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What's new in CLZ Books? (page 6)

What’s new in the Add Books screen?

  • Single Search Box: Just one box for search (e.g. like Google or Amazon). No more separate Author and Title boxes. Just enter (part of) the author’s name and (part of) the title and you will get the best matching results. (see the screen shot below with “crichton jurassic” results”).

  • Search by Publisher and Year: Getting a lot of results? Filter down to the book edition you’re looking for by adding the publisher and/or publication year to your search! (see screen shot below)

CLZ Books (Android)

v4.9.3: New: Single Search Box for your Add Books screen

February 28th, 2018

What’s new in the Add Books screen?

  • Single Search Box: Just one box for search (e.g. like Google or Amazon). No more separate Author and Title boxes. Just enter (part of) the author’s name and (part of) the title and you will get the best matching results. (see the screen shot below with “crichton jurassic” results”).

  • Search by Publisher and Year: Getting a lot of results? Filter down to the book edition you’re looking for by adding the publisher and/or publication year to your search! (see screen shot below)


  • Custom written plots could be overwritten with the default plot when books were updated from the online CLZ Core for Books database.
  • The app did not open the details page when a search result was selected in the quick search box while the [All Books] folder was active in phone mode.

CLZ Books (iOS)

v4.9.2: Fixed a crash with the search

February 27th, 2018

We had several reports from users about a crash when searching for an item in the collection. This crash has been reproduced and now fixed in the latest build!


  • Crash during a search in the device’s database.
CLZ Books (iOS)

v4.9: Improved search features

February 21st, 2018

Quick Search: Search-As-You-Type suggestions

Instantly find and select a particular book in your local database:

  • In the Quick Search box, just start typing the first few letters of the author or title you are looking for.
  • While typing, a drop-down list will appear, showing the first five matching books.
    (for most books, it only takes 2 or 3 letters before it shows up.)
  • Once you see the book you were looking for, tap it to bring up its detail page
  • TIP: Tap the search button on the keyboard or tap “View All Results” to perform the normal search.

Quick Search now searches more fields

Now also searches in:

  • Subtitle
  • Series
  • LoC Classification
  • LoC Control Nr
  • Dewey
  • Plot
  • Tags
  • Notes

Full list of fields that are now searched:

  • Title
  • Author
  • ISBN
  • Publisher
  • Subtitle
  • Series
  • LoC Classification
  • LoC Control Nr
  • Dewey
  • Plot
  • Tags
  • Notes


  • Faster loading of details screen.
  • Crash within a few seconds of opening the app.
  • Crash when pressing ‘Change account info’ in the sync screen.

CLZ Books (Android)

v4.9.2: Secondary author added to Quick Search

January 24th, 2018


  • Secondary author could not be found in the quick search.
  • App shortcut not working in the Android launcher.

You may need to re-add your app shortcut to your launcher screen by tapping/holding the app in your list of apps!

CLZ Books (Android)

v4.9: Improved search features

January 23rd, 2018

Quick Search: Search-As-You-Type suggestions

Instantly find and select a particular book in your local database:

  • In the Quick Search box, just start typing the first few letters of the author or title you are looking for.
  • While typing, a drop-down list will appear, showing the first five matching books.
    (for most books, it only takes 2 or 3 letters before it shows up.)
  • Once you see the book you were looking for, tap it to bring up its detail page
  • TIP: Tap the search button on the keyboard or tap “View All Results” to perform the normal search.

Quick Search now searches more fields

Now also searches in:

  • Subtitle
  • Series
  • LoC Classification
  • LoC Control Nr
  • Dewey
  • Plot
  • Tags
  • Notes

Full list of fields that are now searched:

  • Title
  • Author
  • ISBN
  • Publisher
  • Subtitle
  • Series
  • LoC Classification
  • LoC Control Nr
  • Dewey
  • Plot
  • Tags
  • Notes

CLZ Books (iOS)

v4.8.1: Automatic CLZ Cloud syncing!

January 10th, 2018

A new v4.8.1 update for your app is available now, with:

Automatic CLZ Cloud syncing

Add or edit books and your changes will auto-upload to the CLZ Cloud instantly.
Made changes on the desktop or Connect side? Just start the app and changes will download automatically.

Note: Auto-Syncing is switched OFF by default. Switch it ON in the “Sync with CLZ Cloud” screen.

The CLZ Cloud syncing will let you:

  1. Sync your data between devices, e.g. between your phone and your tablet. Or from your old phone to your new phone.
  2. View your database online using the free CLZ Cloud viewer website.
  3. Make an online backup of your data. Better safe than sorry!

New: ‘None’ folder entries

  • Added ‘None’ entries to list of folders: The [None] folder groups the books you have not set the field for on which you’re currently folder grouping.


  • Add Screen: by ISBN: Very long book titles could overflow into the author name.
  • Search cleared when the X button was pushed in the search bar of the main screen.

CLZ Books (Android)

v4.8: Automatic CLZ Cloud syncing!

December 6th, 2017

A new v4.8 update for your app is available now, with:

Automatic CLZ Cloud syncing
Add or edit books and your changes will auto-upload to the CLZ Cloud instantly.
Made changes on the desktop or Connect side? Just start the app and changes will download automatically.

Note: Auto-Syncing is switched OFF by default. Switch it ON in the “Sync with CLZ Cloud” screen.

Don’t have a CLZ Cloud account yet?
If you don’t have a CLZ Cloud account yet, I strongly recommend signup up for one from the app. Using the CLZ Cloud is completely free!

The CLZ Cloud syncing will let you:

  1. Sync your data between devices, e.g. between your phone and your tablet. Or from your old phone to your new phone.
  2. View your database online using the free CLZ Cloud viewer website.
  3. Make an online backup of your data. Better safe than sorry!

CLZ Books (Android)

v4.5.7: Further improvements to the Add Books screen

November 22nd, 2017

In today’s update for the CLZ Books app, we have made further tweaks to the Add Books from CLZ Core screen, to make it clearer than previous versions:

  • Slightly smaller font for the book title, so that longer titles fit better.
  • Color high-lighting: Books already ‘on wish list’ now have an orange title, books already “in collection” show up with a blue title.

Fixes in this update:

  • After changing the sort order the list could sometimes scroll to a random position.
  • Small CLZ Cloud Sync tweaks.
  • After restarting the app it would sometimes repeatedly scroll to the last added book.
  • After manually typing a barcode in the add by barcode screen you weren’t able to search another one.

CLZ Books (iOS)

v4.5.14: Further improvements to the Add Books screen

November 11th, 2017

In today’s update for the CLZ Books app, we have made further tweaks to the Add Books from CLZ Core screen, to make it clearer and (hopefully) more stable than previous versions:

  • Slightly smaller font for the book title, so that longer titles fit better.
  • Color high-lighting: Books already ‘on wish list’ now have an orange title, books already “in collection” show up with a blue title.
  • Improved scroll behaviour.

Fixes in this update:

  • Full screen cover scroller on iPhone/iPod devices was not properly updating its title bar

CLZ Books (iOS)

v4.5.13: Optimized layout for iPad Pro

October 21st, 2017


  • Optimized layout of main screen on 10.5 and 12.9 inch iPads
  • Optimized the performance of the main screen thumbnail view
  • Fresh placeholder cover images


  • Black bars showing on 10.5 and 12.9 inch iPads
  • Add screen: ISBN button wasn’t working correctly
  • Disappearing floating add button when switching from list to thumbnail view

CLZ Books (iOS)

v4.5.12: Fixed a crash in iOS10 and lower

October 16th, 2017


  • Crash in add screen on devices running iOS10 or lower
CLZ Books (iOS)

v4.5.11: Redesigned Selection Mode

October 15th, 2017


  • Redesigned Selection Mode
    • Tap and hold on a book to select it, select as many books as you like (or select all, using the “Select All” top right).
    • Then use the blue action button to perform an action on the selected books (Remove / Update from CLZ Core).


  • Crash when saving a cover image to the camera roll
  • Odd scrolling behavior when scanning book ISBNs in the barcode scanning screen
  • Stuck keyboard after searching in main list
  • Autocorrect was enabled for the main list search bar
  • Small iOS11-related UI glitches

CLZ Books (iOS)

v4.5.10: Added app icon for 12.9 inch iPad

September 27th, 2017


  • Missing app icons for 12.9 inch iPad
CLZ Books (iOS)

v4.5.9: Fixed a keyboard problem for iOS 11

September 24th, 2017


  • ”Show more” buttons weren’t working in the iPhone versions of the Symbols/Bookshelf detail templates
  • The on-screen keyboard was covering the lower input fields in the edit/add manually screens
CLZ Books (iOS)

v.4.5.8: Added loan fields to the CLZ Cloud sync

August 29th, 2017

This update converts your database

In order for this update to work, your database has to be converted once. This happens automatically after starting the app for the first time after updating and can take a couple of minutes depending on the size of your database (amount of books) and the speed of your iPhone or iPad. This could take a couple of minutes on slower devices or with very large databases (5000 or more books).


  • CLZ Cloud syncing: Added loan fields to the sync.
  • Edit Book: Autocorrect now works on the plot and notes fields.
  • New folder option: You can now group your books by reading year. To do this, tap the menu button top right, then “Folders”, then tap “Reading Year”.

Coming up:

  • A loan manager to loan and return books.

CLZ Books (Android)

v4.5.6: Fixed an issue with syncing loan information

August 24th, 2017


  • Loan information could be cleared during an upsync of a loaned book if that book was recently edited on your device.
CLZ Books (Android)

v4.5.5: Added loan fields to the CLZ Cloud sync

August 16th, 2017


  • Added loan fields to the CLZ Cloud sync.


  • After tapping the “Not Found?” button to add a book anyway, the app could crash on adding an author.

Coming up:

  • A loan manager to loan and return books.


  • Added a new “All Books” folder with a back button to go back to your folders


  • Barcode queue was lost when a crash occurred in the Add from CLZ Core screen.
  • The “move to wish list” functionality in the Add from CLZ Core screen was not working.
CLZ Books (Android)

v4.5.4: Improved navigation in “All Books” folder

July 18th, 2017


  • Added a new “All Books” folder with a back button to go back to your folders


  • After adding/editing a book, the app will now always find and show your last added book in your main screen.
  • Main screen will now always remember navigation state, even after device reboot.


  • Add auto screen not obeying the device’s rotation lock.
CLZ Books (iOS)

v4.5.5: Fixed navigation issue and more

June 14th, 2017


  • iPhone: After editing a book, the “Add button” became an “Edit button”.
  • iPhone: After editing a book, the app went back to the list view instead of the details view.


  • Add Books from CLZ Core: New skinned preview templates.
  • After adding/editing a book, the app will now always find and show your last added book in your main screen.
  • If you log in to your CLZ Account on a new or empty device, the app will now ask you if you wish to download your books from CLZ Cloud.
  • Added skinning to Sign up/Log in/In App Purchase screens.


  • After each CLZ Cloud sync the “Quick Search” and “Collection Status Filter” was cleared.
  • When a custom cover was downloaded via CLZ Cloud syncing, the thumbnail in the list wasn’t immediately updated.
  • When a book was removed, the list would scroll back to the top.
  • Various skinning, layout and color fixes.

CLZ Books (Android)

v4.5.2: Improvements to the barcode scanner

May 30th, 2017


  • Made some improvements to the barcode scanner


  • Manual focus for barcode scanning
  • Crash in the add auto screen when adding a mix of new books and books on wish list by barcode
  • Crash in the pick cover option in the edit screen


  • On restart the navigation state and view settings are restored


  • Old Import from Book Collector has been moved to Settings screen


  • Crash in search-as-you-type box
  • Added new review popup

Recent changes

v9.2.5: Fixed a crop-bug in the Edit screen September 3rd, 2024 v9.2.2: Better indication of “Subscription Expired” August 14th, 2024 v9.2.3: Better indication of “Subscription Expired” and some fixes August 12th, 2024 v9.2: “Free 7-day trial” is back July 26th, 2024 v9.1.8: Better workflow after adding a book July 17th, 2024 v9.1.7: Free Mode is now called Free Trial July 15th, 2024 v9.1.6: A couple of fixes for subscription status issues June 28th, 2024 v9.1.5: Now supports “Sign up with Google” June 26th, 2024 v9.1.4: Now supports “Sign up with Apple” June 23rd, 2024 v9.1.5: Now supports “Sign up with Google” June 21st, 2024 v9.1.4: Back button/Swiping to go back wasn’t working in Add screen June 19th, 2024 v9.1.3: A couple of onboarding tweaks for new users June 17th, 2024 v9.1.2: New big blue buy button June 5th, 2024 v9.1: CLZ Books is now free to use up to 100 books May 31st, 2024 CLZ Books 9 Feature Hilite: better “ISBN not found” handling April 24th, 2024 CLZ Books 9 Feature Hilite: Add Books screen improvements April 23rd, 2024 CLZ Books 9 Feature Hilite: the new collections tab-bar April 22nd, 2024 v9.0: Collection tabs, better Add Books and “ISBN not found” screens April 19th, 2024 v8.5.5: New “Delete CLZ Account” option December 6th, 2023 v8.5.4: Added a new “Remove all unused pick list entries” option November 22nd, 2023 v8.5.3: Couple of fixes and changes November 7th, 2023 v8.5.2: Various bug fixes November 1st, 2023 v8.5.2: Various bug fixes November 1st, 2023 v8.5: Easier access to Manage Pick Lists tool October 25th, 2023 v8.4: Pre-fill screen: Orange highlights and a Clear button October 16th, 2023