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v8.2: New report after Updating Key Info

January 24th, 2023

Introduced in November 2021, the Update Key Info tool is one the biggest and most popular features of the CLZ Comics app. It automatically gives you crucial information about your collection, that is, which of your comics are major keys, which ones are minor keys. Of course, it also tells you why, for example: first appearances of characters, deaths, cameo appearances, first team appearances, origins, iconic cover art, etc…

However, since we introduced this feature, one of the most requested improvements has become:

“After updating my key info, I would like to see WHICH comics were updated and WHAT has changed.”

So for version 8.2, we sat down and improved this feature, with a nice new Updated Key Info report, that shows you exactly what has changed.

The report shows:

  • Which comics have now become a new Major or Minor Key.
  • Which comics have been updated from Minor Key to Major Key (or vice versa)
  • Which comics are now not a key anymore (downgraded from Major or Minor to NOT key).
  • Which comics have had their Key Reason or Key Category updated (highlighted in yellow text).
  • Finally, at the bottom it shows how your total numbers of Minor and Major keys have changed.

Recent changes

v9.8 Subscribe to CovrPrice as an In-App purchase, straight from the CLZ app September 19th, 2024 v9.7.3 Further tweaks based on your feedback September 12th, 2024 v9.7: Various improvements for Add Comics, Statistics and Main screen September 2nd, 2024 v9.6.2 New “search for…” suggestions when adding by Series or Issue August 8th, 2024 v9.5: Improved barcode scanner, no more AUTO/EXT toggle! July 19th, 2024 v9.4: Re-design of Pull List feature (and now called “NCBD”) July 3rd, 2024 v9.3: CLZ Comics is now free to use up to 250 comics June 4th, 2024 v9.2: Improved “Updated Values” screen, after updating from CovrPrice May 16th, 2024 v9.1 Use Edit Multiple to set Creators & Characters March 28th, 2024 v9.0: Check Value / Collection Tabs / Issue Search and more! November 30th, 2023 v8.10: Improvements for Search box and Hide Variants mode November 2nd, 2023 v8.9: Easier access to Manage Pick Lists tool October 25th, 2023 v8.8: Pre-fill screen: Orange highlights and a Clear button October 16th, 2023 v8.7.1: New in-app getting started tips September 14th, 2023 v8.6: New Sync button on main screen September 6th, 2023 v8.5: Modify the Creators and Character lists of your comic entries! August 21st, 2023 v8.4: Use multiple folder levels May 21st, 2023 v8.3: A new look for slabbed comics, plus 3 new slab-related fields March 6th, 2023 v8.2: New report after Updating Key Info January 24th, 2023 v8.1.4: New features for the Update Values report screen November 9th, 2022 v8.1 Two improvements to the CovrPrice integration October 24th, 2022 v8.0: Get comic values from CovrPrice! October 4th, 2022 v7.11.1: Configurable Update from Core August 9th, 2022 v7.10: ReLink Core Variant + Improved Card View July 31st, 2022 v7.9 Filter your Series list by Completed status July 1st, 2022