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News: all updates for our software and apps (page 35)

Today’s version 5.5 brings two improvements to your CLZ Books app:

  • A redesigned Select Folder Field screen
  • A much faster Update from Core feature

Redesigned Select Folder Field screen

Through the years, the number of available folder fields has grown enormously, making the Select Folder Field screen a bit “unwieldy”. We decided to come up with a better solution.

This update includes a redesigned Select Folder Field screen, with all folder options nicely grouped under sensible headers, and the most popular options (Author, Publisher, Location) instantly accessible at the top.

Faster Update from Core

On large collections the old Update from Core feature was quite slow, as it updated your books one by one, that is doing separate requests to our server for each and every game.

So for this update, we also complete rewrote the Update from Core feature to do the updates in batches of 100 books at a time, making it much much faster!

Remember: Update From Core can be used to update your local book entries with possible extra data from our Core online book database. To use this feature, tap and hold on a book in your list to select it, tap more to select more, then tap the menu icon on the bottom right and choose Update from Core.

Today’s version 5.4 brings two improvements to your CLZ Games app:

  • A redesigned Select Folder Field screen
  • A much faster Update from Core feature

Redesigned Select Folder Field screen

Through the years, the number of available folder fields has grown enormously, making the Select Folder Field screen a bit “unwieldy”. We decided to come up with a better solution.

This update includes a redesigned Select Folder Field screen, with all folder options nicely grouped under sensible headers, and the most popular options (Platform, Game/Hardware, Completeness, Genre) instantly accessible at the top.

Faster Update from Core

On large collections the old Update from Core feature was quite slow, as it updated your games one by one, that is doing separate requests to our server for each and every game.

So for this update, we also complete rewrote the Update from Core feature to do the updates in batches of 100 games at a time, making it much much faster!

Remember: Update From Core can be used to update your local game entries with possible extra data from our Core online game database. To use this feature, tap and hold on a game in your list to select it, tap more to select more, then tap the menu icon on the bottom right and choose Update from Core.


  • Field Defaults screen could crash
  • Edit Screen: some fields would give a bad sorting while editing them

Today’s version 5.4 brings two improvements to your CLZ Games app:

  • A redesigned Select Folder Field screen
  • A much faster Update from Core feature

Redesigned Select Folder Field screen

Through the years, the number of available folder fields has grown enormously, making the Select Folder Field screen a bit “unwieldy”. We decided to come up with a better solution.

This update includes a redesigned Select Folder Field screen, with all folder options nicely grouped under sensible headers, and the most popular options (Platform, Game/Hardware, Completeness, Genre) instantly accessible at the top.

Faster Update from Core

On large collections the old Update from Core feature was quite slow, as it updated your games one by one, that is doing separate requests to our server for each and every game.

So for this update, we also complete rewrote the Update from Core feature to do the updates in batches of 100 games at a time, making it much much faster!

Remember: Update From Core can be used to update your local game entries with possible extra data from our Core online game database. To use this feature, tap and hold on a game in your list to select it, tap more to select more, then tap the menu icon on the bottom right and choose Update from Core.


  • Loaner info wasn’t shown correctly

Today’s version 5.5 brings two improvements to your CLZ Books app:

  • A redesigned Select Folder Field screen
  • A much faster Update from Core feature

Redesigned Select Folder Field screen

Through the years, the number of available folder fields has grown enormously, making the Select Folder Field screen a bit “unwieldy”. We decided to come up with a better solution.

This update includes a redesigned Select Folder Field screen, with all folder options nicely grouped under sensible headers, and the most popular options (Author, Publisher, Location) instantly accessible at the top.

Faster Update from Core

On large collections the old Update from Core feature was quite slow, as it updated your books one by one, that is doing separate requests to our server for each and every game.

So for this update, we also complete rewrote the Update from Core feature to do the updates in batches of 100 books at a time, making it much much faster!

Remember: Update From Core can be used to update your local book entries with possible extra data from our Core online book database. To use this feature, tap and hold on a book in your list to select it, tap more to select more, then tap the menu icon on the bottom right and choose Update from Core.


  • Field Defaults screen could crash
  • Edit Screen: some fields would sort bad while editing them
  • Add from Core: when adding a book that is already in on your wish list, it will now offer to change its status to ‘In Collection’
  • When scanning barcodes the “beep” sound would only sound on the first scan
  • Search on own collection could be forgotten during scrolling/browsing your collection

Book Collector (Windows)

v20.2.2: Maintenance build

June 10th, 2020


  • Images View: Improved spacing between thumbnails
  • Images View: Mouse over on images didn’t show the title of the item
  • Cover Flow: Now uses big sharp images instead of the small thumbnails
  • Find Cover: Could give an Access Violation when finding GIF images
  • Templates: Improved visibility of authors if a book has multiple authors

Comic Collector (Windows)

v20.3.2: Maintenance build

June 10th, 2020


  • Images View: Improved spacing between thumbnails
  • Images View: Mouse over on images didn’t show the title of the item
  • Cover Flow: Now uses big sharp images instead of the small thumbnails
  • Find Cover: Could give an Access Violation when finding GIF images

Music Collector (Windows)

v20.3.3: Maintenance build

June 10th, 2020


  • Images View: Improved spacing between thumbnails
  • Images View: Mouse over on images didn’t show the title of the item
  • Cover Flow: Now uses big sharp images instead of the small thumbnails
  • Find Cover: Could give an Access Violation when finding GIF images

Game Collector (Windows)

v20.2.2: Maintenance build

June 10th, 2020


  • Images View: Improved spacing between thumbnails
  • Images View: Mouse over on images didn’t show the title of the item
  • Cover Flow: Now uses big sharp images instead of the small thumbnails
  • Find Cover: Could give an Access Violation when finding GIF images

Movie Collector (Windows)

v20.3.2: Maintenance build

June 10th, 2020


  • Images View: Improved spacing between thumbnails
  • Images View: Mouse over on images didn’t show the title of the item
  • Cover Flow: Now uses big sharp images instead of the small thumbnails
  • Find Cover: Could give an Access Violation when finding GIF images

Game Collector (Windows)

v20.2: Faster Shelves View + 2 new Shelf Styles

June 8th, 2020

When users send us screenshots during support conversations, we are seeing that many of you are using the Shelves View when browsing your collections. And we can’t blame you, that IS a cool looking view 🙂 However, it *could* be a bit slow and jerky, especially when displaying many cover images in one list.

So our Windows guy Joe has spent several weeks to make this Shelves View faster and smoother. At the same time, our in-house graphics man AJ has created two new Shelf styles. Here’s what’s new:

  • Images are now loading a lot faster.
  • Scrolling is faster and smoother.
  • Shelves background is smoother, no more visible tile edges.
  • Shelves now always continue over the full width, even when a row is not full.
  • Two new Shelf Styles are now available: White and Concrete.

TIP: here’s how to get to Shelves View:
in your program’s game list panel, click the vertical Images tab on the right, then from the toolbar above the list panel, choose a Shelf Style. Use the slider to control the size of the images.

The new “White” style:

The new “Concrete” style:

Book Collector (Windows)

v20.2: Faster Shelves View + 2 new Shelf Styles

June 8th, 2020

When users send us screenshots during support conversations, we are seeing that many of you are using the Shelves View when browsing your collections. And we can’t blame you, that IS a cool looking view 🙂 However, it *could* be a bit slow and jerky, especially when displaying many cover images in one list.

So our Windows guy Joe has spent several weeks to make this Shelves View faster and smoother. At the same time, our in-house graphics man AJ has created two new Shelf styles. Here’s what’s new:

  • Images are now loading a lot faster.
  • Scrolling is faster and smoother.
  • Shelves background is smoother, no more visible tile edges.
  • Shelves now always continue over the full width, even when a row is not full.
  • Two new Shelf Styles are now available: White and Concrete.

TIP: here’s how to get to Shelves View:
in your program’s book list panel, click the vertical Images tab on the right, then from the toolbar above the list panel, choose a Shelf Style. Use the slider to control the size of the images.

The new “White” style:

The new “Concrete” style:

Comic Collector (Windows)

v20.3: Faster Shelves View + 2 new Shelf Styles

June 8th, 2020

When users send us screenshots during support conversations, we are seeing that many of you are using the Shelves View when browsing your collections. And we can’t blame you, that IS a cool looking view 🙂 However, it *could* be a bit slow and jerky, especially when displaying many cover images in one list.

So our Windows guy Joe has spent several weeks to make this Shelves View faster and smoother. At the same time, our in-house graphics man AJ has created two new Shelf styles. Here’s what’s new:

  • Images are now loading a lot faster.
  • Scrolling is faster and smoother.
  • Shelves background is smoother, no more visible tile edges.
  • Shelves now always continue over the full width, even when a row is not full.
  • Two new Shelf Styles are now available: White and Concrete.

TIP: here’s how to get to Shelves View:
in your program’s comic list panel, click the vertical Images tab on the right, then from the toolbar above the list panel, choose a Shelf Style. Use the slider to control the size of the images.

The new “White” style:

The new “Concrete” style:

Movie Collector (Windows)

v20.3: Faster Shelves View + 2 new Shelf Styles

June 8th, 2020

When users send us screenshots during support conversations, we are seeing that many of you are using the Shelves View when browsing your collections. And we can’t blame you, that IS a cool looking view 🙂 However, it *could* be a bit slow and jerky, especially when displaying many cover images in one list.

So our Windows guy Joe has spent several weeks to make this Shelves View faster and smoother. At the same time, our in-house graphics man AJ has created two new Shelf styles. Here’s what’s new:

  • Images are now loading a lot faster.
  • Scrolling is faster and smoother.
  • Shelves background is smoother, no more visible tile edges.
  • Shelves now always continue over the full width, even when a row is not full.
  • Two new Shelf Styles are now available: White and Concrete.

TIP: here’s how to get to Shelves View:
in your program’s movie list panel, click the vertical Images tab on the right, then from the toolbar above the list panel, choose a Shelf Style. Use the slider to control the size of the images.

The new “White” style:

The new “Concrete” style:

In yesterday’s build the thumbnails couldn’t be set as small as they used to and we forgot to put in the dark background for the classic images view. Both fixed now!


  • Thumbnails can now be set as small as before
  • Classic shelf in dark skin: dark background was missing

Book Connect

Add Books: select your preferred Regions

June 4th, 2020

New in the Add Books screen of your Book Connect software: the ability to select your Primary and Secondary “search regions”. The selected regions affect which 3rd party book sources our Core search engine uses when a book is NOT found in Core.

For example, if you set the primary region to Italy, and then search for an ISBN that is not in our Core yet, it will go out and search several Italian online book sources (e.g. national libraries).

If you are in the US or UK, this setting will not make much of a different to you (as those have always been the preconfigured default regions), but if you are located elsewhere in the world, setting your regions accordingly may greatly improve your success rate on book searches.

Music Collector (Windows)

v20.3: Faster Shelves View + 2 new Shelf Styles

June 4th, 2020

When users send us screenshots during support conversations, we are seeing that many of you are using the Shelves View when browsing your collections. And we can’t blame you, that IS a cool looking view 🙂 However, it *could* be a bit slow and jerky, especially when displaying many cover images in one list.

So our Windows guy Joe has spent several weeks to make this Shelves View faster and smoother. At the same time, our in-house graphics man AJ has created two new Shelf styles. Here’s what’s new:

  • Images are now loading a lot faster.
  • Scrolling is faster and smoother.
  • Shelves background is smoother, no more visible tile edges.
  • Shelves now always continue over the full width, even when a row is not full.
  • Two new Shelf Styles are now available: White and Concrete.

The new “White” style:

The new “Concrete” style:

CLZ Music (Android)

v5.5: Better support for multi-disc albums!

June 3rd, 2020

One of the most common complaints about the CLZ Music app has always been the lack of support for multi-disc albums. So we finally sat down and designed a good user interface to fix these problems once and for all.

The solution we implemented has two parts:

Add Albums screen: Add as Multi-Disc Album

This lets you add your new multi-disc albums the right way, straight from the Add Albums screen. Just select multiple 1-disc results and add them combined into a multi-disc album.

Merge existing albums into a Multi-Disc Album

This is for existing entries in our app, where the discs of a multi-disc album may be listed as separate albums. You can now combine/merge these into one album with multiple discs. Just tap and hold to select the albums, then select MERGE from the menu button.

Redesigned Select Folder Field screen

Through the years, the number of available folder fields has grown enormously, making the Select Folder Field screen a bit “unwieldy”. We decided to come up with a better solution.

This update includes a re-designed Select Folder Field screen, with all folder options nicely grouped under sensible headers, and the most popular options (Artist, Genre, Format) instantly accessible at the top.


  • In the Add from Core screen, when adding an album that is already in your app as ‘On Wish List’ or ‘On Order’, the app will now offer to change its status to ‘In Collection’
  • When scanning barcodes the “beep” sound would only sound on the first scan
  • Search on own collection could be forgotten during scrolling/browsing your collection
  • Field defaults screen could cause a crash

CLZ Music (iOS)

v5.5: Better support for multi-disc albums!

June 3rd, 2020

One of the most common complaints about the CLZ Music app has always been the lack of support for multi-disc albums. So we finally sat down and designed a good user interface to fix these problems once and for all.

The solution we implemented has two parts:

Add Albums screen: Add as Multi-Disc Album

This lets you add your new multi-disc albums the right way, straight from the Add Albums screen. Just select multiple 1-disc results and add them combined into a multi-disc album.

Merge existing albums into a Multi-Disc Album

This is for existing entries in our app, where the discs of a multi-disc album may be listed as separate albums. You can now combine/merge these into one album with multiple discs. Just tap and hold to select the albums, then select MERGE from the menu button.

Redesigned Select Folder Field screen

Through the years, the number of available folder fields has grown enormously, making the Select Folder Field screen a bit “unwieldy”. We decided to come up with a better solution.

This update includes a re-designed Select Folder Field screen, with all folder options nicely grouped under sensible headers, and the most popular options (Artist, Genre, Format) instantly accessible at the top.


  • Details view didn’t show multiple artists for single tracks
  • Edit Screen: disc button could change colors when it shouldn’t

CLZ Alwin here, with a slightly delayed CLZ Newsletter for May 2020.

I hope you and your family are still safe and healthy. In the Netherlands, we are slowly loosening the lockdown. With schools, bars and restaurants opening up again, normal life is returning, step by step.
However, for Collectorz.com we have decided to keep working from home for now. If only to prevent our team members from having to use public transport. Safety first!

This decision was made easier by the fact that we are fully operational in our “work from home” situation. Just look at last month’s releases:

  • CLZ Comics 5.6 + Comic Connect: Better barcode recognition for older comics!
  • CLZ mobile apps:
    • CLZ Comics 5.5: New folder options for Creators and Characters
    • CLZ Movies 5.5: New folder option for Actors
  • Connect web-based software:
    • Connect (all): New Crop and Rotate tool for cover images
    • Comic Connect: Submit to Core
    • Music Connect: Improved track list editing in Edit Album screen
    • Comic Connect: Better barcode recognition for older comics!
  • Coming up soon:
    • Coming up for Windows: Faster Shelves View + 2 new Shelf Styles
    • Coming up for iOS/Android: CLZ Music 5.5, with Add / Merge Multi-Disc Albums

Read more

CLZ Comics (iOS)

v5.6: Better barcode recognition for older comics!

May 29th, 2020

As you all know, we have seen no new comic releases in the past 2 months. Luckily, things are slowly starting up again. At Collectorz.com, we took this opportunity to focus on the older comics in our database, especially the 1970 to 2000 era, where barcode recognition by our Core was still “below par”.

And with today’s CLZ Comics update, you can start enjoying the fruits of our labor!

Better barcode search results for older comics (1970 to 2000 era)

  • Over 35 thousand extra barcodes are now being recognized.
  • Add By Barcode feature now correctly handles multiple comics with the same barcode (quite common in this era) and nicely just presents to you all comics that match your searched barcode, even when spread over multiple series.
  • Improved barcode search engine.

In the screenshot below you can see a barcode that is used in 9 issues spread over 3 series. The Add Screen will now show you all possible results we have for that barcode:

Re-designed search results in Add Comics screen

While we were at it, we also re-designed the search result entries for both title and barcode searches:

  • Clearer layout of all search result entries.
  • Issue numbers are now listed in “badges” on the left, separate from series titles and now change color depending on Collection Status.

CLZ Comics (Android)

v5.6: Better barcode recognition for older comics!

May 29th, 2020

As you all know, we have seen no new comic releases in the past 2 months. Luckily, things are slowly starting up again. At Collectorz.com, we took this opportunity to focus on the older comics in our database, especially the 1970 to 2000 era, where barcode recognition by our Core was still “below par”.

And with today’s CLZ Comics update, you can start enjoying the fruits of our labor!

Better barcode search results for older comics (1970 to 2000 era)

  • Over 35 thousand extra barcodes are now being recognized.
  • Add By Barcode feature now correctly handles multiple comics with the same barcode (quite common in this era) and nicely just presents to you all comics that match your searched barcode, even when spread over multiple series.
  • Improved barcode search engine.

In the screenshot below you can see a barcode that is used in 9 issues spread over 3 series. The Add Screen will now show you all possible results we have for that barcode:

Re-designed search results in Add Comics screen

While we were at it, we also re-designed the search result entries for both title and barcode searches:

  • Clearer layout of all search result entries.
  • Issue numbers are now listed in “badges” on the left, separate from series titles and now change color depending on Collection Status.

Comic Connect

Better barcode recognition for older comics!

May 28th, 2020

As you all know, we have seen no new comic releases in the past 2 months. Luckily, things are slowly starting up again. At Collectorz.com, we took this opportunity to focus on the older comics in our database, especially the 1970 to 2000 era, where barcode recognition by our Core was still “below par”. And as of today, you can start enjoying the fruits of our labor!

Better barcode search results for older comics (1970 to 2000 era)

  • Over 35 thousand extra barcodes are now being recognized.
  • Add By Barcode feature now correctly handles multiple comics with the same barcode (quite common in this era) and nicely just presents to you all comics that match your searched barcode, even when spread over multiple series.
  • Improved barcode search engine.

In the screenshot below you can see a barcode that is used in 9 issues spread over 3 series. The Add Screen will now show you all possible results we have for that barcode:

Re-designed search results in Add Comics screen

While we were at it, we also re-designed the search result entries for both title and barcode searches:

  • Clearer layout of all search result entries.
  • Issue numbers are now listed in “badges” on the left, separate from series titles and now change color depending on Collection Status.

Book Connect

New Crop and Rotate tool for cover images

May 20th, 2020

New in the Cover tab of your Edit screen: built-in Crop and Rotate tools for your cover images!

Super useful for fine-tuning images that you uploaded or found through the Find Online tool. You can even Crop/Rotate images that you received from Core, in which case they will be automatically turned into a custom image.

To use the new Crop/Rotate tools, open your Edit screen go to the Cover tab and click the “Crop/Rotate” icon on the top right above the Front or Back cover image:


  • Click the Rotate icon to rotate the image 90 degrees to the right.
  • Drag the blue crop rectangle to indicate your desired crop area.
  • Click Apply to apply the changes.

CLZ Movies (Android)

v5.5 New folder option for Actors

May 19th, 2020

Adding Actors as folder option has been on our ideas list for a long time, but it was never implemented because of performance problems.
After all, on large collections, the list of actors can get HUGE.

But during the past few weeks, our mobile team has been working to improve the performance of the folder lists, including the recently introduced folder list search.

Soo… today we can finally introduce Actors as a folder option!
(BTW: the performance improvements we made will also make your other folders faster!)

New folder options for Actors

With this update, we’re introducing an Actors folder option:

IMPORTANT: for correct sorting of actor folders, you first need to use Update from Core on all your movies. Here’s how:

  • Go to your All Movies list.
  • Tap and hold on 1 movie to select it, then choose Select All on the top right.
  • Now tap the menu icon on the bottom right, then choose Update from Core.

Redesigned Select Folder Field screen

Through the years, the number of available folder fields has grown enormously, making the Select Folder Field screen a bit “unwieldy”. And with todays addition of yet another folder option, we decided to come up with a better solution.

That is why version 5.5 also includes a re-designed Select Folder Field screen, with all folder options nicely grouped under sensible headers, and the most popular options (Format, Director, Actor, Location, IMDb Rating) instantly accessible at the top (see screenshot above).

Faster Update from Core

The Update from Core feature has become essential in this update, so that you can retrieve the correct sort names for your Actors from Core and get nicely sorted Actor folder list.

However, on large collections the old Update from Core feature was quite slow, as it updated your movies one by one, that is doing separate requests to our server for each and every movie.

So for this 5.5 update, we also complete rewrote the Update from Core feature to do the updates in batches of 100 movies at a time, making it much much faster!


  • Sorting on Release Date could be off within the same year



  • In the Add from Core screen, when adding a game that is already in your app as ‘On Wish List’ or ‘On Order’, the app will now offer to change its status to ‘In Collection’
  • When scanning barcodes the “beep” sound would only sound on the first scan
  • Set Data language is now also used during syncing
  • Search on own collection could be forgotten during scrolling/browsing your collection


CLZ Movies (iOS)

v5.5 New folder option for Actors

May 19th, 2020

Adding Actors as folder option has been on our ideas list for a long time, but it was never implemented because of performance problems.
After all, on large collections, the list of actors can get HUGE.

But during the past few weeks, our mobile team has been working to improve the performance of the folder lists, including the recently introduced folder list search.

Soo… today we can finally introduce Actors as a folder option!
(BTW: the performance improvements we made will also make your other folders faster!)

New folder options for Actors

With this update, we’re introducing an Actors folder option:

IMPORTANT: for correct sorting of actor folders, you first need to use Update from Core on all your movies. Here’s how:

  • Go to your All Movies list.
  • Tap and hold on 1 movie to select it, then choose Select All on the top right.
  • Now tap the menu icon on the bottom right, then choose Update from Core.

Redesigned Select Folder Field screen

Through the years, the number of available folder fields has grown enormously, making the Select Folder Field screen a bit “unwieldy”. And with todays addition of yet another folder option, we decided to come up with a better solution.

That is why version 5.5 also includes a re-designed Select Folder Field screen, with all folder options nicely grouped under sensible headers, and the most popular options (Format, Director, Actor, Location, IMDb Rating) instantly accessible at the top (see screenshot above).

Faster Update from Core

The Update from Core feature has become essential in this update, so that you can retrieve the correct sort names for your Actors from Core and get nicely sorted Actor folder list.

However, on large collections the old Update from Core feature was quite slow, as it updated your movies one by one, that is doing separate requests to our server for each and every movie.

So for this 5.5 update, we also complete rewrote the Update from Core feature to do the updates in batches of 100 movies at a time, making it much much faster!


  • Sorting on Release Date could be off within the same year
