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News: all updates for our software and apps (page 27)

CLZ Comics (Android)

v6.6.2: Fixed a bug with the grade field

June 3rd, 2021


  • It was possible to type in the grade field, which caused other problems in the app
CLZ Comics (Android)

v6.6 New look for comic list, cover view & comic details

June 2nd, 2021

Instead of adding more new features, we decided to take a few weeks to work on the look and feel of the app.
In this 6.6 update, we improved the look and layout of the issue list and of the comic details pages, in both the main screen and the Add screen preview.
On top of that, we finally acted upon a common request from our users: you can now change the size of the thumbnails in the Images View.

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Instead of adding more new features, we decided to take a few weeks to work on the look and feel of the app.
In this 6.6 update, we improved the look and layout of the issue list and of the comic details pages, in both the main screen and the Add screen preview.
On top of that, we finally acted upon a common request from our users: you can now change the size of the thumbnails in the Images View.

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Here’s the CLZ News for May 2021, as always brought to you by CLZ Alwin.
Yes, I am still at it, after 25 years! That’s right, this month we are celebrating the 25th anniversary of the first Collectorz.com product: Music Collector for Windows!
Read my full “origin story” below 🙂

A large part of the CLZ team is working on big projects that take long to complete. The new Submit to Core system, the big CLZ Cloud / Connect update for music with lots of new fields and all the new Batch Link screens for Windows.
And we have started on a new huge endeavour: big cosmetic updates for all CLZ mobile apps. We have 4 people working on that, mobile developers Pim and Bernard, UI designer and tester AJ and since last week, even web-developer Sven joined the mobile team to bring you great looking new details screens with this updates to the “Clear” templates.

So… all in all… only 2 actual releases this month. More coming up soon!
The newsletter topics today:

  • Music Collector’s 25th anniversary
  • CLZ Movies 6.4: New look for movie list, cover view & movie details
  • Music Collector 21.1 for Windows: New Link with Core screen

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CLZ Movies (Android)

v6.4.3: A couple of fixes for the Movie Details screen

May 27th, 2021


  • Some layout issues with the IMDb rating/votes, index, my rating and episode number fields
  • Audience rating NL-12 would show an HD-DVD icon
  • Light template on Dark skin would not work correctly (and vice versa)


  • Setting to enable/disable backdrops behind movie details

CLZ Movies (Android)

v6.4 New look for movie list, cover view & movie details

May 23rd, 2021

Instead of adding more new features, we decided to take a few weeks to work on the look and feel of the app.
In this 6.4 update, we improved the look and layout of the movie list and of the movie details pages, in both the main screen and the Add screen preview.
On top of that, we finally acted upon a common request from our users: you can now change the size of the thumbnails in the Images View.

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Instead of adding more new features, we decided to take a few weeks to work on the look and feel of the app.
In this 6.4 update, we improved the look and layout of the movie list and of the movie details pages, in both the main screen and the Add screen preview.
On top of that, we finally acted upon a common request from our users: you can now change the size of the thumbnails in the Images View.

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Music Collector (Windows)

v21.1: New Link Discs with Core screen

May 6th, 2021

It is important to have your album entries linked to the corresponding disc entries in our Core online music database, especially when syncing to the CLZ Cloud and/or the CLZ Music mobile app. Because a correct Core link is what gives you all automatic album details, like cover images, tracks, labels, genres, formats, etc..

All album entries you added through the Add Albums from Core screen, will of course be linked with a Core entry automatically. However, if you added an album manually, or if you imported a list of albums, e.g. from a CSV file or by adding music files, some of your entries may arrive “unlinked”. In which case you would need to do the linking afterwards.

Previously, linking discs with Core was done in an old and clunky screen, based on a very old version of the Add from Core screen. But not anymore!
As of today, Music Collector has a completely new Link Discs with Core screen.

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Game Collector (Windows)

v21.2.2: Add Screen could freeze up

May 4th, 2021

In the Add screen, on the “Add by Platform” tab, if you set a platform, the screen would freeze next time it was opened. That has now been fixed!


  • Add Screen would freeze after using the platform selector on the Add by Platform tab

CLZ Alwin here, with your CLZ news for April 2021.

Here in the Netherlands things are looking up, albeit slowly. The evening curfew has been lifted, shops can be visited without appointments and restaurants and bars are allowed to open up their outdoor terraces between noon and 18:00.

For the CLZ team, it’s business as usual, with some nice releases this April, and more big projects coming to an end soon:

  • Released this month:
    • Movie/Book/Game Collector 21.2 for Windows: New Link with Core screen
    • Comic Collector 21.1: Download values in other currencies
    • CLZ Books 6.3: New fields, website links and: other currencies!

  • Coming up:
    • Music/Comic Collector for Windows: New Link with Core screen
    • CLZ mobile apps: big “cosmetic” update with a new look
    • Music Connect/Cloud: new fields
    • Re-design for the core.collectorz.net Submit to Core site

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CLZ Comics (Android)

Sneak preview: a new look for CLZ Comics 6.6!

April 30th, 2021

After many CLZ app updates with new features and “functional” improvements, we decided it was time to work on a big “cosmetic” update and give the apps a nice make-over. Pim, Bernard and AJ have been working on this for a couple of weeks now. Here’s what’s coming up in the next updates for iOS and Android:

  • Updated Images View with configurable thumbnail size!
  • Optional use of backdrops behind lists.
  • New design of Preview template in Add screen
  • Updated templates for details pages.
  • CLZ Comics: New look for the series list.

Here’s a sneak preview of the upcoming updates, showing screenshots for CLZ Comics.

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Game Collector (Windows)

v21.2: New Link Games with Core screen

April 29th, 2021

It is important to have your game entries linked to the corresponding entries in our Core online game database, especially when syncing to the CLZ Cloud and/or the CLZ Games mobile app. Because a correct Core link is what gives you all automatic game details, like cover images, developer, publisher, description, backdrop art, trailer videos, etc..

All game entries you added through the Add Games from Core screen, will of course be linked with a Core entry automatically. However, if you added game manually, or if you imported a list of games, some of your entries may arrive “unlinked”. In which case you would need to do the linking afterwards.

Previously, linking games with Core was done in an old and clunky screen, based on a very old version of the Add from Core screen. But not anymore!
As of today, Game Collector has a completely new Link Games with Core screen.

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Movie Collector (Windows)

v21.2: New Link Movies with Core screen

April 28th, 2021

It is important to have your movie entries linked to the corresponding entries in our Core online movie database, especially when syncing to the CLZ Cloud and/or the CLZ Movies mobile app. Because a correct Core link is what gives you all automatic movie details, like cover images, cast, crew, backdrop art, trailer videos, etc..

All movie entries you added through the Add Movies from Core screen, will of course be linked with a Core entry automatically. However, if you added movies manually, or if you imported a list of movies, e.g. from a CSV file or by adding movie files, some of your entries may arrive “unlinked”. In which case you would need to do the linking afterwards.

Previously, linking movies with Core was done in an old and clunky screen, based on a very old version of the Add from Core screen. But not anymore!
As of today, Movie Collector has a completely new Link Movies with Core screen.

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Book Collector (Windows)

v21.2: New Link Books with Core screen

April 28th, 2021

It is important to have your book entries linked to the corresponding entries in our Core online book database, especially when syncing to the CLZ Cloud and/or the CLZ Books mobile app. Because a correct Core link is what gives you all automatic book details, like cover images, subjects, genres, Dewey, plot description, etc..

All book entries you added through the Add Books from Core screen, will of course be linked with a Core entry automatically. However, if you added books manually, or if you imported a list of books, e.g. from a CSV file or by adding eBook files, some of your entries may arrive “unlinked”. In which case you would need to do the linking afterwards.

Previously, linking books with Core was done in an old and clunky screen, based on a very old version of the Add from Core screen. But not anymore!
As of today, Book Collector has a completely new Link Books with Core screen.

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Comic Collector (Windows)

v21.1: Now download values in other currencies

April 6th, 2021

This one is for the non-US users our Comic Collector software!

Now download GoCollect values in currencies other than USD!

To select your preferred currency for the comic value, cover price and purchase price fields, use the Option screen(choose Tools / Options from the menu). Then under Customization > Currency, choose your desired currency.
Choose from USD, EUR, GBP, CAD, AUD, NZD, CHF, NOK, SEK or DKK.

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CLZ Books (Android)

v6.3.2: Edit Multiple and Cover fix

April 6th, 2021


  • Printed by / Printing / First Edition / Paper Type / Photographer / Editor / Translator fields were not available for editing on multiple books.
  • Tapping on a book cover in the details screen did not show a full screen cover.

A huge update for your CLZ Books app today, which gives you many fields, the ability to add website links to your book entries and finally: a setting for choosing a currency other than USD!

New fields

The following new fields are now available on the Details tab of the Edit screen:

  • Printed by
  • Printing
  • First Edition (yes/no)
  • Paper type
  • Photographers
  • Editors
  • Translators

Add web-site links on the Links tab

A new Links tab is now available in the Edit screen, for adding web-site links to your book entries.

Tip: paste a website link in the URL box and the description will be filled in automatically.

Choose your own currency

Use the Settings screen (from the menu top left) to select your preferred currency for the Cover Price, Purchase Price and Current Value fields. Choose from USD, EUR, GBP, CAD, AUD, NZD, CHF, NOK, SEK or DKK.

CLZ Books (Android)

v6.3: New fields, website links and: other currencies!

March 31st, 2021

A huge update for your CLZ Books app today, which gives you many fields, the ability to add website links to your book entries and finally: a setting for choosing a currency other than USD!

New fields

The following new fields are now available on the Details tab of the Edit screen:

  • Printed by
  • Printing
  • First Edition (yes/no)
  • Paper type
  • Photographers
  • Editors
  • Translators

Add web-site links on the Links tab

A new Links tab is now available in the Edit screen, for adding web-site links to your book entries.

Tip: paste a website link in the URL box and the description will be filled in automatically.

Choose your own currency

Use the Settings screen (from the menu top left) to select your preferred currency for the Cover Price, Purchase Price and Current Value fields. Choose from USD, EUR, GBP, CAD, AUD, NZD, CHF, NOK, SEK or DKK.

This is CLZ Alwin, with the CLZ News for March 2021.

We just started on our 2nd year with the entire CLZ Team working from their own homes. It feels like the new “normal” by now. Still hoping that we will all be working at our nice office again later this year. Time will tell.

Lots of releases in March, for Connect, the CLZ apps and the Windows software. Here’s what went live this month:

  • Connect web-based software:
    • Book Connect: New fields! Translator, Editor, Photographer, web-links, etc…
    • Music/Movie/Comic/Game Connect: New: add website links to your entries
  • Windows software:
    • Book Collector: More fields now sync to CLZ Cloud / Book Connect
    • All Windows editions: Various improvements and fixes
  • CLZ mobile apps, for iOS and Android:
    • CLZ Movies 6.3: Automatic Audience Ratings from IMDb
    • CLZ Comics 6.4: Keep track of your Pull List
    • CLZ Comics 6.5: Download GoCollect values in other currencies

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CLZ Comics (iOS)

v6.5: Download GoCollect values in other currencies

March 25th, 2021

This one is for our non-US users of the CLZ Comics app!

Now download GoCollect values in currencies other than USD!

Use the Settings screen (from the menu top left) to select your preferred currency for the comic value, cover price and purchase price fields.
Choose from USD, EUR, GBP, CAD, AUD, NZD, CHF, NOK, SEK or DKK.

Then run Update Values again to retrieve GoCollect values automatically converted to your selected currency, using the current exchange rate.


  • Series cell “have summary” would display all comics for all your collections, instead of just the selected collection
  • Series cell “have summary” wasn’t displayed at all when filtering on Wish List
  • iPad only: sync screen would automatically close after syncing

CLZ Comics (Android)

v6.5: Download GoCollect values in other currencies

March 25th, 2021

This one is for our non-US users of the CLZ Comics app!

Now download GoCollect values in currencies other than USD!

Use the Settings screen (from the menu top left) to select your preferred currency for the comic value, cover price and purchase price fields.
Choose from USD, EUR, GBP, CAD, AUD, NZD, CHF, NOK, SEK or DKK.

Then run Update Values again to retrieve GoCollect values automatically converted to your selected currency, using the current exchange rate.

Book Collector (macOS)

v20.3: More fields now sync to CLZ Cloud / Book Connect

March 24th, 2021

A small update to the Book Collector for Mac software today, just to help you make the switch to the Book Connect web-based software.

We have received feedback from Book Collector users that they were missing some field in Book Connect / Cloud, so a few days ago we updated Connect to add many of those requested fields.

Check out some screenshot here!

The new fields that were added:

  • Editor
  • Translator
  • Photographer
  • Printed by
  • Printing
  • First Edition (yes/no)
  • Paper type
  • AND: web-site links on the new Links tab!

Of course, the new fields now being available in Book Connect is of little help to you if you cannot sync your existing data from your Book Collector for Mac software.

So… even though we announced “no more Mac updates”, we decided to do one FINAL v20.3 update of the Book Collector for Mac software, to add support for the syncing of the new fields.

I hope this update will help you make the big switch to Book Connect!

Book Collector (Windows)

v21.1: More fields now sync to CLZ Cloud / Book Connect

March 22nd, 2021

Last week, we added many new fields to the CLZ Cloud storage and the web-based Book Connect software, all based on feedback from our users.

Of course, new fields in the CLZ Cloud won’t help you much if you can’t sync them from Book Collector 🙂 So in today’s v21.1 update, we enhanced the CLZ Cloud syncing system to support all the new fields.

The following extra fields now sync to and from the CLZ Cloud

  • Editor
  • Translator
  • Photographer
  • Printed by
  • Printing
  • First Edition (yes/no)
  • Paper type
  • AND: web-site links!

BTW: an update for the CLZ Books mobile app is coming up soon, so that you can fully sync the new fields all the way to (and from) your mobile device too.

CLZ Music (iOS)

v6.2.5 Fixed a sync problem with artist sort names

March 19th, 2021


  • Downsyncing would set the artist display name as the artist sort name.