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What's new in CLZ Comics for iOS?


  • Add Comics from CLZ Core:
    • Now automatically searches the series you were looking at in your app.
    • New skinned preview templates.
  • After adding/editing a comic, the app will now always find and show your last added comic in your main screen.
  • If you log in to your CLZ Account on a new or empty device, the app will now ask you if you wish to download your comics from CLZ Cloud.
  • Added skinning to Sign up/Log in/In App Purchase screens.


  • Some barcode searches could return empty issues upon adding them.
  • Reading date was displayed twice in the ‘Clear’ templates.
  • After each CLZ Cloud sync the “Quick Search” and “Collection Status Filter” was cleared.
  • When a custom cover was downloaded via CLZ Cloud syncing, the thumbnail in the list wasn’t immediately updated.
  • When a comic was removed, the list would scroll back to the top.
  • Various skinning, layout and color fixes.

Recent changes

v9.8 Subscribe to CovrPrice as an In-App purchase, straight from the CLZ app September 19th, 2024 v9.7.3 Further tweaks based on your feedback September 12th, 2024 v9.7: Various improvements for Add Comics, Statistics and Main screen September 2nd, 2024 v9.6.2 New “search for…” suggestions when adding by Series or Issue August 8th, 2024 v9.5: Improved barcode scanner, no more AUTO/EXT toggle! July 19th, 2024 v9.4: Re-design of Pull List feature (and now called “NCBD”) July 3rd, 2024 v9.3: CLZ Comics is now free to use up to 250 comics June 4th, 2024 v9.2: Improved “Updated Values” screen, after updating from CovrPrice May 16th, 2024 v9.1 Use Edit Multiple to set Creators & Characters March 28th, 2024 v9.0: Check Value / Collection Tabs / Issue Search and more! November 30th, 2023 v8.10: Improvements for Search box and Hide Variants mode November 2nd, 2023 v8.9: Easier access to Manage Pick Lists tool October 25th, 2023 v8.8: Pre-fill screen: Orange highlights and a Clear button October 16th, 2023 v8.7.1: New in-app getting started tips September 14th, 2023 v8.6: New Sync button on main screen September 6th, 2023 v8.5: Modify the Creators and Character lists of your comic entries! August 21st, 2023 v8.4: Use multiple folder levels May 21st, 2023 v8.3: A new look for slabbed comics, plus 3 new slab-related fields March 6th, 2023 v8.2: New report after Updating Key Info January 24th, 2023 v8.1.4: New features for the Update Values report screen November 9th, 2022 v8.1 Two improvements to the CovrPrice integration October 24th, 2022 v8.0: Get comic values from CovrPrice! October 4th, 2022 v7.11.1: Configurable Update from Core August 9th, 2022 v7.10: ReLink Core Variant + Improved Card View July 31st, 2022 v7.9 Filter your Series list by Completed status July 1st, 2022