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What's new in CLZ Comics for Android?

An important update for your CLZ Comics app today, in which we make it much easier to subscribe to CovrPrice and get comic values in your CLZ app.

In short: you can now subscribe to CovrPrice straight from the CLZ app, as in In-App-Purchase! And when you do, it is linked up and active immediately, just use Update Values and you’re set.

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CLZ Comics (Android)

v9.7.3 Further tweaks based on your feedback

September 12th, 2024

Thank you all for the feedback on last week’s version 9.7 of the CLZ Comics app! Most users absolutely loved the update, but there was some negative feedback too, by email, on our Club CLZ forum and in the CLZ Comics group on Facebook.

So in today’s 9.7.3 update, we are addressing most of the complaints and suggestions.

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Today, a big v9.7 update for your CLZ Comics, with a couple of new features and lots of small improvements all over the app, including a resolution for something that has annoyed many users for over 23 years!

Here’s what’s new:

  • Add Comics screen:
    • New “Hide Owned” toggle on Series tab, for hiding all issues that you already own
    • New snappy “Confirm” popups replace the old and slow Preview pages
    • New look for issue cards on Issue tab
  • Statistics screen:
    • Removed the “Comics by Creator” top list, and replaced it with:
    • New Top Artists list, that includes all artist type roles
    • New Top Writers list, that includes all writer type roles
  • Main screen:
    • List and Card View now include the Variant Description for each comic
    • Several layout improvements to the comic details page
    • New folder options “All Artists” and “All Writers”

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In today’s update for your CLZ Comics app, two changes that will save you a lot of typing when adding new comics by Issue or by Series. Also, we added support for the new CGCxJSA label for slabs.

  • New “Search for…” suggestions when adding comics by Series
  • New “Search for…” suggestions when adding comics by Issue
  • Support for the new “CGC x JSA Authentic Autograph” Label Type

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CLZ Comics (Android)

v9.5: Improved barcode scanner, no more AUTO/EXT toggle!

July 19th, 2024

Version 9.5 is here, an update with one change that is hardly even visible in the app, but with big advantages.

For v9.5, we have enhanced the camera barcode scanner to better deal with barcodes that have a 2 digit or 5 digit “extension”. (As you may know, scanning this barcode extension is essential, as that part tells the app what the issue number and variant is!)

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Today is New Comic Book Day, so the perfect day to release CLZ Comics 9.4 with our new NCBD feature!
“NCBD” is what was previously called “Pull List”, but we figured that the name NCBD was a better fit of what the feature does, especially after today’s complete re-design.

Here’s what’s new:

  • In the Add Comics screen, the fourth tab is now called “NCDB” (previously “Pull List”)
  • Navigate over weeks with next/previous arrows, or tap for a dropdown
  • Release list now directly shows the issues, as a Card View with big images
  • Tap an issue to see all its variants
  • New: filter by “#1’s”  to show all #1 issues (so all new series)

  • Sort issue list by Popularity or Alphabetically

To try the new NCDB tool for yourself, open the Add Comics screen, then choose the 4th tab called “NBCD”!

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CLZ Comics (Android)

v9.3: CLZ Comics is now free to use up to 250 comics

June 4th, 2024

CLZ Comics is now free to use up to 250 comic books, for as long as you like.
This “Free Mode” includes access to all functionality, including CLZ Cloud syncing (for online backups and transferring data between devices).

Got more than 250 comics? Then subscribe (US $20 per year or US $2 per month) and add as many comics as you need. Of course, feel free to try the app with 250 comics first!

CLZ Comics 9.2 is live and this one is for the CovrPrice subscribers!

After using the “Update Values” tool from the menu, to update the values from CovrPrice, the apps shows you a report of which values have change and by how much. For today’s v9.2 update, we re-designed this report and added some new features:

  • Tap a comic to pop up a screen with the full comic details
  • Now sort your list by the Value Change or by the Value itself
  • Filter the list by Collection Status, e.g. to show In Collection comics only
  • The list now includes Variant Descriptions!
  • Finally: a completely redesign of the list entries to make it more readable

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CLZ Comics (Android)

v9.1 Use Edit Multiple to set Creators & Characters

March 28th, 2024

After the huge version 9.0 update back in November 2023, our mobile team has been focusing on two big v9.0 updates for our CLZ Movies and CLZ Games apps.

But… we’re back working on CLZ Comics now, bringing you a nice v9.1 update, with two often requested features:

  • Use Edit Multiple to set Creators and Characters for multiple comics in one go
  • Tap a creator name in comic details to instantly see all comics he/she worked on

Next to that, we are working to improving the barcode scanning, this is now live for Android in this update. Coming up for iOS.

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CLZ Comics (Android)

v9.0: Check Value / Collection Tabs / Issue Search and more!

November 30th, 2023

It is live, a major v9.0 upgrade for our CLZ Comics app. Looking at our history of app updates, I can safely say that this is our biggest update ever! Lots of new features and improvements, all in one go.

There is something for everyone: a big new tool for CovrPrice subscribers, new features for users with multiple collections and finally, something that all users will love and use every day: two new ways to quickly find a specific issue in your app.

Here’s what new in v9:

  • New comic value features for CovrPrice subscribers:
    • New Check Value screen: look up a CovrPrice value for a comic, without having to add it to your app!
    • Value totals at the top of each issue list: see values per Series, or per Storage Box, per Publisher, etc…
  • New features for users with multiple collections:
    • Collection tabs: easily switch between collections using tabs at the bottom of the screen
    • Improved Manage Collections screen
  • Two new tools for quickly finding a specific issue:
    • Issue Search: use the search box top right to search for a specific issue, e.g. “amazing 362”
    • Jump to Issue button (aka, the “sniper” button”): tap, enter issue number, bam you’re there.
  • Other:
    • Improved main app menu (no more collection entries)
    • Maintenance menu: new “Remove all unused pick list entries”

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CLZ Comics (Android)

v8.10: Improvements for Search box and Hide Variants mode

November 2nd, 2023

Yes another nice update for CLZ Comics app, version 8.10 already (time to start thinking about calling it version 9!).

In this update:

  • Add Comics / Series : better “In Collection” indicators when using Hide Variants mode
  • Two improvements to the Search box in main screen
  • Lots of fixes for big and small problems that were reported by users

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CLZ Comics (Android)

v8.9: Easier access to Manage Pick Lists tool

October 25th, 2023

If you have been active in our CLZ Comics group on Facebook, you are probably aware that many questions in the group can be answered with:

“Just use Manage Pick Lists”

Renaming Storage Boxes, Merging duplicate Series, fixing series sort problems, fixing typos in creator names, etc… it is all done in the Manage Pick Lists screen. An important and powerful screen, but… not so easy to find if you don’t know where to look or don’t even know what to look for.

With this update, we are trying to fix all that. We have made the screen much more accessible / discoverable AND we have made several improvements to the MPL screen itself.

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CLZ Comics (Android)

v8.8: Pre-fill screen: Orange highlights and a Clear button

October 16th, 2023

This update is all about the Pre-fill screen, you know, the screen that appears when adding items and lets you pre-fill fields while adding, like Raw/Slabbed, Grade, Grading Company, Purchase Date/Store/Price, etc…

This Pre-fill screen was introduced in Jan 2021, with a fixed set of fields. Then a year later, in Jan 2022, it was made completely user configurable, so that *you* could choose which fields appeared on the screen.

This screen turned out to be a popular tool, but we’ve seen one problem with it:
Sometimes, users pre-fill a field for a specific comic (e.g. Purchase Price or Quantity), then forget to CLEAR it for the next comics they add. Causing lots of comics to be added with that same field set incorrectly.

So today, we are making another tweak to the Pre-fill screen:

  • The Pre-fill screen now highlights filled fields in orange, so that they stand out more.
  • Also, we added a “Clear” button, to quickly clear all Pre-fill fields.


  • iOS: iPad: Year folders: the wrong year folder could be selected sometimes.

CLZ Comics (Android)

v8.7.1: New in-app getting started tips

September 13th, 2023


  • Added in-app getting started tips for new users (tap “dismiss” to dismiss)

CLZ Comics (Android)

v8.6: New Sync button on main screen

September 6th, 2023

In this update, we try to tackle a problem that we often see in our support system:

Users changing phones without updating their CLZ Cloud first. Or even worse, without even having a CLZ Account yet.
Which of course cause data loss (and a lot of sadness).

So in this version, we are trying to create more awareness of:

  1. The importance of creating a CLZ Account, so that you can Sync with CLZ Cloud.
  2. The importance of keeping your CLZ Cloud up-to-date by actually Syncing with CLZ Cloud.

New Sync button in main screen

When not in sync with CLZ Cloud, a new Sync button will appear on the main screen, above the Add button. This way you will always know if there are still items to sync up to CLZ Cloud or down from CLZ Cloud (even when you use auto-sync).

(Don’t like this button? In the Settings screen, switch OFF the setting that says “Show on-screen sync button”)

New “Sync with Cloud!” bar when not logged in

When using the app while not logged in to a CLZ Account, a new bar will appear at the bottom of the main screen that says “Sync to CLZ Cloud for an online backup”.
Hopefully that will help prevent future data loss.

(Don’t like this bar? In the Settings screen, switch OFF the setting that says “Show backup suggestion bar”)

New 5-comic “Demo Mode” for new users

For new users who just downloaded the app, we introduced a new “Demo Mode” that lets you add 5 comics before committing to the actual 7-day free trial subscription.

Fixed on iOS:

  • When adding comics and you were prompted to change the collection status of an existing item, pre-fill data was ignored.

Fixed on Android:

  • Edit Comic: When you’ve edited something, and you tapped “Next”, it would skip an item.

I know it was a long wait, but here it finally is: CLZ Comics 8.5, with the long awaited editing tools for your creator and character lists!

The entire CLZ development team has been working on this major feature for several months. A huge project that we have been postponing for many years, because of the complexity and the enormous amount of work. But today we can finally go public with it, resulting in a major 8.5 update for the CLZ Comics mobile app:

As of today, it is finally possible to modify the CREATORS and CHARACTERS lists of your comic entries! And of course, to sync your customized lists to and from the CLZ Cloud.

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CLZ Comics (Android)

v8.4: Use multiple folder levels

May 21st, 2023

A huge update for your CLZ Comics mobile app today, which introduces a powerful feature for browsing and filtering your comic collection: using nested folders.

Previously, it was only possible to use one level, so either Series folders OR Tag folders OR Series Group OR Storage Box folders, etc… But starting with this version, you can use nested folders, so for instance, use Series Group folders, then within each series group folder have Series folders.

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Version 8.3 is here, a big update that is all about slabbed comics!

More and more CLZ Comics users are using the app to catalog slabbed comics (CGC, CBCS, PGX, etc..). So let’s take our slab support to the next level!
Here’s what’s new in CLZ Comics 8.3:

  • A cool new look for your slabs in Card View and the comic details page.
  • Three new slab-related fields: Label Type, Page Quality and Custom Label.
  • Four new options for the Grade field: NG, PG, CVR and ART.
  • A new setting “For raw comics, show Grade as letters”

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CLZ Comics (Android)

v8.2: New report after Updating Key Info

January 24th, 2023

Introduced in November 2021, the Update Key Info tool is one the biggest and most popular features of the CLZ Comics app. It automatically gives you crucial information about your collection, that is, which of your comics are major keys, which ones are minor keys. Of course, it also tells you why, for example: first appearances of characters, deaths, cameo appearances, first team appearances, origins, iconic cover art, etc…

However, since we introduced this feature, one of the most requested improvements has become:

“After updating my key info, I would like to see WHICH comics were updated and WHAT has changed.”

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CLZ Comics (Android)

v8.1.3: New features for the Update Values report screen

November 8th, 2022

New in Update Values report screen:

  • Now shows the “report date” at the top
  • Tap an entry to visit the CovrPrice page for that comic!
  • “no value” is now shown as a dash “-“, instead of $0

CLZ Comics (Android)

v8.1 Two improvements to the CovrPrice integration

October 24th, 2022

Version 8.1 of the CLZ Comics app is now live in the App Store and Play Store. Based on your feedback and questions, we have made 2 big improvements to the CovrPrice integration, that is, to the way values are displayed in your app:

  • Improved value displaying for My Value entries
  • CovrPrice value box now also visible when CP value is 0

Also, version 8.1 also FIXES the barcode scanning problem on iPhone 14 Pro!

IMPORTANT: IMPORTANT: for the displaying of the CovrPrice links, the app now downloads “CovrPrice IDs” for all entries. This means that after your first Update Values action with v8.1, it will modify almost ALL your entries, causing a HUGE amount of changes when Syncing to the CLZ Cloud the next time!
TIP: before Updating Values for the 1st time with this version, switch OFF Auto-Syncing, then Update Values, then Sync with CLZ Cloud MANUALLY. This is much more efficient than letting it auto-sync. When done, feel free to switch ON the AutoSync again.

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CLZ Comics (Android)

v8.0: Get comic values from CovrPrice!

October 4th, 2022

This is it, the big Launch Day of the CovrPrice integration!

As of today, you can get comic values from CovrPrice inside your CLZ Comics mobile app!

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CLZ Comics (Android)

v7.11.1: Configurable Update from Core

August 9th, 2022

Another week, another CLZ Comics update!

Still no version 8.0 yet though, as we are saving that major version number for the upcoming huge CovrPrice update.

Today’s update is version 7.11, introducing a configurable Update from Core tool.

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CLZ Comics (Android)

v7.10: ReLink Core Variant + Improved Card View

July 31st, 2022

Nope, we won’t stop improving this app 🙂 Here’s version 7.10 already, with one new feature and one improvement requested by you all:

  • Relink Core Variant: easily link your local entry to a different variant in Core
  • Improved Card View: now including Grade/Value and Collection Status

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CLZ Comics (Android)

v7.9 Filter your Series list by Completed status

July 1st, 2022

Another nice update for your CLZ Comics app, with 2 new features that were requested by you all:

  • Filter your Series list by “Completed” status
  • New Setting for Series Images: Earliest Issue or Latest Issue

Filter your Series list by “Completed” status

This has been a recurring request since we introduced the ability to mark series as “Completed”. So we made it happen.
Just tap the checklist icon at the top and choose “Show completed” to only show all series that have been marked as Completed.

Note that the Series Completed flag is a manual flag. You decide if a series is completed or not. You can either set that flag in the Edit Series screen (e.g. from Manage Pick Lists) or just select multiple series in the series list, then choose “Mark as Completed” from the Action button menu.

New Setting for Series Images: Earliest Issue or Latest Issue

In your series list, the app has always shown the cover image of the latest issue for that series that you own. But some users indicated that they would prefer it to use the first or earliest issue of the series, because in most cases that is a more recognizable issue.

So we made it into a setting!

Other changes:

Next to the features above, we also added 2 other things, 1 requested (or demanded) by Apple, and 1 requested by the CLZ support guys and gal 🙂

  • Edit Series screen: modify the CLZ Series ID:
    This is sometimes necessary when your series entry is linked to the wrong Core Series. In general: only do this when instructed by CLZ support staff.

  • New “Delete my CLZ Account” option under Settings (iOS only):
    A new requirement by Apple, a way to to delete your account from the app itself. If you value your app, subscription and your cloud data, do NOT press this button!!! 🙂

Fixed for iOS:

  • New in the Settings screen, as required by Apple: a “Delete my CLZ Account” button.
  • Pull List: My Series now only works on your currently selected collection, instead of all collections
  • Small fixes to the most valuable comics statistic

Fixed for Android:

  • After tapping on a quick search series result, the keyboard wouldn’t automatically hide
  • Small fixes to the most valuable comics statistic

Recent changes

v9.8 Subscribe to CovrPrice as an In-App purchase, straight from the CLZ app September 19th, 2024 v9.7.3 Further tweaks based on your feedback September 12th, 2024 v9.7: Various improvements for Add Comics, Statistics and Main screen September 2nd, 2024 v9.6.2 New “search for…” suggestions when adding by Series or Issue August 8th, 2024 v9.5: Improved barcode scanner, no more AUTO/EXT toggle! July 19th, 2024 v9.4: Re-design of Pull List feature (and now called “NCBD”) July 3rd, 2024 v9.3: CLZ Comics is now free to use up to 250 comics June 4th, 2024 v9.2: Improved “Updated Values” screen, after updating from CovrPrice May 16th, 2024 v9.1 Use Edit Multiple to set Creators & Characters March 28th, 2024 v9.0: Check Value / Collection Tabs / Issue Search and more! November 30th, 2023 v8.10: Improvements for Search box and Hide Variants mode November 2nd, 2023 v8.9: Easier access to Manage Pick Lists tool October 25th, 2023 v8.8: Pre-fill screen: Orange highlights and a Clear button October 16th, 2023 v8.7.1: New in-app getting started tips September 13th, 2023 v8.6: New Sync button on main screen September 6th, 2023 v8.5: Modify the Creators and Character lists of your comic entries! August 21st, 2023 v8.4: Use multiple folder levels May 21st, 2023 v8.3: A new look for slabbed comics, plus 3 new slab-related fields March 6th, 2023 v8.2: New report after Updating Key Info January 24th, 2023 v8.1.3: New features for the Update Values report screen November 8th, 2022 v8.1 Two improvements to the CovrPrice integration October 24th, 2022 v8.0: Get comic values from CovrPrice! October 4th, 2022 v7.11.1: Configurable Update from Core August 9th, 2022 v7.10: ReLink Core Variant + Improved Card View July 31st, 2022 v7.9 Filter your Series list by Completed status July 1st, 2022