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News: all updates for our software and apps (page 45)

Movie Connect

Many new fields, back covers and Update from Core tool!

September 18th, 2019

A big step forward for the Movie Connect software today, in which we add many new editable fields for DVD/Blu-ray/4K specific information. Also, a handy new tool to fill these new fields (and other fields) with information from our Core online movie database.

Many new DVD/Blu-ray specific fields

Today we have added many fields to the software, all now editable in the Edit Movie screen. These are all ‘edition-specific” fields, that is, information specific to the DVD, Blu-ray or 4K edition that you own:

  • Subtitles
  • Audiotracks
  • Screen ratios
  • Layers
  • HDR (HDR10 / HDR10+ / Dolby Vision)
  • Color vs Black and White
  • Edition Release Date
  • Extras

Of course, the above fields are immediately available as folder fields too, so that you can browse your collection in folders by subtitles, HDR type, etc…

New: Add your own back covers

With this big update for Movie Connect we have another surprise for you: Back Covers! That’s right, a brand new back cover field you can modify yourself.

Use the “Find Back cover” button to find one, or upload one yourself:

New Update from Core tool

Since most of these new edition level fields are available in our Core online movie database already, you’ll probably want to pre-fill these new empty fields with the data we already have available. This is where the new Update from Core tool comes in.

Update from Core fills in the fields in your data entries with data from our Core central online movie database. By default, it only adds new data into fields that were still empty on your side, but the config screen also lets you opt to overwrite your data with our Core data.

This new feature is now available for the following fields:

  • Audio tracks
  • Color
  • Edition release date
  • Genre
  • Layers
  • Plot
  • Release date
  • Runtime
  • Screen ratio
  • Subtitle

How to use Update from Core on your movie entries?

  1. Select the movies you wish to update by clicking the checkboxes in front of them.
  2. Click “Update from Core” from the blue action toolbar (it’s under the 3 vertical dots

You can choose if the update process should leave, update or replace the current data for each field with the Update from Core settings popup:

Comic Collector (macOS)

v19.1.5: Bug fix for syncing user plots

September 17th, 2019

We found an issue with syncing user plots: they didn’t sync correctly. All fixed and good to go now!

CLZ Comics (iOS)

v5.0.3: Fixes update

September 14th, 2019


  • Add Screen: Year was missing from Search As You Type results
  • Add Screen: Barcode results could sometimes be wrongly highlighted in blue
  • Edit Screen: Renamed “Issue Title” to “Title”
  • Templates: “Star Rating” and “Read It” controls are back (under Personal)
  • Main Screen: The quick search dropdown could get stuck on the screen
  • Manage Pick Lists: Genres list was missing
  • Manage Pick Lists: Removed “Condition” (now Grade)
  • Updated a couple of warning pop-ups

CLZ Comics (Android)

v5.0.3: Crash fix

September 13th, 2019


  • App could get a crash loop when trying to show an empty series folder.
CLZ Comics (Android)

v5.0.2: Fixes update

September 12th, 2019


  • New setting to always display grade and/or values in list view
  • Added default values for the Grading Company field


  • Using “Update Values” could time out
  • Add to Collection button would sometimes not show in Add by Barcode screen
  • Returned the Edit Series button in the Edit Comic screen
  • Multiple Collections: Have/Want summaries now only show for the active collection
  • Templates: My Rating was missing (now found under Personal)

CLZ Comics (iOS)

v5.0.2: Fixes update

September 12th, 2019


  • Using “Update Values” could time out
  • Add to Collection button would sometimes not show in Add by Barcode screen
  • Returned the Edit Series button in the Edit Comic screen

It’s finally here, CLZ Comics 5.0. Here’s what’s new in v5:

  • CLZ Comics is now a subscription app
    Of course, all existing users have been “grandfathered” into a life-time app unlock.
  • Automatic “slabbed & graded” values from GoCollect
    Find the most valuable comics in your collection (premium online service, so requires a subscription).
  • Lots of new data fields
    Grade, Grading Company, Grader Notes, Slabbed vs Raw, Signed By, Is Key Comic, Key Reason, Plot, Nr of Pages, Genres, Country and Language.
  • Now supports and syncs multiple collections
    Create and sync multiple “sub collections” within your database.
  • Automatic cloud-syncing of your own “custom” images
    No more need to manually force “Upload Image to CLZ Cloud”.
  • Many tweaks to the menu and overall UI
    Logo in top bar, clearer Edit/Remove buttons, new Maintenance sub-menu, etc..

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It’s finally here, CLZ Comics 5.0. Here’s what’s new in v5:

  • CLZ Comics is now a subscription app
    Of course, all existing users have been “grandfathered” into a life-time app unlock.
  • Automatic “slabbed & graded” values from GoCollect
    Find the most valuable comics in your collection (premium online service, so requires a subscription).
  • Lots of new data fields
    Grade, Grading Company, Grader Notes, Slabbed vs Raw, Signed By, Is Key Comic, Key Reason, Plot, Nr of Pages, Genres, Country and Language.
  • Now supports and syncs multiple collections
    Create and sync multiple “sub collections” within your database.
  • Automatic cloud-syncing of your own “custom” images
    No more need to manually force “Upload Image to CLZ Cloud”.
  • Many tweaks to the menu and overall UI
    Logo in top bar, clearer Edit/Remove buttons, new Maintenance sub-menu, etc..

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CLZ Movies (iOS)

v5.0.5: Crash fix

September 3rd, 2019


  • Fix for a crash that some iPhone users experienced after adding/editing entries

CLZ Books (iOS)

v5.0.8: Crash fix

September 3rd, 2019


  • Fix for a crash that some iPhone users experienced after adding/editing entries

Several small tweaks for your CLZ Music app today:

  • iPhone: details page now has clearer Edit and Remove buttons at the bottom
  • “Sync with CLZ Cloud” menu now indicates whether there are sync changes pending.

Several small tweaks for your CLZ Books app today:

  • iPhone: details page now has clearer Edit and Remove buttons at the bottom
  • “Sync with CLZ Cloud” menu now indicates whether there are sync changes pending.

Several small tweaks for your CLZ Movies app today:

  • iPhone: details page now has clearer Edit and Remove buttons at the bottom
  • New “Update All IMDb Rating & Votes” option in menu.
  • “Sync with CLZ Cloud” menu now indicates whether there are sync changes pending.
Comic Collector (Windows)

v19.3.4: Lots of small fixes

August 29th, 2019


  • Issue with syncing notes from CLZ Cloud to Comic Collector
  • Several issues with syncing covers up/down
  • Some of the new value fields were missing from the older Detail Panel templates
  • Link Screen could pop-up when it shouldn’t
  • Quick Search (search as you type) ignored special characters
  • Export/Import XML didn’t correctly work with all the new value fields

Chaotic days here at the CLZ HQ, as we are renovating our office. Broken down some walls, new wooden floor, all walls repainted, and a completely new kitchen! And all that while the work on our projects is continuing. Half of the team working at the office, so that they can help moving stuff around, the other half working from home.

All worth it though, because the result is going to beautiful! Keep an eye on our Facebook page for before, during and after pictures!

Even in the chaos, we’re getting some work done. Some big releases this month, with a lot of nice updates coming up:

  • Comic Collector for macOS: Automatic comic values powered by GoCollect!
  • Game Connect + Game Collector for Windows: Add Games by Platform
  • Coming up: CLZ Comics 5.0 for iOS and Android
  • Coming up: many music, movie and book related releases!

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Comic Collector (macOS)

v19.1.4: Small fix build

August 20th, 2019


  • Edit Multiple Comics would set the collection status to “In Collection” for all comics edited.
  • Drag/Drop of cover image files in the Edit Screen ignored the “Just link to dropped file” setting.

Book Collector (macOS)

v19.0.7: Fix for link book screen and drag/dropping images

August 15th, 2019


  • Link books screen didn’t correctly search for ISBNs
  • Link books screen size and position is now remembered between sessions
  • Drag/Drop image would put image in Downloads folder when using “just link to dropped file”
  • Fixed a display issue with shelf-view background

Music Collector (macOS)

v19.0.6: Fix for link album screen and drag/dropping images

August 15th, 2019


  • Link albums screen didn’t correctly search for albums in Core
  • Link albums screen size and position is now remembered between sessions
  • Drag/Drop image would put image in Downloads folder when using “just link to dropped file”
  • Fixed a display issue with shelf-view background

Movie Collector (macOS)

v19.2.4: Drag/Drop images wasn’t working correctly

August 15th, 2019


  • Fixed a display issue with shelf-view background
  • Fixed an issue with importing an XML file

Comic Collector (macOS)

v19.1.3: Updating values didn’t always initiate

August 15th, 2019


  • Updating values from GoCollect didn’t always start if you had unlinked comics
  • The “Lock Value” padlock icon wasn’t showing on older macOS versions.
  • Fixed a display issue in the Collection Totals screen
  • Drag/Drop image would put image in Downloads folder when using “just link to dropped file”
  • Fixed a display issue with shelf-view background
  • Link items screen size and position is now remembered between sessions

Comic Collector (macOS)

v19.1.2: Fixed an issue with updating values

August 14th, 2019


  • When downloading values in some cases it could empty out previously filled in value information

CLZ Books (Android)

v5.0.9: Fixed unrecognized ISBN pop-up

August 13th, 2019


  • Unrecognized ISBN pop-up was not working.
  • Re-added the modify author button in the edit screen

Comic Collector (macOS)

v19.1.1: Automatic comic values powered by GoCollect!

August 13th, 2019

Yes here it is, the BIG ONE!
The biggest and most important Comic Collector update since years, maybe even since its’ launch in 2002.
With today’s 19.1 update, Comic Collector for macOS will finally give you automatic comic values, thanks to our new collaboration with the popular GoCollect.com comic book price guide:

  • Automatic “slabbed & graded” values from GoCollect.com
    Find out which are the most valuable comics in your collection. Just set a Grade for your comics, then Update Values from GoCollect based on that grade.
  • Lots of new value-related fields:
    Grade, Grading Company, Grader Notes, Slabbed vs Raw, Signed By, Is Key Comic (yes/no) and Key Reason.
  • More fields now sync to/from CLZ Cloud:
    New syncing fields: Back Cover, Plot, Nr of Pages, Genres, Country and Language. Also, all new value-related fields immediately sync with CLZ Cloud / Comic Connect.

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Comic Collector (Windows)

v19.3.3: Fixed an issue with too many sync changes

August 7th, 2019


  • Updating values from GoCollect could trigger too many sync changes
  • GoCollect block and Signer field was missing from some of the older templates
  • Some of the new value fields could not be printed/exported
  • Add from Core with a set Grade would not always fill in the GoCollect value even if it was available
  • Various translation fixes

CLZ Comics (Android)

Coming up: CLZ Comics 5.0!

August 6th, 2019

Yep, it is finally coming: CLZ Comics 5.0, for both iOS and Android!

ETA: we are currently aiming for Tuesday September 10, but no promises!

Here’s what will be new in Vee Five:

  • CLZ Comics will become a subscription app
    That is, for new users. Existing users will of course be “grandfathered.
  • Automatic “slabbed & graded” values from GoCollect
    Find the most valuable comics in your collection (premium feature, so requires a subscription).
  • Lots of new value-related fields
    Grade, Grading Company, Grader Notes, Slabbed vs Raw, Signed By, Is Key Comic (yes/no) and Key Reason.
  • More fields now editable and syncing to/from CLZ Cloud
    New editable fields: Plot, Nr of Pages, Genres, Country and Language.
  • Now supports and syncs multiple collections
    Create and sync multiple “sub collections” within your database.
  • Automatic cloud-syncing of your own “custom” images
    No more need to manually force “Upload Image to CLZ Cloud”.

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