. You know, the screen that pops up when adding new comics from Core and lets you “pre-fill” some fields for the new additions, right there and then. Without having to go back and edit the entries afterwards. A big time-saver for most users.

The set of fields that is available on the Pre-fill screen has always been fixed, limited to Storage Box, Owner, Purchase Date/Store/Price, Quantity, Grade, Grading Company and Tags.

However, after the release of this feature, we instantly started getting requests for more fields to be added to the Pre-fill screen. Which makes sense, I mean, if you always fill in a field that is not on the Pre-fill screen, you would have to “edit after adding” anyway, rendering the entire Pre-fill screen useless…

So today we are taking the Pre-fill feature to the next level by making the screen completely user-configurable. That is, to allow you to choose your own Pre-fill fields!

And while we were at it, we made some other related improvements. Here’s what’s new in version 7.2:

  • User-configurable Pre-fill screen: choose your own fields
  • Pre-fill: new for personal Date fields: Use “Today”
  • Pre-fill: new for Purchase Price: Use “Cover Price” minus your discount percentage.
  • The Pre-fill screen is now also used to set field defaults

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Comic Connect

Minor Keys vs Major Keys and Key Categories

January 12th, 2022

The “Automatic key comic info” feature, introduced early November, has proven to be enormously popular… BUT it is also easily THE most controversial feature that we have ever introduced to any of our software titles!
Most users are loving the extra little trivia about their comics. But others are annoyed by too many comics being “key” for reasons that are not important enough in their opinion.

Soo… let’s see if we can improve this feature, so that we can remove most of the annoyance and make it useful for a larger part of our audience.
Today, we introduce the following improvements to the key comics feature:

  • Distinction between Minor Keys (blue icon) and Major Keys (yellow icon)
  • New “Key Category” field, automatically delivered from Core, e.g. “First appearance”, “Death”, “Cameo appearance”, “Iconic cover”, etc..
  • New “Update Key Info” tool in the CLZ Core, that is fully configurable (Minor/Major Keys, Allow Overwrite/Clear). No more need to use Update from Core.
  • Key icons now also show in issue lists in Add Comics screen.
  • New charts in Statistics screen, for Key Comics and Key Category.

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Comic Collector (Windows)

v22.1: Minor Keys vs Major Keys and Key Categories

January 12th, 2022

The “Automatic key comic info” feature, introduced early November, has proven to be enormously popular… BUT it is also easily THE most controversial feature that we have ever introduced to any of our software titles!
Most users are loving the extra little trivia about their comics. But others are annoyed by too many comics being “key” for reasons that are not important enough in their opinion.

Soo… let’s see if we can improve this feature, so that we can remove most of the annoyance and make it useful for a larger part of our audience.
Today, we introduce the following improvements to the key comics feature:

  • Distinction between Minor Keys (blue icon) and Major Keys (yellow icon)
  • New “Key Category” field, automatically delivered from Core, e.g. “First appearance”, “Death”, “Cameo appearance”, “Iconic cover”, etc..
  • New “Update Key Info” tool in the CLZ Core, that is fully configurable (Minor/Major Keys, Allow Overwrite/Clear). No more need to use Update from Core.
  • Key icons now also show in issue lists in Add Comics screen.
  • New charts in Statistics screen, for Key Comics and Key Category.

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CLZ Comics (Android)

v7.1: Minor Keys vs Major Keys and Key Categories

January 11th, 2022

The “Automatic key comic info” feature, introduced early November, has proven to be enormously popular… BUT it is also easily THE most controversial feature that we have ever introduced to any of our software titles!
Most users are loving the extra little trivia about their comics. But others are annoyed by too many comics being “key” for reasons that are not important enough in their opinion.

Soo… let’s see if we can improve this feature, so that we can remove most of the annoyance and make it useful for a larger part of our audience.
Today, we introduce the following improvements to the key comics feature:

  • Distinction between Minor Keys (blue icon) and Major Keys (yellow icon).
  • New “Key Category” field, automatically delivered from Core, e.g. “First appearance”, “Death”, “Cameo appearance”, “Iconic cover”, etc..
  • New “Update Key Info” tool in menu, that is fully configurable (Minor/Major Keys, Allow Overwrite/Clear). No more need to use Update from Core.
  • Key icons now also show in issue lists in Add Comics screen.
  • New charts in Statistics screen, for Key Comics and Key Category.

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In today’s update we’re introducing new Add from Core settings screen, that lets you configure exactly which fields you want to download when adding new books.

While we are at it, we also tweaked the UI of the existing Update from Core settings and… we combined the two into ONE screens, with Add from Core / Update from Core tabs at top.

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Comic Connect

New: Progress bars for slower actions

November 24th, 2021

A nice update for all five Connect flavors today, in which we’ve added new progress bars to all actions in the software that can take a while.

(In the past, the software would just show a rotating symbol, not giving you any indication of actual progress or how long it could still take.)

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Comic Collector (Windows)

v22.0.2: Updated Cards view and some fixes

November 22nd, 2021

Updated Cards view:

A small re-design of the Cards View card, to make it closer to the look of the CLZ Comics mobile app list entries and the Card View in Comic Connect. So Card view now also shows the new Slabbed icon, grade, value and quantity.


  • Add multiple comics manually was broken (Error “Ancestor for ‘pnAdditional’ not found”
  • Statistics screen: “Top most valuable comics” and “Most valuable series” are back!

CLZ Comics (iOS)

v7.0.2: Small tweaks and fixes

November 22nd, 2021

Some small tweaks and fixes based on the feedback we received after the big v7 release:


  • Download key comic info from Core can now be switched OFF in Settings
  • Pre-fill popup: Quantity is now always reset to 1
  • For debugging and support purposes the Edit Series screen now shows Core SeriesID


  • Clear Database didn’t clear the Pull List

CLZ Comics (Android)

v7.0.2: Small tweaks and fixes

November 22nd, 2021

Some small tweaks and fixes based on the feedback we received after the big v7 release:


  • Download key comic info from Core can now be switched OFF in Settings
  • Pre-fill popup: Quantity is now always reset to 1
  • For debugging and support purposes the Edit Series screen now shows Core SeriesID


  • Add Comics: Adding from pull list wasn’t working
  • Statistics: The “paid” information was not calculated correctly
  • Folders: “a”/”b” folders showing up instead of Yes/No
  • Update from Core: some comics kept getting an update
  • Clear Database didn’t clear the Pull List

Recent changes

v9.8 Subscribe to CovrPrice as an In-App purchase, straight from the CLZ app September 19th, 2024 NCBD week 38: 593 new variants for a total of 340 new issues September 18th, 2024 v9.7.3 Further tweaks based on your feedback September 12th, 2024 NCBD week 37: 482 new variants for a total of 198 new issues September 11th, 2024 NCBD week 36: 411 new variants for a total of 171 new issues September 4th, 2024 v9.7: Various improvements for Add Comics, Statistics and Main screen September 2nd, 2024 NCBD week 35: 579 new variants for a total of 258 new issues August 28th, 2024 NCBD week 34: 532 new variants for a total of 275 new issues August 21st, 2024 NCBD week 33: 517 new variants for a total of 231 new issues August 14th, 2024 v9.6.3: Better indication of “Subscription Expired” and some fixes August 13th, 2024 v9.6.4: Better indication of “Subscription Expired” and some fixes August 12th, 2024 New “search for…” suggestions when adding by Series or Issue August 8th, 2024 v9.6.2 New “search for…” suggestions when adding by Series or Issue August 8th, 2024 New Comic Book Day, week 32: 485 new releases! August 7th, 2024 New Comic Book Day, week 31: 428 new releases! July 31st, 2024 v9.6: “Free 7-day trial” is back July 26th, 2024 New Comic Book Day, week 30: 758 new releases! July 24th, 2024 v9.5: Improved barcode scanner, no more AUTO/EXT toggle! July 19th, 2024 v9.4.4: Better workflow after adding a comic via the Issue tab July 17th, 2024 New Comic Book Day, week 29: 463 new releases! July 17th, 2024 v9.4.3: Better workflow after adding from the issue tab, and some fixes July 17th, 2024 v9.4.3: Fixed a problem in the Add Comics screen July 16th, 2024 v9.4.2: Free Mode is now called Free Trial July 15th, 2024 New Comic Book Day, week 28: 470 new releases! July 10th, 2024 New Comic Book Day, week 27: 428 new releases! July 3rd, 2024