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Easily add books that come up as “Unrecognized ISBN”

  • In Add Books Automatically and Link Books, when an ISBN is not recognized, a new “Unrecognized ISBN” screen will appear.
  • In this screen, just type the Author and the Title, then click Add Book.
  • This will:
    1. Instantly add the ISBN/Author/Title entry to our Core online book database.
    2. Add the book to your own database with ISBN, Author and Title filled in AND linked to the new Core entry.

In other words, this new screen not only helps you in adding unrecognized books,
but it also helps your fellow Book Collector users by adding the missing ISBN to the CLZ Core.

( BTW: this screen replaces the “Report Missing ISBN to Core” web-form. Of course, you can still provide more info for the added ISBN using the Submit to Core button in the Edit Book screen. )

CLZ Books (Android)

v4.3.7: Fixed a problem with CLZ Account registration

October 27th, 2016

  • Fixed app closing on CLZ Account registration

  • Added Folder options for Country and store
  • CLZ Cloud Sync button now indicates “out of sync” status using red exclamation mark
  • App now automatically restores the Unlock Full App in-app purchase
  • Fixed hardware keyboard enter not working in tablet search field
  • Fixed screen rotation not working on phones


  • Field Defaults were not immediately stored after closing the screen
  • Syncing screen: Sometimes the sync button was wrongly disabled

CLZ Books (Android)

v4.3.5: New way of adding/editing dates

September 22nd, 2016

New data entry interface for date fields:

  • Allows manual entry of year/month/day
  • Allow “partial dates”, e.g. just year and month
  • Open the calendar tool with the calendar button.

CLZ Books (Android)

v4.3.4: New: “None” entries in folder section

September 20th, 2016

  • When using folders, a new [None] entry contains the items that have no value (yet) for the selected folder field.
  • Tablets: New always available search box in top bar.
  • Add screen: some performance improvements.

Book Collector (macOS)

v16.0.9: Fixed “Check for Updates” on Sierra and more

September 19th, 2016


  • Check for Updates was broken for macOS Sierra.
  • Templates were broken when User Defined Field headers contained special characters.

Book Collector (Windows)

v16.3.11: Export to XML is now more efficient and some fixes

September 13th, 2016


  • Export to XML is now a lot more memory efficient, writing the xml directly to hard disk (can be more slow though)


  • Sync with Cloud: First Edition and Abridged fields were cleared when syncing down from the cloud
  • Add/Modify Filter: “Contains” filters were always case insensitive even when “case sensitive” was checked
  • Edit Multiple: F8 didn’t clear price and dimension values

  • Redesigned Selection Mode screen.
  • New floating “+” button with in Add screens, with “Add to Collection” / “Add to Wish List” options.
  • Fixed: empty menus on some devices.

“Export to Text”, a feature previously only available to Connect subscribers, has now also been added to the CLZ Cloud viewer.

We figured that exporting to a text file, e.g. a CSV for Excel, should be available to any user, whether they own Connect, the desktop software or a CLZ mobile app.

You can find the Export to Text feature by visiting your own collection in the CLZ Cloud viewer, clicking the little “wrench” icon top right, then selecting Export.


CLZ Books (Android)

v4.3.2: Maintenance build

August 26th, 2016

  • New: App now remembers the last opened tab in the add automatically screen
  • Small details template adjustments
  • Fixed local search not working on tablet devices
  • Fixed auto selection in main list not working on tablet devices
  • Fixed several crashes on smaller tablet devices

CLZ Books (Android)

v4.3.1: New “Material”-based interface with skins

August 25th, 2016

A huge v4.3 update for your CLZ Books app is now available.
And prepare to be shocked 🙂 (in a good way, don’t worry):

The app looks completely different now, with a cleaner brighter look and an improved user interface.

What’s new in CLZ Books 4.3 for Android?

  • New “Material”-based interface, with two skins/themes: Light & Dark.
    (The app now starts in the Light skin. If you prefer the Dark look, just use the View menu top right)

  • Big floating blue “+” button for adding books.
  • Access all other features and tools from “hamburger” menu top left.
  • Clear and easy switch between All / In Collection / Wish List at the top.
  • Access all other view options from menu on top right.
  • Add screen: tabs at the top to switch between Author/Title and ISBN modes.
  • Add Manually is now a separate menu item in the menu on the left.
  • Redesigned book list entries.
  • Old Import from Book Collector has been moved to Settings screen!

CLZ Books (iOS)

v4.2.2: Maintenance build

August 25th, 2016


  • CLZ Cloud Sync: Notes were not down-synced.
  • Edit Screen: Year picker: it was not possible to pick a year before “1888″.
  • Manage Pick Lists screen: labels width was too short.

Book Collector (Windows)

v16.3.10: Fixed “Handle is invalid” error that could pop up

August 17th, 2016


  • Program could throw an “Handle is invalid” error after multiple edits


  • Main Screen:
    • The folder tree was wrapping the values in the list
    • A double hint was showing for the thumbnail slider to resize thumbnails in Images View
  • When working offline, closing the program could cause Access Violations
  • Edit Book:
    • It was possible to sort the stories list where it shouldn’t which caused drawing issues
    • Moving story up or down could make selected story look empty
  • Edit Story: some buttons were missing icons
  • User Defined Fields: values of check box lists were not loaded correctly in some cases


  • Cloud Syncing: Now does up to 5 retries when a sync action fails because of a temporary connection problem.
  • Edit Book: Improved “search as you type” behaviour of search boxes for adding authors, credits and characters.
  • Dark Skin: active window now has a light grey border, making it stand out more when windows overlap.


  • Screen started to “flicker” after leaving the program inactive for a few minutes.
  • Add Automatically: adding a checked result would sometimes uncheck a result from another search in the queue.
  • Main Screen / Two Panel Mode: selection status text would sometimes show an invalid text when no books were showing in the list.
  • Edit Multiple: F8 to clear didn’t work for memo fields like Plot and Notes.

  • Fixed losing changes when suspending the app while editing
  • Fixed already in collection highlighting in the add auto screens

CLZ Books (iOS)

V4.2.1: New: “Manage Pick Lists” screen

July 29th, 2016

  • New “Manage Pick Lists” screen (under new Tools menu).
    This new screen lets you take control of your pick lists, that is Authors, Publishers, Genres, Subjects, etc… Use it to:

    • Fix typos in names.
    • Remove unused entries.
    • Merge duplicate entries.
    • Edit the SortNames for Authors.
  • Edit screen improvements:
    • New “value picker” screen for pick list fields, like Authors, Genres, Subjects, etc… Just tap the field, pick a value from the pick list that appears and done. No more need to type the first few letters of a value (we all hate typing on mobile devices, don’t we?)
    • Tap the pencil icons to directly edit names of pick list entries.
    • Tap the pencil icon for Authors to directly edit Names *and* SortNames.

  • New “Manage Pick Lists” tool for editing and merging Authors, Publishers, Genres, Subjects, etc…
  • Edit screen: Edit the Sort Names for Authors for complete control over correct author sorting.
  • Edit screen: Now edit the names of Publishers, Genres, Subjects etc…
  • Edit screen: New “value picker” screen for quickly filling fields like Author and Genre.
  • New Tools menu, with Manage Pick Lists, Field Defaults and Empty Database tools.

Book Collector (Windows)

v16.3.7: Small fixes to the Edit Book screen

July 19th, 2016


  • Edit Book:
    • Changing collection status sometimes would uncheck a radiobutton but not check the selected one
    • Previous/Next/Ok could mess up data when the edit screen was still loading


  • Export to HTML: access violation could occur in some cases when using a custom index template
  • Edit Screen: Checkbox List hints would sometimes not disappear
  • Main Screen: changing font size could make some screen elements disappear
  • Quick Filter Panel: filters weren’t applied directly at startup when panel was closed but “Keep Active” was checked


  • Date Fields: Year field’s position now also depends on system’s shortdate setting
  • Carbon, Cobalt, Quicksilver Templates: Subtitle now below Title instead of behind


  • Edit Book:
    • Date fields didn’t clear their Month and Day values using next/previous when they weren’t filled in for the next/previous item
    • Delete key didn’t work in Month and Day fields to clear their values. Backspace did work normally.
    • Clicking stars to add rating didn’t set “read it” field according to setting

Book Collector (Windows)

v16.3.4: Updated date fields and fixed a couple of bugs

June 30th, 2016


  • Date fields now have dropdowns for Month and Day. Order of Month and Day dropdown depends on system’s shortdate setting now


  • Edit Book:
    • some fields didn’t keep their focus when using next/previous
    • Audio book length was limited to 999 minutes
  • Edit Multiple: F8 in date fields didn’t clear them
  • Main Screen:
    • horizontal scrollbar was sometimes showing in folder tree when it shouldn’t
    • Cards View: scrolling using the mouse wheel wasn’t working properly
    • layout wasn’t always restored properly when quick filter panel was showing
  • Quick Filter Panel: collection status filter wasn’t showing in filter description at bottom of the screen

Book Collector (Windows)

v16.3.3: Some fixes for the main screen and edit book screens

June 20th, 2016


  • Main screen: right click popup menu to customize toolbar didn’t show.
  • Edit Book: “List index out of bounds” error when deleting a local link could occur.
  • Main screen:
    • Right click popup menu to customize toolbar didn’t show.
    • Sometimes the screen layout wasn’t restored properly after start of program.
  • Filter panel: closing the filter panel didn’t reset the Collection Status filter.
  • Lookup Grid: filtering the dropdown then using the arrow keys to select name didn’t update the dropdown’s text.

CLZ Books (Android)

v4.0.8: Fixed a crash in the In-App Purchase screen

June 20th, 2016

  • Fixed crashes in in-app purchase screen on certain Xiaomi phones
  • Fixed crash in in-app purchase screen when only one in app purchase was offered

Recent changes

v9.2.5: Fixed a crop-bug in the Edit screen September 3rd, 2024 v9.2.2: Better indication of “Subscription Expired” August 14th, 2024 v9.2.3: Better indication of “Subscription Expired” and some fixes August 12th, 2024 v9.2: “Free 7-day trial” is back July 26th, 2024 v9.1.8: Better workflow after adding a book July 17th, 2024 v9.1.7: Free Mode is now called Free Trial July 15th, 2024 v9.1.6: A couple of fixes for subscription status issues June 28th, 2024 v9.1.5: Now supports “Sign up with Google” June 26th, 2024 v9.1.4: Now supports “Sign up with Apple” June 23rd, 2024 v9.1.5: Now supports “Sign up with Google” June 21st, 2024 v9.1.4: Back button/Swiping to go back wasn’t working in Add screen June 19th, 2024 v9.1.3: A couple of onboarding tweaks for new users June 17th, 2024 v9.1.2: New big blue buy button June 5th, 2024 v9.1: CLZ Books is now free to use up to 100 books May 31st, 2024 Improved search behaviour May 24th, 2024 CLZ Books 9 Feature Hilite: better “ISBN not found” handling April 24th, 2024 CLZ Books 9 Feature Hilite: Add Books screen improvements April 23rd, 2024 CLZ Books 9 Feature Hilite: the new collections tab-bar April 22nd, 2024 v9.0: Collection tabs, better Add Books and “ISBN not found” screens April 19th, 2024 Improved managing and editing of pick list fields April 8th, 2024 Connect is now available in Swedish! February 21st, 2024 Connect is now available in Danish! January 30th, 2024 Connect is now available in Portuguese, Serbian and Slovak January 18th, 2024 v8.5.5: New “Delete CLZ Account” option December 6th, 2023 v8.5.4: Added a new “Remove all unused pick list entries” option November 22nd, 2023