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Webcam barcode scanning

Adding » Webcam barcode scanning

Use your webcam as a barcode scanner, to add or find comics by barcode. To begin, click the menu icon top right, and click Open Webcam Scanner Scan barcodes with your webcam Use the live camera view to point your webcam at the barcode and let our software detect…

Barcode Scanner

Adding » Barcode Scanner

You can use our free CLZ Scanner barcode scanning app to scan barcodes and add comics to your database. Find out how to scan barcodes with CLZ Scanner.

Searching by Barcode

Adding » Adding Comics Automatically » Searching by Barcode

You can search and add comics to your collection by barcode with the Add Comics from CLZ Core screen. Barcodes added to the queue will instantly show series title, issue number, issue extension, barcode and the cover image. You can either search 1 barcode to add to…

Scanning barcodes with CLZ Scanner

Adding » Adding Comics Automatically » Searching by Barcode » Scanning barcodes with CLZ Scanner

CLZ Scanner is a barcode scanner app. You can use it on your phone to scan barcodes and then instantly send those scanned barcodes to the Add Comics screen of the Comic Collector software running on your computer. From there, you can then easily and comfortably add the…

Adding your first comics

Getting Started » Adding your first comics

Adding Comics from CLZ Core There are 2 ways you can add comics to your collection/wish list from CLZ Core: By typing the series title and selecting the issues you own By typing/scanning barcodes All methods are located in the Add Comics from CLZ Core screen. In…

Adding Comics Automatically

Adding » Adding Comics Automatically

Introduction The Add Comics from CLZ Core screen is the fastest way to add comics to your database. It connects to our central CLZ Core database and add comics with detailed information to your own collection. You can search by Series title, by Barcode, add from your…

Loan Manager

Managing your Database » Loan Manager

Introduction Comic Collector’s Loan Manager allows you to track comics that you’ve loaned, who you’ve loaned them to and when they are due to be returned. The Loan Manager can also warn you when a comic on loan is overdue. Contents Loaning a…

Quick Search

Browsing » Searching » Quick Search

The Quick Search box can be found top right of your screen. Type the series or barcode of the comic you wish to find and type “Enter” to perform the search. Comic Collector will find your title, but it can also find other entries depending on what you…

Find duplicate comics

Managing your Database » Maintenance » Find duplicate comics

You can use this tool to find out if you’ve accidentally added multiple versions of the same comic, but perhaps with a different barcode or something else. Find and remove duplicate comics Click menu Tools > Maintenance > Find Duplicates. Select which…

Which fields are synced?

Frequently Asked Questions » Syncing with CLZ Cloud / Connect » Which fields are synced?

When you sync with the CLZ Cloud, the program will only sync a CLZ Comic ID, CLZ Series ID, and some predefined fields. For the rest of the data you see in CLZ Cloud it’s using data from our Core for Comics online database based on the CLZ Comic ID, such as…

Linking your comics for CLZ Cloud

CLZ Cloud / Core » Linking your comics for CLZ Cloud

Linking your comics for syncing with CLZ Cloud Before uploading your comics to CLZ Cloud from the Windows or Mac software, you can “link your comics”. Comic Collector, CLZ Cloud and Linking Comic Collector is built around our central online database:…