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Comic Connect

New: Comic values powered by GoCollect!

July 11th, 2019

Yes, it is finally happening! After being a daily feature request for many years, our comic database tools are finally going to deliver comic values, thanks to our new collaboration with the popular GoCollect.com comic book price guide.
And the cloud-based Comic Connect software is the first to get this cool new feature!

New in today’s Comic Connect update:

  • Get comic values from Core, powered by GoCollect.com
    Find out which are the most valuable comics in your collection. Just set a Grade for your comics, then Update Values from GoCollect based on that grade.
    Finally, view Value Stats in the updated Statistics screens.

  • Lots of new editable fields:
    Many new value related fields are now available. Grade, Slabbed vs Raw, Grading Company, Grader Notes, Signed By, Is Key Comic (yes/no) and Key Reason.
    Other new fields: Back Cover, Plot, Nr of Pages, Genres, Country and Language.

Get comic pricing from Core, powered by GoCollect.com

Find out which are the most valuable comics in your collection, by downloading comic values from our Core online comic database, based on their Grades. Values are updated daily from GoCollect.com.

  • Batch update values for all comics in your database.
  • When adding new comics, get values based on default Grade.
  • New Value Totals and Statistics in Statistics screen.


  • GoCollect determines values based on actual sales on auction sites.
  • Also, values are based on sales of of CGC/CBCS graded comics only.

The above is an excellent way to determine reliable and up-to-date values, but it also means that they cannot provide values for each and every comic that exists. If for a specific comic there are no recent transactions of slabbed copies, its’ value is unknown.

In other words, this new feature is a very cool way to find the most valuable comics in your collection, but, for now, it will not help to automatically determine the value of your entire collection!

How to get values for your comics:

Here’s how to get values downloaded for existing comics in your database:

  • First set a Grade for all of them using the Edit Multiple feature:
    • Click All Comics in the folder panel, to make the list panel show all comics.
    • Click one of the checkboxes in the list to enter Selection Mode.
    • In the blue bar at the top, check the “All” checkbox on the left.
    • Now click Edit in the blue bar to open the Edit Multiple screen.
    • In the Edit Multiple screen, go to the Value tab.
    • Click the checkbox above “Grade”, set a Grade (e.g. 7.0), then click OK.

      (Note that for large databases this Edit Multiple action may take a while!)
  • Now, from the menu, choose Update All Values, under TOOLS.
    (this too may take a while on large collections!).

TIP: Set a default value for the Grade field, using Field Defaults from the menu. This will ensure future additions always have a Grade set.

Value Statistics

Open the Statistics screen from the menu to find nice new value based stats, like Total Value, Average Value, a list of the top 5 Most Valuable Comics, charts of Value by Series, etc…

Lots of new editable fields

To accompany the automatic comic pricing feature, we have introduced several new pricing related fields, all to be found in the new Value tab of the Edit Comic screen:

  • Grade, replaces the Condition field
    (all your existing Condition values have been moved to the Grade field (if it matches with one of the fixed Grade values). In cases where it does not match, your Condition info has been placed into the Grader Notes field).

  • Slabbed vs Raw
  • Grading Company
  • Grader Notes
  • Signed By
  • Is Key Comic (yes/no)
  • Key Reason

Next to that, the following fields are now fully editable (previously only automatically delivered from Core).

  • Back Cover
  • Plot
  • Nr of Pages
  • Genres
  • Country
  • Language

Recent changes

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