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News: all updates for our software and apps (page 34)

Comic Connect

Improved “Edit Multiple” screen

July 15th, 2020

At customer support, we were regularly receiving questions about the Edit Multiple screen, so in today’s update we made several changes to make it clearer.

  • The checkboxes (for unlocking fields) have been replaced by clearer “lock” icons. Click the lock icon to unlock a field for editing.
  • Or, just click on a lock field and you will receive a popup asking you to unlock it.
  • An extra notification at the top explaining the unlocking and clearing of fields.
  • Save button now indicates the number of comics that are being edited.
  • Extra warning when saving “You are about to change data for 4 comics. This can not be undone. Would you like to continue?”

Using “Edit Multiple”

Quick reminder how to use Edit Multiple:
In the main list, use the checkboxes to select some comics, and click “Edit” in the blue action bar that appears above the list.

Game Connect

Improved “Edit Multiple” screen

July 15th, 2020

At customer support, we were regularly receiving questions about the Edit Multiple screen, so in today’s update we made several changes to make it clearer.

  • The checkboxes (for unlocking fields) have been replaced by clearer “lock” icons. Click the lock icon to unlock a field for editing.
  • Or, just click on a lock field and you will receive a popup asking you to unlock it.
  • An extra notification at the top explaining the unlocking and clearing of fields.
  • Save button now indicates the number of games that are being edited.
  • Extra warning when saving “You are about to change data for 4 games. This can not be undone. Would you like to continue?”

Using “Edit Multiple”

Quick reminder how to use Edit Multiple:
In the main list, use the checkboxes to select some games, and click “Edit” in the blue action bar that appears above the list.

Music Connect

Improved “Edit Multiple” screen

July 15th, 2020

At customer support, we were regularly receiving questions about the Edit Multiple screen, so in today’s update we made several changes to make it clearer.

  • The checkboxes (for unlocking fields) have been replaced by clearer “lock” icons. Click the lock icon to unlock a field for editing.
  • Or, just click on a lock field and you will receive a popup asking you to unlock it.
  • An extra notification at the top explaining the unlocking and clearing of fields.
  • Save button now indicates the number of albums that are being edited.
  • Extra warning when saving “You are about to change data for 4 albums. This can not be undone. Would you like to continue?”

Using “Edit Multiple”

Quick reminder on how to use Edit Multiple:
In the main list, use the checkboxes to select some albums, and click “Edit” in the blue action bar that appears above the list.

Music Connect

New: Use Alphabet Bar for Composers

July 15th, 2020

Small tweak for your Music Connect software today:
The Alphabet Bar can now be used for Composers too!

Book Connect

Improved “Edit Multiple” screen

July 15th, 2020

At customer support, we were regularly receiving questions about the Edit Multiple screen, so in today’s update we made several changes to make it clearer.

  • The checkboxes (for unlocking fields) have been replaced by clearer “lock” icons. Click the lock icon to unlock a field for editing.
  • Or, just click on a lock field and you will receive a popup asking you to unlock it.
  • An extra notification at the top explaining the unlocking and clearing of fields.
  • Save button now indicates the number of books that are being edited.
  • Extra warning when saving “You are about to change data for 4 books. This can not be undone. Would you like to continue?”

Using “Edit Multiple”

Quick reminder on how to use Edit Multiple:
In the main list, use the checkboxes to select some books, and click “Edit” in the blue action bar that appears above the list.

Book Connect

AutoCap Subtitles

July 15th, 2020

Quick addition for the Edit Book screen today:
The AutoCap button is now also available for the Subtitle field!

Comic Collector (Windows)

v20.4.4: Access Violation error and backdrop fix

July 3rd, 2020


  • An access violation error could occur when canceling the “unrecognized barcode” pop-up.
  • Backdrop image could be cleared from the Series pick list item when adding a comic.

Here’s the CLZ Newsletter for June 2020, as always brought to you by CLZ Alwin.

First the big news: We’re back at the office! That is, not all of us, but just 5 members of the team: Sytske and Alwin, AJ, Martin and Joe. All five can get to the office safely by bike, so no need to use public transport.
And it’s so good to be back! So nice to see each other again, get into a normal day rhythm again, have face-to-face project conversations and to enjoy our excellent office coffee.
Of course, we are staying safe. We all keep our distance, wash our hands regularly, we keep cleaning common “touch points” (the coffee machine!), have lunch separately, etc..

Picture: Leading lady Sytske, back at her desk by the window:

Now, here’s all our releases for June 2020:

  • Collector software for Windows:
    • Faster Shelves View (+ 2 new Shelf Styles)
    • Faster image downloads
    • Faster Update from Core
  • CLZ mobile apps:
    • All: Re-designed “Select Folder Field” screen and faster Update from Core
    • CLZ Music 5.5: Better support for multi-disc albums!
  • Connect web-based software:
    • Book Connect: Select your preferred Regions in Add Books screen
    • All: Improved main menu, with better grouping of all features

Read more

Game Collector (Windows)

v20.3.3: Couple of fixes

June 30th, 2020


  • If cover downloads were disabled, the program would still download a cover URL
  • If no rating was set, it would show with rating “0” in the rating column. It now shows “nothing” in the column again.
  • If no rating has been set for a game, it would show in a “0” folder, and now shows in a “[None]” folder in your folder panel.

Book Collector (Windows)

v20.3.3: Couple of fixes

June 30th, 2020


  • If cover downloads were disabled, the program would still download a cover URL
  • If no rating was set, it would show with rating “0” in the rating column. It now shows “nothing” in the column again.
  • If no rating has been set for a book, it would show in a “0” folder, and now shows in a “[None]” folder in your folder panel.

Music Collector (Windows)

v20.4.3: Couple of fixes

June 30th, 2020


  • If cover downloads were disabled, the program would still download a cover URL
  • If no rating was set, it would show with rating “0” in the rating column. It now shows “nothing” in the column again.
  • If no rating has been set for an album, it would show in a “0” folder, and now shows in a “[None]” folder in your folder panel.

Comic Collector (Windows)

v20.4.3: Couple of fixes

June 30th, 2020


  • If no rating was set, it would show with rating “0” in the rating column. It now shows “nothing” in the column again.
  • If no rating has been set for a comic, it would show in a “0” folder, and now shows in a “[None]” folder in your folder panel.

Movie Collector (Windows)

v20.4.3: Couple of fixes

June 30th, 2020


  • If no rating was set, it would show with rating “0” in the rating column. It now shows “nothing” in the column again.
  • If no rating has been set for a movie, it would show in a “0” folder, and now shows in a “[None]” folder in your folder panel.

Book Collector (Windows)

v20.3.2 Several fixes

June 26th, 2020


  • In some case, new entries added through Add from Core would get images with .tmp extensions, instead of .jpg.
  • Editing pick list items directly from the folder panel did not work anymore.
  • Dragging items between folders did not work anymore.

Music Collector (Windows)

v20.4.2 Several fixes

June 26th, 2020


  • In some case, new entries added through Add from Core would get images with .tmp extensions, instead of .jpg.
  • Editing pick list items directly from the folder panel did not work anymore.
  • Dragging items between folders did not work anymore.

Comic Collector (Windows)

v20.4.2 Several fixes

June 26th, 2020


  • In some case, new entries added through Add from Core would get images with .tmp extensions, instead of .jpg.
  • Editing pick list items directly from the folder panel did not work anymore.
  • Dragging items between folders did not work anymore.

Movie Collector (Windows)

v20.4.2 Several fixes

June 26th, 2020


  • In some case, new entries added through Add from Core would get images with .tmp extensions, instead of .jpg.
  • Editing pick list items directly from the folder panel did not work anymore.
  • Dragging items between folders did not work anymore.

Game Collector (Windows)

v20.3.2 Several fixes

June 26th, 2020


  • In some case, new entries added through Add from Core would get images with .tmp extensions, instead of .jpg.
  • Editing pick list items directly from the folder panel did not work anymore.
  • Dragging items between folders did not work anymore.

Comic Collector (Windows)

v20.4: Faster image downloads, faster Update from Core

June 25th, 2020

Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger!

Here’s another big update for your Comic Collector software, with two further performance improvements:

Faster image downloads

We were able to make several improvements to the way images are downloaded (covers, preview art and backdrops), making it much faster than before.

This change affects all places where images are downloaded from our servers, that is, when Adding Comics from Core, when Updating from Core and when down-syncing from CLZ Cloud.

Faster Update from Core

On large collections the old Update from Core feature was quite slow, as it updated your comics one by one, that is, doing separate requests to our server for each and every comic.

So for this update, we also complete rewrote the Update from Core feature to do the updates in batches of 100 comics at a time, making it much much faster! (roughly 4 times as fast).

Remember: Update From Core can be used to update your local comic entries with possible extra data from our Core online comic database. To use this feature, select some comics, right click, then choose Update from Core.


  • When using My Rating as the folder field, the “0” folder was missing.
  • When using multiple levels of folders in the folder panel, sometimes the displayed counters were wrong.
  • Images View: it is now possible to change thumb size using Ctrl + mouse wheel.

Music Collector (Windows)

v20.4: Faster image downloads, faster Update from Core

June 25th, 2020

Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger!

Here’s another big update for your Music Collector software, with two further performance improvements:

Faster image downloads

We were able to make several improvements to the way images are downloaded (cover art), making it much faster than before.

This change affects all places where images are downloaded from our servers, that is, when Adding Albums from Core, when Updating from Core and when down-syncing from CLZ Cloud.

Faster Update from Core

On large collections the old Update from Core feature was quite slow, as it updated your albums one by one, that is, doing separate requests to our server for each and every album.

So for this update, we also complete rewrote the Update from Core feature to do the updates in batches of 100 albums at a time, making it much much faster! (roughly 4 times as fast).

Remember: Update From Core can be used to update your local album entries with possible extra data from our Core online music database. To use this feature, select some albums, right click, then choose Update from Core.


  • Add Albums from Core: when adding by barcode and the barcode is not found, it now automatically pops up the Unrecognized Barcode screen, so that you can 1. add the album anyway and 2. report the missing barcode to our Core.
  • When using My Rating as the folder field, the “0” folder was missing.
  • When using multiple levels of folders in the folder panel, sometimes the displayed counters were wrong.
  • Images View: it is now possible to change thumb size using Ctrl + mouse wheel.
  • Card View: Composer will now show instead of artist if it is filled in.

Book Collector (Windows)

v20.3: Faster image downloads, faster Update from Core

June 25th, 2020

Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger!

Here’s another big update for your Book Collector software, with two further performance improvements:

Faster image downloads

We were able to make several improvements to the way images are downloaded (covers), making it much faster than before.

This change affects all places where images are downloaded from our servers, that is, when Adding Books from Core, when Updating from Core and when down-syncing from CLZ Cloud.

Faster Update from Core

On large collections the old Update from Core feature was quite slow, as it updated your books one by one, that is, doing separate requests to our server for each and every book.

So for this update, we also complete rewrote the Update from Core feature to do the updates in batches of 100 books at a time, making it much much faster! (roughly 4 times as fast).

Remember: Update From Core can be used to update your local book entries with possible extra data from our Core online book database. To use this feature, select some books, right click, then choose Update from Core.


  • Add Books from Core: when adding by ISBN and the ISBN is not found, it now automatically pops up the Unrecognized ISBN screen, so that you can 1. add the book anyway and 2. report the missing ISBN to our Core.
  • When using My Rating as the folder field, the “0” folder was missing.
  • When using multiple levels of folders in the folder panel, sometimes the displayed counters were wrong.
  • Images View: it is now possible to change thumb size using Ctrl + mouse wheel.
  • Templates: Audio book length was missing in certain situations.
  • Templates: Better visibility of authors that have a wiki-link if a book has multiple authors

Game Collector (Windows)

v20.3: Faster image downloads, faster Update from Core

June 25th, 2020

Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger!

Here’s another big update for your Game Collector software, with two further performance improvements:

Faster image downloads

We were able to make several improvements to the way images are downloaded (covers, backdrops, hardware pictures), making it much faster than before.

This change affects all places where images are downloaded from our servers, that is, when Adding Games/Hardware from Core, when Updating from Core and when down-syncing from CLZ Cloud.

Faster Update from Core

On large collections the old Update from Core feature was quite slow, as it updated your games one by one, that is, doing separate requests to our server for each and every game.

So for this update, we also complete rewrote the Update from Core feature to do the updates in batches of 100 games at a time, making it much much faster! (roughly 4 times as fast).

Remember: Update From Core can be used to update your local game entries with possible extra data from our Core online game database. To use this feature, select some games, right click, then choose Update from Core.


  • Add Games from Core: when adding by barcode and the barcode is not found, it now automatically pops up the Unrecognized Barcode screen, so that you can 1. add the game anyway and 2. report the missing barcode to our Core.
  • When using My Rating as the folder field, the “0” folder was missing.
  • When using multiple levels of folders in the folder panel, sometimes the displayed counters were wrong.
  • Images View: it is now possible to change thumb size using Ctrl + mouse wheel.
  • The “Completed” field has been added to the folder options.
  • Add Games from Core: when adding by title with a platform filter on, “Not Found” entries that you add anyway will now use the platform you selected for them.

Movie Collector (Windows)

v20.4: Faster image downloads, faster Update from Core

June 24th, 2020

Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger!

Here’s another big update for your Movie Collector software, with two further performance improvements:

Faster image downloads

We were able to make several improvements to the way images are downloaded (covers, posters and backdrops), making it much faster than before.

This change affects all places where images are downloaded from our servers, that is, when Adding Movies from Core, when Updating from Core and when down-syncing from CLZ Cloud.

Faster Update from Core

On large collections the old Update from Core feature was quite slow, as it updated your movies one by one, that is, doing separate requests to our server for each and every movie.

So for this update, we also complete rewrote the Update from Core feature to do the updates in batches of 100 movies at a time, making it much much faster! (roughly 4 times as fast).

Remember: Update From Core can be used to update your local movie entries with possible extra data from our Core online movie database. To use this feature, select some movies, right click, then choose Update from Core.


  • Add Movies from Core: when adding by barcode and the barcode is not found, it now automatically pops up the Unrecognized Barcode screen, so that you can 1. add the movie anyway and 2. report the missing barcode to our Core.
  • When using My Rating as the folder field, the “0” folder was missing.
  • When using multiple levels of folders in the folder panel, sometimes the displayed counters were wrong.
  • Images View: it is now possible to change thumb size using Ctrl + mouse wheel.

CLZ Comics (Android)

v5.6.2: Add button didn’t appear sometimes

June 23rd, 2020


  • Add by barcode: for some scanned barcodes, the Add button did not appear.


  • When using the X button top left, the program will now “quit” instead of “suspend” so that when you restart the program your database will immediately open again.


  • It wasn’t possible to add pseudonyms to authors through the Manage Pick Lists screen.
  • Manage Pick Lists screen could hide behind the Edit Content screen when opened